Cimmarian and Lumine

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Learning to smith tools and weapons took longer than expected. A couple weeks, which he supposed was fine as long as learning to build a shelter didn't take long. No, that took even longer. Three months longer to be exact. He didn't have time at all to find a safe au to give birth in. He didn't know where he was when they stopped feeding off his magic, he only knew from the books on pregnancy that he read that it meant they would be coming some time that day or the day after. He truly had no time. Blue pulled his hood up further to block the wind and snow from blowing in his face. Snow crunched beneath him, his thoughts slightly panicked at the thought of actually parenting twins soon. He was so distracted that he didn't notice the body barreling straight towards him until they collided. "OH STARS, I'M SO SORRY- HUMAN?" She didn't look like Chara, nor did she look like Frisk. She looked like the human from Horrortale, Aliza. "You look like my dad... sorta." The human said in surprise. Blue tried to think of aus that had human skeleton children. Oh right. Axetale.


Things were kinda a blur after that. Blue started picking up his things. His bow, his quiver and arrows, his satchel with food and tools for smithing and building, only for it all to drop again. He got extremely dizzy and lightheaded, dropping to his knees. "N-no... not y-yet.." Aliza yelled for her father. Blue felt himself get picked up, "carry his things, kiddo." He was taken somewhere. Fed something. Given water. Might've been some crying, who was crying? What was crying? He needed them though, to calm the ones crying. He needed them. Then things went dark for awhile. And when he woke up? "why would any sane pregnant skeleton come to my au, knowing how dangerous it is anyway? the guy probably didn't have any time to get home." There was silence. "i don't friggin know, he just appeared out of nowhere, aliza found him." More silence before something started to cry. "one of the girls are up, i gotta go, ink." Ink..? Ink?! Blue forced himself to sit up, feeling weak and shaky. With how much magic they took to form it was really no wonder, but now his girls was all Blue wanted to see.


Blue's little girls were interesting really. Cimmarian, as he had named the oldest, was the little Guardian of Negativity. Despite this, her magic looked like Dream's, bright yellow in color. She was swaddled in a darker blue blanket. Lumine, the youngest, was the little Guardian of Positivity. Her magic was purple which must have been Nightmare's magic color when he was passive. She was swaddled in a lighter blue blanket. Axe didn't try and stop Blue from seeing his babies. Blue fell in love in an instant. "My baby girls, my little twins.." He tiredly nuzzled and kissed his cooing and happy girls, trying to gather them so they could get away. "hold on, you need more rest, guy." Blue glared at Axe. "I need to leave, if Ink is coming-"
"he's not coming. he didn't care at all that you were here, i'm pretty sure he stopped taking his paints again." Blue relaxed and allowed himself to be taken back to the room he was in, so long as his twins were with him at all times. "Why aren't you killing me?" He asked bluntly. "trust me, if it was any other situation, i'd be tearing you apart slowly and enjoying it." Axe glanced towards the door. "but i have a soft spot for children, so you're lucky."

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