Guns For Hands Part 2-Kraglin

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"Alright on to our next mission!" Yondu shouted excitedly at his crew. "What? Another mission so fast?' I ask out of breathe as i save my gun and turn to face Kraglin who shrugs his shoulders. "Would you stop complaining girl?" Yondu turns to me and i roll my eyes and make my way inside his ship with a few guys.

It's been months since Kraglin 'showed' me how to use a gun and we gotta kinda close. Well ever since that event we remain close but nothing else,we would hang out more often,get angry at each other,everything's the same. Except for the fact that we would all go to a bar and have drinks and when a guy tried to talk to me,he would sit closer to me.

He hasn't shown any kind of affection though which is probably the reason why i get angry at him most of the time or annoyed. Tired from all the hard work i sat down and fell down on my butt when the ship came to a sudden halt.

"Yondu are you drunk again?" I shout. Last time we crashed this thing was because he got so drunk that it took three days to fix the ship.

I stood up and saw Yondu with all the guys, "It's been weeks since we took a break from our many missions and the time has come to take a break." All the guys cheered and i stayed behind them confused to where we were,that's when we stepped inside and saw the planet we arrived.


rcyThe place where all ravagers love to have fun in either drinking,playing or other things. I've been to this place before and my previous experience was terrible. The guys almost ran to the bar to get their drinks. I grabbed my coat and followed the group of men into the bar and ordered a drink,i'm not planning on getting drunk..again.

"Hey (Y/N),wanna get another drink?" one of my friends ask excited clearly drunk.

"No,thanks i'm good."

I showed them the almost empty glass and my eyes wandered over to check where Kraglin might be,he must be outside. I finished my drink and headed outside passing a few groups of men drinking or talking few of those girls,"I might ask Yondu he probably had his fun already." I entered the top building into the brothel in search of Yondu but nothing. A door opened and a couple of girls came out and winked at me as they passed by. I rolled my eyes and Yondu grinned once he saw me, "(Y/N)! Had you fun already?" He asks with that smile still on his face as he buttoned up his pants.

"Have you seen Kraglin?"

A door next to me opened and I saw two girls and Kraglin stepping out of it, "Shit." both Yondu and Kraglin said. I felt my blood boil and i bursted out the place without a word. "Boy you two jackasses better fix this." was what i heard before leaving the brothel and into the cold weather again. Few guys whistled at me who stood by the door but i didn't feel like dealing with them.

"(Y/N)! It's not what you think!" Kraglin shouted running as fast as he could through the fresh snow.

"What now?! Stop pretending that you care about me."

"But i do care-"

"Oh really? by sleeping with a few whores."

A few of those girls gasped or glared at me by the way i referred to them, "Oh stop it you girls aren't even real." I looked Kraglin who looked disappointed? "I wasn't sleeping with them,i asked for the restroom and locked myself in there until they left since they were following but they didn't leave." He glared back at the girls who followed him.

"What i wanna say is..i-is-"

"Just spit it out boy!" Yondu yelled.

"I-I really like you..more than a friend." Kraglin whispered as i saw his cheeks turn pink.

"I thought you didn't since you never showed me any signs of affection-"

Kraglin interrupted me as he spoke and walked closer to me, "I was afraid of that way you might've treated me if i did. I like you a lot (Y/N) and i wished i would've asked you out sooner." Kraglin smiled and placed his hands on my shoulders and started to lean down to kiss me,i heard whistling and stepped back, "We should try this later..i don't want to kiss in front of a crowd of guys."

Kraglin agreed and hugged me instead, "You're right. From now on you'll stay by my side and i'll never let you go." Kraglin said to me and kissed the top of my head,i smiled and held him tight.


A/N:Hey guys i'm back! I'll be writing but not everyday maybe just once a week,thank you so much to the person who requested. This one is for you! Hope you liked it. 

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