I'll Be There-Yondu Udonta

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Many many years have passed since I was picked up from Earth along with Peter,I couldn't believe where I was until a certain man introduced us as captain and we explored the galaxy.

Many people thought Peter and I were brothers but we aren't..we aren't relatives.

Since his father disappeared when he was a baby and his mother had cancer it was my job to take care of him. Even if I was just seventeen when I started to watch over him I felt safe with him.

Many kids my age had friends at school and family while I didn't..I never had friends nor family.

Peter might not be my blood but I still love him.

We worked for Yondu who's the one in charge of the ravagers which they all scared me at first, I never thought would grow feelings for the guys even if Peter calls the guy a smurf.

I still remember that one day Peter escaped the ship for a while and I hid it from Yondu..so I had to clean the entire ship.It was a long stressful day till we arrived somewhere else and Yondu showed me around.

I was amazed at the planet,clearly Yondu began to slowly open himself to me and I began to like him back. We never kissed or anything but deep down we both knew that we had feelings for each other.

I would constantly save Peter's ass when Yondu was in a bad mood. He promised that he'll always be there for me in whatever I needed and he did..

I'll always be there...Yondu would say from every ravager in his crew I was his favorite and not just because I was a woman..it was because I knew that pain he went through growing up.

Yondu was the only true friend I had..and now here I am..staring down at his corpse...

"He really was my father..I never knew it till now." Peter says as he cries and wraps his arms around my shoulder.

Words couldn't come out of my mouth as I heard the other's mourn over him,they were ready to incinerate him but I told them to leave me a minute with him.

They did and I was left alone...

I place my hand on top of his and all the tears I was hiding began to pour down my cheeks,I began to stutter a few words as I began to remember every single memory with him.

"I still remember that one time you tried to impress me and later on you tried to pick a few flowers for me but they weren't flowers..tiny creatures shaped as flowers started to attack you."

I begin to cry but smile at the memory,being with Yondu was like living in a real life comedy movie..we had our sad moments but we managed to put them aside.

"I love you Yondu..don't ever forget that..I just w-wished..we would have at least seen Mary poppins..but o-oh well." I sniff and laugh a little as I grab my pin from my jacket and place is onto his hand.

It was a small pin i've been holding on when I was just a child and I swore I would give it someday to the person who would change my life. I took my favorite ring as well and placed it next to the pin.

"I'll always be there for you Yondu..even if I won't be able to see you."

The guys came back and we watched as tons of different captain ravagers came as Yondu was incinerated.

"Me too kid." I heard a whisper behind my ear and I turned back to see no one there.

"Yondu?" I whisper and cry.

"Everything alright?" Gamora asks concerned.

"..Yes..Everything's alright now." I smile wide staring outside at the fireworks..

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