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~(Jack's) POV~

"HERE IT IS." I said, letting Dylan walk into my room before me. There was already a small cot laying on the ground by the foot of my bed. He looked around the room before sitting down on the forest green sheets that were covering his sleeping area. I don't entirely understand why the guy aggravates me so much... I mean, (Y/n) is right, he hasn't done anything to her that I haven't and were just friends, they're friends, so what's with me? Why does it bother me so much when he's touches her? I need to stop playing dumb with myself. I hate that he's infatuated with her the same way that I am. The way he touched her made me realize that I wanted to be the only person to hold her that way. I wonder if we could be more than friends... No, she would never see me that way. I'm just her best friend. But man, the things he was saying to her, I just wanted to cover her ears and steal her away. It also doesn't help that the dude looks like he was chiseled from marble. He barely knows her and yet, it looks like (Y/n) has already developed a soft spot for him. I internally rolled my eyes at my own thoughts.

She can talk to whoever she wants.

Why does she make me crazy? I can't get her out of my head and all I want to do is hold her in my arms. I looked at Dylan. He was rubbing his calves, his shoulder length hair hanging in front of his eyes. Am I overreacting? Maybe (Y/n)'s right, maybe that's how merpeople are. I should just keep my mouth shut, keep the peace, but my curiosity got the best of me.

"So what's your deal with (Y/n)?" I asked bluntly. I wasn't meaning to come off rude, but I couldn't help myself. This guy twisted a nerve in me that I didn't know how to control. I needed to know why he was so interested in her.
"My deal?"

"Yeah, why are you all over her and what is this 'pull' issue you got going on." My voice was harsher than I intended. Calm down Jack. He isn't hurting anyone. Dylan's eyes glazed over, like he was staring off into a different reality. This guy really is a creep.

"I don't know, it's just-. Ever since the first time I saw her, I wanted to be in her arms." His words made my stomach drop. I was right.

"So you have a crush on her."

"It's more than a crush." He stood up, walking near me before sitting back down on the edge of my bed.

"Have you ever had the thought of someone stuck in your head for days? To the point where their absence in your life is almost like torcher?" His eyes twinkled as he spoke. 'Yes', I mentally answered, but didn't say anything.

"Just being near her, but not with her, makes my heart sore." His words made me gag, but I understood where he was coming from.

"You barely know her."

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" He asked randomly. Geez, this guy is completely mental.

"No." I stated bluntly.

"I do." He said dreamily. So he's in love with her, and he expects her to feel the same way? Yeah right, she just told me earlier how uncomfortable he makes her. He's in for a rude awakening.

"Well, maybe just tone down the touching, alright?"

"Huh?" He questioned. Wait, was (Y/n) right? Is that just a merfolk thing?

"What? Is invading people's space a mermaid thing?"

"I'm a merman, and no, it isn't" His voice was now laced with anger.

"Alright then, tone it down a notch."

"Why? Did she tell you to say that?!?" His voice raised as he stood. He was practically shouting at me now. What the hell is this guys problem?

"As a matter of fact she did!" I shouted back. A hurt look passed his features but I didn't care. Is it bad that it may have even brought me joy, seeing him like that? He rubbed a hand through his hair.

"Ohhh. I get it. You like her." He sat back down, how could he suddenly be so calm after that tantrum? Psychotic. I can't believe he was talking to me the way he is. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. (Y/n)'s my friend.


"Yes, you do. Jack, just look at you!" I didn't know how to react, my head is spinning. What is he even insinuating? 'Look at you'... Is it that obvious? How can this stranger just show up out of nowhere and start ruining everything? He needs to leave.

"Look Jack, I'm sorry, but (Y/n)'s mine. I can feel it. We are destined to be together." He put a hand on my shoulder as if he was attempting to comfort me.

"You know, as soon as you admit your feelings, you can start moving on. I suggest you get to it, because once she realizes she loves me. She won't have anytime for you." Was this prick serious? I yanked myself away from his touch.

"(Y/n) won't fall for this bullshit."

"It's written in the stars, Jack." I rolled my eyes, shoving passed him, making my way towards the door.

"Okay, let's get things straight. One- Stop saying my name like that, Dylan, Before my fist breaks your teeth. Two- You're full of it and (Y/n) will see right through you." I could feel myself spitting as I spoke, pure hatred for this guy coursed through me. He thinks he's gonna come her and take advantage of (Y/n)? My (Y/n)!? He's mistaken.

"So what if I am? You heard her yourself. She believes in the unbelievable, Jack." I slammed the door behind myself and began walking without a destination in mind. I could feel frost beginning to freeze across my finger tips. When I looked at them, they were blue. What is wrong with me? Why am I letting him get under my skin? What if he's right, what if my feelings for (Y/n) do stem deeper than friendship. Who am I kidding, I like her, I like her so much... I could quite possibly say I might even love her. The way her silver eyes smile at me and the way her laugh sounds like the chimes of christmas bells. She is absolutely gorgeous. But- there is no way a person as perfect as her could feel that way about me. I slumped my shoulders as I walked through the corridor. I felt a hard shoulder hit my own. It was Bunnymund

"Watch it- whoa, what's wrong?" He put one of his giant paws on my shoulder. I never would have thought the kangaroo would be the one interested in my problems. I didn't reply, instead I pushed passed him.

"It's that fishy dude ain't it?" He questioned. I turned to face him. Maybe I should talk to someone. If I don't, I might end up doing something I regret, like break Dylan's face. Though, I doubt I would regret it. As I looked at him, I couldn't find the strength to speak, angry thoughts still flooding my mind.

"Or (Y/n)?"

"Both" I muttered,

"Aaaah, afraid he will take your place?"

"In a way." I said, not looking at his face.

"He won't, I've seen the way she looks at you." Now I looked up.

"What?" I questioned. Bunny rolled his eyes as a sideways smile swept his face.

"What are ya thick? She likes you Jack- a more than friends way too. Everyone sees it. Why don't you?" He then walked away, leaving me alone once again. S-she likes me too? Without thinking, I started walking towards (Y/n)'s bedroom. I'm just gonna tell her. I'll explain everything that's happening. I stopped at her door. I hope Bunny's right.

'Go on, knock.'

I hovered my fist over the wooden door, but my knuckles never met it. I turned, pressing my back against it, then I slid down to sit on the ground. I rested my head on my knees letting my arms cover my face. I feel so defeated.

Why can't I just talk to her?


Alrighty guyss!! I already have the next chapter complete!! I will be uploading soon!! I'm taking the rest of the day off because it's my birthday, but On wednesday I plan to upload another chapter!! Thank you guys so much for reading!!

Comment, Vote and Follow me please!! It makes my heart so happy to see notifications from you guys!! I appreciate you all so much!! <3<3 Come check out some of my other stories as well! I promise they are just as good as this one! :) :) 

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