Chapter 6

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I heard Ryan start to cry from across the hall. I wanted to go and comfort him, but I couldn't. I sighed, throwing my pillow at the wall. Why me? Why the fuck does this have to happen to me?

It was 5 am. I'd have to wake Ryan up soon. Balz would be getting his car.

Hmm...what if I cause a horrible snow storm so Ryan has to stay? I could use the company right about now. I also need him to become attached to me. I have a week or I'm as good as dead.

I walked across the hall, leaving the lights off so he didn't see the marks.

I shook him gently. He woke up, staring up at me confusedly.

"My friend just told me that he was going to go get your car, but it's snowing real bad and he can't see through it."


"You can stay until it clears up." I said.

"Really? Thank you so much." He smiled.


"What time is it?" He asked.

"It's around 5:30 ish. You should go back to sleep."

"I'm up anyway. I won't be able to fall back to sleep." He told me.

"Oh. Well do you want breakfast or anything?"

"Um...d-do you have any coffee?"

"Mhm. I'll make you a cup. Why don't you come downstairs?"

He nodded, climbing out of the bed. He rubbed his shoulders, shivering.

"Do you have a phone charger? I have to call out of work."

"What kind?"

"A galaxy one."

"I don't. I only have one for an iPhone." I told him.

"Okay. Thank you."

He followed me downstairs, and I kept my back to him as much as possible. He sat down at the table, and I started making coffee. I played on my phone while I waited for it to brew.

I poured two cups of coffee and handed him one.

"What happened to your face?"

I took in a sharp breath. "I fell the other day."

"Those weren't there last night. Are you okay?"

"They were there." I lied. "You we're really tired last night. You might not have noticed it, but yeah. I'm okay."

Just then, my phone began to ring. I jumped, looking at who was calling. It was him. Oh god.

"I'll be right back."

He nodded, sipping his coffee.

I waited until I was out of the room to answer it.

"H-hello?" I whispered, running up the stairs.

"Why did it take you so long to answer?" He demanded.

"I had to go into a different room, m-master." I replied.

"Mmm...I'm coming to you today. Make sure he's not there." He said. "It's bad luck if the if I see the bride before the wedding day isn't it?"

I panic levels increased. He was going to marry Ryan? He already has 3 wives and 2 husbands. And it isn't even a legitimate marriage. He forces them all into it, and they all become his mindless cock slaves. He uses them for sex and as servants. It's not right. I didn't say anything though. I didn't want to get in trouble.

"Yes, sir. I know."

"Master!" He hissed.

"Y-yes Master. I'm sorry. It was an accident." I rambled.

"You were an accident."

"Yes, master. I know I was. I'm sorry."

He laughed.

"You better keep tabs on him. You have a week, bitch, one week, for him to be dead. Don't make me do it myself."

"Yes Master. I understand. You won't have to do it yourself."

"Good." He said. "Now go! Get him gone within the hour."

"Yes master." He hung up.

I closed my eyes. I was already getting attached.


Ryan's POV

Chris ran off to answer his phone. He seems really nice.

Maybe I just didn't see the bruises last night. I hope he's okay though. He clearly didn't fall. Those bruised are too close to the shape of fingers to be from a fall.

I know it isn't my place, but I tend to worry too much about everything.


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