Chapter 15

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Chris's POV

I opened my eyes, rolling over. My head was pounding and the light hurt my eyes even more than usual. I rolled back, trying to hide my face in the pillow. What even happened? I don't remember anything after him making me drink from the bottle of liquor. What time was it? I have to make sure I have time to go home and change before I get Ryan.

I jumped when I felt an arm around my stomach, pulling me back. I looked behind me, my eyes met with a set of glassy purple ones.

"M-master! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall a-asleep." I stuttered. "Please don't hurt me."

He laughed. "You were asleep because I allowed you to sleep. I won't hurt you for that."

He seems to have sobered up, thankfully. He was making me uncomfortable earlier.

"O-oh." I spoke. "What time is it?"

"3. Why?"

"Because I have to take Ryan to dinner at 6." I whispered. I was asleep for a while, I guess.

He nodded. He pulled me against him, and that's when I realized that I didn't have clothes on. I could feel his skin against mine. It was normal for him to lay with me like this, it happened a lot, but I'm just scared he's going to hurt me.

"Why are you shaking, hmm?" He asked.

"I-I don't want you to hurt me." I mumbled.

"I'm not going to." He said.

He was quiet for a few minutes.

"Get him in your bed tonight, Chris." He said, sitting up and grabbing my chin. He forced me to look up at him. "I want to watch."

I nodded. "I'll try, Master."

"Good boy." He said. "Now go. I don't need you here anymore."

I nodded again.

"You may call me sir for now, but don't piss me off." He told me.

"Th-thank you, sir. I won't make you mad."

"Come here for a second."

I moved over to where he was laying. He gripped the back of my neck and pulled me close. He used his grip to keep me still as his teeth sank into my neck. I grunted a little. It hurt. He likes demon souls, not human ones. So he feeds off of me when he wants to. But only a little bit, because I could die if he takes too much. It'll take a few days to regenerate so I'll just be extra tired for a a little bit.

He pulled away. I could feel my blood dripping down my neck and shoulder.


I got out of the bed and picked my clothes up off the floor. I quickly pulled them on before leaving the room. I was walking down the hall when all of a sudden, someone grabbed my arm. I jumped, turning to see who it was.

It was Ghost, one of his husbands. He looked up at me. I shuddered a little. I've never gotten used to the way his eyes look. He's blind. His eyes are pure white and it's creepy. It's almost like he stares through you.

"Is he in a good mood?" He asked, his voice low.

"I don't know." I told him. "He seems okay."

He nodded. "Go tell him that I said that Michael Kuza is here to speak with him."

"W-What? Why's Mike here? He'll die."

"No clue. Just go tell him."

"He told to me to leave though." I said.

"Just go tell him. I don't wish to see him right now, so I am asking you to do it for me." He said.

"Alright." I said.

I turned back around and walked back to his room. I knocked on the door before carefully opening it.

"S-sir, Ghost wanted me to tell you that Kuza is here and he wants to speak with you."

He stared at me for a moment before standing and pulling pants on. He motioned for me to follow him as he made his way down the halls and stairs. He entered the room where Mike was waiting for him. I wasn't far behind him. Mike stood up, as he'd been sitting on a chair while waiting.

"What do you think you're doing here?" He asked. "You're lucky you weren't killed on the spot."

"I need to speak with you." Mike said.


"About Chris." He said, acting as if I wasn't even there. Unless I wasn't actually there. He could have used magic to make Mike unable to see that I was there. I don't know if he did, because Mike hasn't eve acknowledged me yet.

"What about him?"

"I want to buy him from you." Mike spoke.

He just laughed. "That's not going to happen."

I looked over at him, grabbing onto his arm. If Mike could see me, he needed to know that he couldn't do this.

"Why?" Mike asked.

"Because he belongs to me." He growled. "Now leave before I have you killed."

Mike looked at me, shaking his head. As much as I hated him, he was my owner and I had to listen to him.

"No. I won't allow him to stay here."

"That's not your choice, now is it?"

Mike stayed silent.

"You know, you're brave, coming in here like this. You know you could have been killed and yet you still came. But either way, you're still a little, worthless demon, and I am your king. You're lucky you're alive."

Mike let out an annoyed sound before turning to leave.

"Good boy." He told me. "You can go home."

"Thank you, sir."


I was sitting on my bed, looking through some of the nicer clothes that I had. I didn't know what to wear. I had to look good. I had to get him in bed tonight. I need to keep Master happy so he didn't hurt me. If he wanted to watch me and Ryan, then I'll make sure he can watch me and Ryan.

I decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black button up dress shirt. I had managed to cover most of the marks on my body with makeup, aside from the ones that blended into tattoos of anything that was open. I pulled the clothes on, walking over to the mirror. I looked okay. I just have to do something with my hair. It looks bad and is really messy at the moment. Maybe I'll straighten it or something. I rolled up my sleeves and cuffed them. That's better.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my straightener. I plugged it in and pulled out my phone while I waited for it to heat up.

I missed a call from Mike. I didn't feel like talking to him, so I just ignored the notification. I got a text from Mike just then.

~I don't want you taking him out.~ It read.

I ignored it, putting my phone away. I picked up my straightener and checked to see if it was hot yet. I ran it through my hair and watched as it straightened it. It was kinda cool, to be honest. Maybe I'll just straighten it and push it back. (**so basically Chris's hair from the 2015 apmas**)

Once I was done, I threw some makeup on my face, deciding I looked good enough. I still had a half hour before I had to leave to go pick Ryan up. I decided to google the names of fancy, and expensive restaurants to take Ryan to. I found that the one with the highest ratings was about 2 miles away from Ryan's job.

I clicked on the website and found the option that let me make a reservation. I set it up for 6:30 tonight, so I had time to get Ryan and get there. I got up and pulled my boots on before walking out of the house, locking the door behind me.

I got in my car and drove towards the city.


I pulled up in front of Ryan's apartment, stopping my car. I just realized that he never actually told me where he lived. I'll have to tell him that I got it from Mike.

I walked up to the door and clicked on the buzzer that was for apartment 108A. Within a few moments, the front door to the apartment building unlocked. I walked inside and headed towards the elevator. I pushed the button for the 3rd floor and got inside. I waited for it to go up, listening to the shitty elevator music. It felt like it took forever for the elevator to move up the 3 floors, but I finally got out. I located Ryan's apartment at the end of the hall. I knocked on the door, waiting for it to open.

After a few minutes, the door opened. Ryan was standing there, fixing his hair a little.

"Hi." He said, moving aside for me to come in. 

I stepped inside his apartment, waiting for him.

"I'll be ready in a minute!" He called from somewhere across the small space.

"That's fine!" I called back.

I waited for a few minutes, just looking around. He came out, standing in front of me. He smiled. I looked over him. He looks absolutely amazing. He wore something similar to what I did, his hair slicked back.

I held out my hand to him. He took it. "You look good."

"Thank you." He laughed, his cheeks turning a bright shade of red. "So do you."

I smiled. He really is cute.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"It's a surprise." I told him.

I had to make sure he enjoyed tonight. If he didn't enjoy tonight, I would be in trouble. I had to bring him back to my place after dinner.

I drove to the restaurant, keeping quiet during the car ride. I didn't have much to say. I was kinda nervous. I wanted to take him out because I like him, but I don't want to hurt him. I'm scared.


Ryan's POV

I sat next to Chris in the car. He was driving, focusing on the road. I wonder where we're going. He said it's a surprise. He seems nice though. I'm honestly surprised that he asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with him.

I looked over at him. He's really hot. Like, really fucking hot. It was hard to see in the dark, but it looked like there were bruises going along his jaw and neck. Some of the bruises seemed to blend into his neck tattoo though. As we passed under a streetlight, I saw that they were somewhat covered by his makeup, but definitely finger shaped. I looked down to see if he had anymore exposed skin. His sleeves were rolled up and I could faintly see another hand shaped bruise that went around his wrist, which also seemed to be somewhat covered with makeup.

Without even realizing, I reached out and touched his hand. "Who hurt you?"

"W-what?" He asked, looking over at me.

I reached over and touched the bruise on the side of his neck. "Who hurt you, Chris?"

"No one." He said quickly. "I fell."

"On something hand-shaped?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Chris...I won't judge you or say anything." I told him. "I just want to help. You helped me."

"It doesn't matter." He muttered.

"Yes it does."

He shook his head.

"You don't have to give me a name or anything." I started. "But is it always the same person who hurts you? Or is it someone different?"

He was silent for a moment. "The s-same person."

I nodded. "Do they hurt you frequently?"

He nodded. He was shaking.

"Is it a man, Chris? Or a woman?" I asked, placing my hand on top of his.

"A man." He whispered.

"I want to help you." I said. "Please let me help you."

"You can't."

"I can go to the police. The police can help you." I said.

"No they can't. No one can."

I sighed. "Why does he hurt you?"

"Because I make him mad." He spoke.

"How do you make him mad?"

"I don't listen."

I frowned. Who would hurt him? He seems so gentle and sweet.

I looked back up at him. I could see tears falling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry. I just want to help you. You don't deserve to be hurt. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

"It's okay." He said. "I just don't like to talk about it that much."

I smiled at him.

He stopped the car in front of a restaurant and turned it off. He sat there for a minute, in silence. I hope I didn't ruin the night. I wasn't trying to. I honestly just want to help him.

