Is He Alive

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Billy's POV

Maggie and I ran inside to let everyone know about the man and the boy. Once we did we all went outside and saw the they were right outside.

"Was he bit?" Dad asked the man.

"Shot." The man answered on the verge of tears. "By your man."

"Otis?" Patricia asked worried.

If it really was Otis who shot this boy, then it must have been an accident. Because Otis would never hurt anyone purpose. Especially not a kid.

"He said to find Hershel." The man said starting to break down into tears. "Is that you? Help me. Help my boy."

"Get him inside." Dad ordered as we all went inside. "Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie."

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Painkillers, coagulates. Grab everything." Dad ordered. "Clean towels, sheets, alcohol."

Maggie, Beth, Jimmy and I run around the house grabbing the things dad need to do the surgery. I grab some towels from the closet and place them on the bed where the boy is.

" he alive?" The man asked sounding very out of it.

"Fold it." Dad told the man who was holding a pillowcase. "Make a pad." The man folded it into a pad and put it on the boy's stomach. "Put pressure on the wound."

Patricia gives dad a stethoscope and puts it in his ears and starts listening for the boy's heartbeat.

"I've got a heartbeat." Dad says after a few moments. "It's faint."

"I got it, step back." Patricia told the man.

"Maggie I.V." Dad ordered.

"We need some space." Maggie told the man.

"Your name?" Dad asked the man.

"R-Rick." He stuttered.

"Rick?" Dad clarified.

"I'm...I'm Rick." He confirmed still seeming out of it.

"Rick, we're gonna do everything we can, ok?" Dad told Rick. "You need to give us some room." The man stayed there for a moment staring at who I'm pretty sure is his son. "Now."

Then Rick leaves the room. Beth, Jimmy and I watched from the side as Dad, Maggie and Patricia did what they could to save the boy. Eventually Rick comes back with Otis and another man.

"You know his blood type?" Dad asked Rick.

"A-Positive." He answered. "Same as mine."

"That's fortunate." Dad said. "Don't wander far. I'm gonna need you." Then he turned to Otis. "What happened?"

"I was tracking a buck." Otis told us. "Bullet went through it. Went clean through."

"The deer slowed the bullet down, which certainly saved his life." Dad told us. "But it did not go through clean. It broke up into pieces. If I can get the bullet fragments out and I'm counting six."

"I never saw him, not until he was on the ground." Otis told Patricia. And I could hear how guilty he felt just from his voice. Then Patricia tried to comfort him with a hug.

"Lori doesn't know?" Rick spoke.

"No." The other man said.

"My wife doesn't know." Rick said starting to cry again. "My wife doesn't know." The man then tries to comfort Rick.

Eventually Beth, Jimmy and I had to leave the room since there wasn't really anything else the three of us could do. So we went and waited in Beth's room.


I just continued reading my comic trying to keep my mind off the surgery that's going on downstairs while Beth and Jimmy were talking acting all coupley and gross.

However, they stop as soon as we heard screaming from the boy. And we looked at each other with worried glances.

"Do you think he's gonna be ok?" I asked.

"I think so." Beth told me. "Daddy knows what he's doing. I think he's gonna be ok."

After a while I told Beth and Jimmy that I was gonna grab a snack. But really I wanted to check on everything. As I went downstairs I notice Maggie going outside. So I follow her.

"Maggie?" I called out.

"Billy." She turns around shocked. "Go back inside."

"Wh-where are you going?" I asked her.

"I'm going to get Lori." She says as she starts going towards her horse. "Rick's wife and Carl's mother."

"I want to come too." I tell her. "I want to help."

"The best way you can help right now is staying inside with Beth and Jimmy." Maggie tells me. "Daddy might need your help with something later so you have to stay here."

Once she gets on her horse I watch as she rides away. Once she's out of my sight I decide to go back and grab some food from the kitchen before heading back upstairs with Beth and Jimmy.

"Whatcha got there?" Jimmy asked me.

"Just some chips." I told him.

I open the bag and start eating the chips. I wish there was more I could do to help Carl. But unfortunately, there's nothing I can do but wait.

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