I'm Not In Love-Kraglin

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I watched in silence as everyone in our team went against Yondu along with Taserface's men why would they ever want to team up with that bastard! Yondu has been like a father to me and watching him so vulnerable makes me sad. I looked to my right and saw Kraglin staring at Yondu with a straight face.

Was he always on this? 

I'm completely alone now..since i'm the only femle on both teams Yondu would protect me. I curse under my breathe and begin to follow Kraglin along with the other ravagers who stare at me like them want to..well do things. I shiver at the thought and I hold onto my friends sleeve which caught him by surprise.

After we arrived at the ship and I silently cried as I watched my friends gone now since they were killed. "(Y/N)? I never thought you would be the one to betray us and Yondu." I stared at Rocket and Groot who was hanging up in a cage.

I wish I can help them right now but they'll probably kill me..it's me against a ton of strong crazy men.

I followed Kraglin who began to show Nebula her way out,I stayed hidden kn the shadows till I saw her dissapear and I held onto Kraglins collar and made him lean down to stare at me, "Don't you dare tell me that you are working for them Kraglin! You're better than those men out there."

Kraglin held my wrist tight and pulled it away from his jacket, "Oh, I thought you said that you would never talk to me again."

"You're still thinking of what I said?!..whatever i'll get out of here and don't you dare stop me."

I walked away from him and made my way to where Rocket and Yondu were being kept. "Well well look like little miss betrayal came-"

"Shut up Rocket!" I hiss and hide my face.

I shouldn't have said that to him..that's why Kraglin hates me, "What's the problem kiddo?" Yondu finally spoke. I smile and hold onto the bars looking at them both.

"It's just i've been a burden to you and Kraglin..I told him a bunch of things he didn't wanted to hear.."

"You've never been a burden to me..I've treated you and Peter as my kids..whatever you said to Kraglin might have hurt him,but i'm sure he'll forgive you."

I smile nodding my head, "Alright..i'll be right back to helo you two escape."

A month ago Kraglin and I started to go out and he said that he wanted to be more than friends but I declined and told him a few more things..truth is that if someday I die or get hurt i don't want him to worry about me. I was running past a few ravagers who were asleep,snoring or picking their noses when I heard an alarm.


I heard scrotumface..I mean taserface and his men running around the area since Yondu,Groot and Rocket escaped. I start running and avoid a few ravagera who found out I was helping my friends, I found Yondu having the time of his life killing the ravagers with his arrow and Groot scaring some away.

"Yondu where are you headed?!" 

I run next to him and we arrived at the other side of the ship and I saw Kraglin already flying the thing,I was supposed to help them escape..he is stronger than me after all. Kraglin and I made eye contact and I grabbed his collar once more and leaned him down.

I heard Yondu laugh at us both sharing a kiss, "I knew they would be together." I could imagine Groot hiding his face and Rocket shaking his head.

"How about we go and rescue the rest of the guys?" I ask him.

"Anything you say m'lady" He smiles and we make our way to Ego's planet...

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