He sighed, tilting his head back. "He owns me."

I looked over at him. I really really hope he means that he's owned in a metaphorical way, not in a slavery sort of way. "Who?"

"I can't say his name. I'm not allowed to. But he has me call him sir." He spoke. "He hurts me because I'm his property and I can't fight him. The police can't help me because as far as they know, he doesn't exist and neither do I. It's perfectly legal where I'm from."

"Where are you from?" I asked. Definitely not a metaphorical ownership.

"Doesn't matter. I've already said more than I should have." He said, shaking his head.

"Come stay with me, away from him."

"I can't. He always knows where I am."

"How?" I asked.

"Because he just does." He told me. "Come. We're going to be late."

We got out of the car and he took my hand, leading me inside. This was literally the most expensive restaurant in the city. It was gorgeous in here. I can't even pronounce the name because it's some fancy french word.

We walked up to a man who was waiting by the door. "I have a reservation for Chris."

"Table for 2?" He asked.

Chris nodded.

The man led us to a table in the corner of the restaurant. It was quiet here. I liked it. He handed us menus and said that a server would be with us soon.

Chris looked through the menu. He seemed upset about something. Probably me.

I sighed and picked up the other menu. I began to look through it. Everything looked good but was super expensive.

"Pick whatever you want." Chris said. "I'm paying."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes. I'm positive."

I looked through the menu, deciding on lasagna. A man came over, bringing us a fancy bottle of wine. He took our order. Chris got a salad.

We sat in silence, waiting for our food. He's probably annoyed with me. I probably put in a shitty mood.

I looked up at him. He was staring at something on the wall, spaced out. He was gorgeous. I've said it a million times but oh my god. He just looked so dominant and sexy and ugh. I want him. Like, I really want him. He was the definition of sex. And his voice sounded like pure fucking heaven. I hope I get him.

"Like what you see?" He asked, smirking.

I quickly looked away, my cheeks heating up. "W-what?"

"No need to be shy." He said, reaching over to fix my hair.

I bit my lip. He took my hand in his, rubbing his thumb in circles on the back.

He was just staring at me. I don't know what he was looking at, but I didn't mind.

He dropped my hand, pulling his phone out of his pocket. I could see that someone was calling but I couldn't see a name. He looked at me.

"I gotta take this." He said, standing up. "I'll be right back."

I nodded. He walked a few feet away. I tried to listen to what he was saying.

It was hard and I couldn't hear everything, bug I was able to make out some things. "Yes,'ll make sure..."

He was being relatively quiet. I couldn't hear much more. But I heard him say sir. He said that he called the man who hurt him sir. That means that's who called him. I feel bad for him. I want to know more but I don't want to pry. If he wants to tell me he will.

He came back over and sat down. He seemed a little shaken up. I was about to ask him if he was okay when the server came out with our food.

He placed it down in front of us. "Can I get you anything else?"

"Can I get a water, please?" Chris asked.

The man nodded and went to go get that. I guess he doesn't drink.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "Mhm."

I watched him begin to pick at his salad. He seemed upset about something.

I just decided not to worry right now and began to eat my food. It was silent. We didn't talk for a while.

I wonder what he's thinking about. I looked up at him. He had spaced out again, staring at something in the distance. I hope he's okay. 

I was staring at him again. I actually think he's the hottest human being I've ever seen. Like he looks so amazing. I could only imagine how amazing he is in bed. I'd think that with how tall he is, he'd be pretty big, if you get what I mean. Maybe tonight. I hope. I looked down at his hands. He had nice hands. I bet they'd feel amazing on me. I bit my lip, swallowing hard. I had to stop thinking about this. But I kinda don't want to. 

"What's wrong?" Chris asked.

"Huh? Nothing." I said quickly. 

"Are you sure?" He asked. "You seem a little flustered."

"Yeah. I was just, um, thinking."

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing important." 

"Everything's important." He said.

I smirked. "I'll tell you what I was thinking about, if you tell me what you were thinking about."


"Just now, when you were spaced out."

He smiled. "Well, I was thinking about you."

"What about me?" I asked.

"You're pretty." He said.

I bit my lip. "Well that's good because I was thinking about you."

"Oh really?" He asked. "And what were you thinking about me?"

I felt my cheeks heat up. I didn't even know how to tell him what I was thinking about. I took a deep breath and finished my glass of wine. "A-about how hot you are. And about what I hope you'll do to me later."

He smirked, reaching for my hand. "And what is it you want me to do to you?"

"Everything." I muttered.

"What's everything?"

"I-I want you to do everything you can do." 

"Oh, I think we can make that work." 


Y'all this is l o n g

ALSO please please please comment: Who do you think the king guy should be bc he doesn't have an actual character yet. That's why he hasn't been named yet. p l e a s e


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