Chapter Two

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Early morning came quickly. Austin woke first and stumbled a few times in the hall trying to reach the cluttered bathroom. Clothes were in small piles on the tile floor. Austin stared into the mirror at his bed head hair. He yawned and grabbed his comb from the counter. He tamed his head beast and put on his deodorant. He left the bathroom tiredly and went into the kitchen. His socks sliding slightly on the floor. A low rumble outside caught his attention and so he looked out the window above the sink. His eyes squinted through the daylight and down at the rusty blue pickup truck. He turned around. "Connor! Your girlfriends here!" Austin shouted. He heard a faint groan and shook his head. Austin began heading to the hall and stuck his head in his brother's room. "Get up."

"I will," Connor mumbled into his pillow. A knock on the door echoed through the house. Connor rolled over and threw off his blankets. Austin snorted and went back into the kitchen.

"It's open!" Austin yelled. The door opened and the bottom scraped against the floor. Boots pounded against the floor behind Austin as he started breakfast.

"Where's Connor?" A voice like honey entered his ears. Austin smiled and turned around. There she was. Avery Black. She had freckles on her nose and her cheeks which Austin thought made her cute (considering he had some too). She wore Connors old green jacket (Austin couldnt figure out why she wore the dirty thing, it was the devils oven outside) and her jeans and boots were dirty. Austin assumed she must have walked her dog down the old dirt road near her house just a few miles down.

"In his room getting ready." Austin finally answered. Avery smiled.

"Right," She nodded. "How are the crops doing last time I came over?" She asked swaying her weight to the side. Austin shrugged and leaned against the counter.

"I gave them water and snipped the dead leaves off like you taught me too." He told her. Avery hummed.

"Good." Her eyes wandered down to his hand. "What happened this time?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, this? Cut my hand during my late night working again." He shrugged.

"How bad?" She cringed.

Austin looked down at his wrapped hand. "Not too bad."

"I'm glad." She breathed. "Wow this happens to you all the time. Maybe you need another clean look at safety rules." Avery grinned. Austin snorted.

"Nah. I get the job done. That's all I care about." Austin turned back to the fridge and grabbed a couple of eggs. "Want anything to eat?"

"No, I'm okay. I just ate," her head turned to Connor who entered the room. His usual dressed jeans and shirt threw loosely on him. Connor smiled and pulled her into a hug. She returned it. "Morning, sleepy head." She teased. Connor chuckled and released her. "How'd last night go?" She whispered staring up at him. Connor sighed and looked away.

"They said they won't be home until this evening. I doubt they'll even be home by night time again." Connor ran his hand through his hair. Avery shook her head.

"They love you, Connor. They're just busy." Avery frowned and crossed her arms. Connor snorted.

"Good one, Av'," Austin commented with a loose grin as he cracked the eggs over a bowl. Avery rolled her eyes.

"Well then, do you need any help from me?"

"Besides standing there and looking beautiful?" Connor smirked. Avery's lips twitched into a small smile but she shook her head which then showed her amusement. She gave him a small push in the chest.

"No," Avery rolled her eyes. "I meant with you two...and whatever you two dorks do." She chuckled. Connor couldn't stop his smile from growing. He loved that laugh. Austin snorted.

"That makes you a dork then," Austin shrugged. Connor barked a laugh and headed toward the fridge. Avery raised her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, you're dating that dork." Austin snickered. Avery couldn't help but chuckle.

"Fine. I give." She raised her hands. Connor smiled.

"Well being serious now, I need to go into town."

"What for?" Avery asked as she watched him pour himself a glass of orange juice.

"Errands." He answered simply. Avery frowned.

"What kind?" He looked up once he finished pouring and gave her a small smirk.

"Errand kind." He shrugged before putting away the juice. She gave him a small look.

"Fine. Don't tell me then. But I'm coming with you," She said firmly.

"Why?" Austin asked with a snort. "Errands are boring."

"Anything to get out of my house longer. Besides, Connor and I haven't spent much time together lately." She said as she picked up his glass and took a few sips. Connor turned around with an agreeing nod then frowned. She then out the glass down with a satisfied smile.

"Sounds good to me. I'll be ready to go after breakfeast." He said. "You want anything to eat?"

"No thank you. Austin already offered." She shook her head. "I'll go out and check up on all the crops while I wait," She said as she turned and left the kitchen. She smiled and knelt down as their cat, Oliver. "Hey there, Ollie. Getting old aren't cha?" She teased as she pet down his back. The cat merely purred and stretched before getting off the floor. Avery chuckled and left him alone as she headed outside into the humid air.


Austin waved goodbye as he leaned against the porch. The couple left in Avery's truck. Mainly because Avery had more gas in hers and it was at least a 20 mile drive into town. Austin stepped off the porch steps, his boots stomping loudly against the weakening wood. He headed for the field, his few tools in hand and pockets. Austin was always a dreamer. A self taught engineer to make those dreams happen. His mother didn't like it when she found out he took an intrest to it. Especially since he was teaching himself. And usually when an engineer is exploring unknown items...well...there's been many trips to the ER. Austin was getting better though. He was gaining experience and that's what counted. Well to him anyway. His mother definitely didn't listen to that excuse. For a long time Austin was forced to stop. They'd lock up the shack outside of the house. But whenever they went on their trips, he'd go to town with Avery and buy some wood. Their old shack had burned down three years ago so he took on the challenge of making one of his own. He had finished building the shack in the field a few months ago. Avery liked to call it a hanger cause it could be size of one. She had helped Austin whenever Connor was off. Austin really saw her as a sister at moments. Austin took great pride of his shack. One, because he built it. But two, he built it with Avery. He enjoyed building it with her. She really listened as he ranted when they built it. Even with Connor, he's never felt more understood. The shack was so far into the field their parents didn't even notice. Plus, the shack was covered by corn and those plants got tall. It made Austin a bit sad that he had to hide it. He wondered if his father would have been impressed with his handy work. He shook his head, clearing the thought. Austin made sure his shack was well taken care of since it was finished. He'd go out every night (and day when he could) and build the one thing that could save their family. The one thing that wouldn't have Connor struggling. Austin grabbed onto the lock and took out his key. He opened the doors and smiled at his unfinished creation. This was going to be the greatest one yet.

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