Shadow Falls (3)

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Nothing was fine the next morning. Charlie Jacobs and her twin awoke to a scream, and a very loud one at that.
  "Who is that?" Charlie Jacobs asks, hurrying from her and her twins bedroom.
  Marcus Jacobs turns around and frowns, then he turns to Lola Jacobs who is staring out the window, he mouths something to her and she sighs.
  "Down the road a body of a Void was found. Beverly Malachi found the body. The Void girl hasn't been identified yet and no one has been able to touch her yet either." Lola Jacobs sighs, "The Maroon Blood has started running into drainage pipes, we might not be able to drink water for another week. Or bathe."
  Blood is definitely a major issue. Lola Jacobs says, shaking her head. If is even touches you, you run the risk of turning Grey, which is against the Law.
  Rosie Jacobs mouth stays a gape as her mother turns back to the window. "The Authorities are coming." Lola Jacobs notifies. "Get to school girls. This will be handled soon."


  "Did you see the body?"
  "Has she been identified yet?"
  "Is the Blood in the drains yet?"
  "Who killed her?"
  "I heard someone bashed in her head with a rock!"
  "I heard she got shot!"
  "I heard that someone put a pen in her eye!"
  "My mom says she commited suicide!"
  "Well my dad said it was a homicide!"
  "Oh yeah? Well her body was right by my house."
  "My mom saw her out the window..."
  "I heard her scream."
  "I saw her body drop."
  "And I saw a flicker come from her chest and-"
  Zechariah Malachi puts up his head and grimaces silently at his class, how could they ever think that someone dying, Void or Blank, is a good thing to gossip about?
  "Are you okay Malachi?" Charlie Jacobs asks, sitting down next to Zechariah Malachi as the Lunch Lady starts yelling for kids to quiet.
  "Meh." Zechariah Malachi shrugs, keeping a close eye on Olly Duff, he has a special place in his heart reserved for her, that tattle-tale.
  What do I have against Olly Duff? Zechariah Malachi asks, losing patience. She is the one who told the Authroies about Harvey Jacobs, and my little brother Arron Malachi. She disgusts me.
  "How did your mini-date with Laney Smith go?" Charlie Jacobs asks, trying to lighten the mood.
  "It actually went fairly well." Zechariah Malachi smiles. "She even asked if we could go out again!"
  "You mean, my Malachi, who doesn't talk much, got a second date with Laney Smith? Great job mister." Too bad she was congratulating him on a date that never happened. Last night he was at Bakers street with a Void looking for a Bronze locket. And he would be gone soon too.


  "Mall? You want to go to mall?"  Charlie Jacobs asks her twin as they slowly ride home on their bikes.
  "Why not?" Rosie Jacobs says, trying her best not to look smug. "We haven't been out together in ages, plus a new mall opened by the border and I think you'd like it. Olly Duff says that it has a Donut Shopé."
  "A Donut Shopé?" Charlie Jacobs says, intrigued. "I'll go. Want to go now?"
  "Sure, Lola Jacobs will understand, so will Marcus Jacobs." Rosie Jacobs says grinning.
  Once at the mall Rosie Jacobs leads her twin to a car dealership with a restaurant right next to it.
  "We both know neither of us can get cars yet Rosie Jacobs." Charlie Jacobs muses as she looks at the trunks and SUV's.
  My twin and I are fourteen for your information. Rosie Jacobs sneers, adjusting her position.
  "I know, but the Porsche's are so pretty." Rosie Jacobs says loudly.
  "But don't you like Mustangs? And we're in by the minivans... wait." all of the lights turn red and two men get out of a limo on the far right side of the dealership.
  Giving her twin one last glare she sprints, her twin and the men close behind her. Only one thought courses through her head: Why did my sister sell me out?
  Why did I give my twin to the Authorities? Two reasons, one because she helped the Malachi's hide their Periwinkle son for a whole week and two, because my mother told me to, and I can't disobey. Rosie Jacobs explains. I can not disobey.


  Charlie Jacobs dashes through the restaurant her sister and the men getting closer and closer. Once out of the restaurant and in the open plaza of the mall she stops and looks around, seeing if there is a way out.
  "It's no use Charlie Jacobs. There are no Voids in sight and that wall is too tall for you to hop." Rosie Jacobs taunts.
  Charlie Jacobs, so sure this was the end, spotted her Dark saviour. A girl, possibly a year older and a good three inches taller than her, just ten feet away from herself.
  Looking back and forth from the girl and her twin, Charlie Jacobs makes a life-saving dive to the girl. Grabbing her hand, she looks up to the confused and startled look of the one, and only, Jane Calvary.
  "I'm so sorry!" Charlie Jacobs pleads. "But they are trying to kill me and-" she starts to really look at Jane Calvary's face. "-you're pretty. Anyhow, I need to get out of this plaza. Our hands haven't even started to Grey, please?"
  Jane Calvary stares at her Black eyes for a few moments, deciding whether this decision will be wise, the waiting was already making Charlie Jacobs want to hide from her Hazel stare.
  The more Charlie Jacobs examines Jane Calvary the more she saw. The left side of her head had the hair cut short in the back and long in the front, the right side was in long dreads with Light Brown and Dark Brown beads in patterns on them.
  Her hair is either Dark Purple or Indigo, Charlie Jacobs decides as Jane Calvary answers back slowly, "Yeah, okay. I'll help you escape the Authorities."
  Even though Jane Calvary agreed, Charlie Jacobs still wondered whether Jane Calvary really wanted to help or whether this was just another trap set by the Authorities.
  "Have you ever seen the In-Between, Blank?" Jane Calvary asks Charlie Jacobs, looking at her from out of the corner of her eye.
  "No, I've never even heard of it until now." Charlie Jacobs says confused.
  "Oh, sometimes I forget the Blanks don't learn about this stuff in Science class, well Miss. Blank we're in the In-Between right now. See the Purple Portals over there?" Jane Calvary asks, pointing to a rose garden, where a bright Lavender Portal stands, glitters and glows against the shadows. Like a galaxy, straining against a vivid night sky.
  Charlie Jacobs gasps, "What's that for?"
  "No one knows." Jane Calvary looks around and sees they are safely behind a sandstorm wall, and lets go of Charlie Jacobs hand.
  They look at their hands, their fingertips are a tad Grey, but nothing to worry about. "Well since I just helped you escape the Authorities, I'll probably need to run with you. Plus my fingertips are Grey, what's your name Miss. Blank?"
  "Miss. Blank's name is Charlie Jacobs. And you, Miss. Void?"
  "My name is Jane Calvary. Where to Jacobs?"

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