Shadow Falls (2)

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One sound was all it took for Charlie Jacobs to recognise she had fallen asleep in class again. "Well? Can you tell us why Ms Jade Bucannon murdered her husband?" Sucking in her breath, Charlie Jacobs looked to her friend, a boy named Zechariah Malachi, and silently pleaded.
  (Zechariah Malachi. Rosie Jacobs grimaces. He practically got my brother killed. I might not have liked my brother, or understood him, but I did care for him. Zechariah Malachi was once a nice acquaintance, at the very most, but then he showed my poor brother to that Void, Preacher Suzanna. I'll never forgive him for that.)
  He gave her no response.
  "She was angry about her lover, that Paris man, getting poisoned... right?" Her teacher pursed her lips and nodded. A wave of relief passing over her, he once again looked to Zechariah Malachi. He was nearly taller than her, had Yellow hair, Green eyes, and a sad aura stapled into his being.
  "You can't just leave me hanging." She whispered angrily, nearly drowned out by the bell.
  He shrugged and gathered his things.
  Charlie Jacobs scrunched you her nose and followed him out of class, muttering: "jackass" with each step she took.
  And Rosie Jacobs hung back, waiting for a girl named Olly Duff. A girl with poorly cut Purple hair and sour Green eyes.
  "It's nice to know you keep your promises, Rosie Jacobs." Olly's eyes gleam as she closes the classroom door and walks back up to Rose Jacobs. "I'm happy to let you know I found him. I found Preacher Suzanna. The murderous whore."
  (Preacher Suzanna? Olly Duff asks, raising one of her curved eyebrows. Oh boy is this interview getting exciting! Well, Preacher Suzanna was a poor Void from the Southside and he was a very good friend of Harvey Jacobs. At least until they touched. Disappeared for an hour! And when Harvey Jacobs finally came back to the Northside all of his right hand- she says, sitting further forwards in her chair, -was Grey! Grey!)
  Olly Duffs chest grew tight as she watched Rosie Jacobs' face light up with joy. Her Colour-loving brother... dead because of people like that Preacher Suzanna, like that Harvey Jacobs...
  She shakes her head. "He's been hiding out with a girl named Jane Calvary. On the Eastern side of the Southside."
  (Why am I here again? Harvey Jacobs asks, looking around smiling, waiting for a response. Wait, is this because my hand is Grey? He chuckled, if it is I might as well tell you how I feel about everything since I'ma die anyway. To start off, Preacher Suzanna was one of the best boys I've ever known despite him being a Void-)
  "Jane Calvary?" Rosie Jacobs asks, crossing her arms. "As in the Jane Calvary. Daughter of Dave and Melissa Calvary? The Mayors of the Southside?"
  "That is correct, Rosie Jacobs. And if I were you, I'd tell your mother and your father before Charlie Jacobs finds out."


  "Have you talked to Laney Smith in these past few days, Zechariah Malachi?" Charlie Jacobs asks, thinking of the girl with electric Blue hair and Amber eyes.
  He shakes his head, much to Charlie Jacobs disappointment.
  Her brother loved her a fair bit when he was still alive.
  (Harvey Jacobs? Executed?! His hand turned Grey?! When did this happen?! Laney Smith began to hyperventilate. He was my babysitter! There's no way he actually...)


  "...this is smart?" Zechariah Malachi asks, jogging behind a certain Freddie Hernandez. "Cause this seems very, extremely, awfully stupid."
  "Hey! You never know if something is stupid unless you try to do it!" He answers, grinning wide and tapping the side of his Dark head, disturbing some Silver hair.
  Zechariah Malachi stops hard, "we almost got killed last time! How does your reading make any kind of sense, Freddie?!"
  (First name basis? That is a very important thing for friends to do, or lovers even. Most married couples aren't even on a first name basis, either last name or first and last like most people. Explains Olly Duff, her fingers running quickly through her hair. Why do you ask?)
  "It won't be like last time, geez Zechariah." Freddie Hernandez says, rolling his eyes. "Ain't my fault that stray dog decided to try and eat your hand."
  Reaching out, Zechariah Malachi grabs Freddie Hernandez's arm. Neither of them disappear when he does so and no Grey starts to infect their skin.
  "The Authorities saw us last time cuz of that dumb dog! The Authorities! What if this time we don't run fast enough? What if we end up like Harvey and Preacher?!"
  "It'll be fine! All we're gonna to do is visit the Baker Street house. The last time we were there I dropped my flashlight... and I liked that flashlight."
  Huffing, Zechariah Malachi nods and follows after Freddie Hernandez.
  Their hands interlock, a single prayer staining their lips: keep us from the Authorities eyes.

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