Chapter 26: A Place We Call Home

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I'm so so sorry for not updating in such a long time. In just a few months it would have been an entire year. I'm so sorry. But I have finally updated. So as probably some of you have noticed, I wrote a new story called "Ghosts of Vongola" which is a crossover, and that one I entered it to the AnimeCrossoverWa the voting should have started, but since there aren't enough stories submitted it hasn't started. So if you my dear reader have an anime crossover story you can submit it there.

Back in May, or was it June I can't remember when exactly, but I went to my cousin's house in the morning still in my pajamas, which is completely not odd, since I stay in my pajamas when I have nothing to do. Anyways he'd married and has three daughters. The eldest is 6, the second eldest is 3 and the youngest is 1 year old. Anyways I went with my parents there. And I was with my niece (the second eldest). My pajama pants is an Attack On Titan one, I got it at Hot Topic. Anyways, it has chibi forms of Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and colossal. Well my niece asked me what their names were so I told her. Then after I told her their names, I pointed at Mikasa and asked her if she remembered her name. She said the cutest and funniest thing ever. She said "Tu casa" which translated to English means, "your house". Mikasa sounds like "mi casa" which means "my house". So cute and funny.

Also sorry for any spelling and grammar errors or if something just doesn't make sense.



They were now seated in the sofas waiting for Ciel to speak. They waited patiently watching Ciel carefully, as Ciel also watched them.

Ciel leaned back in his chair, "What exactly happened to that man. Jonathon."

At hearing that name the other three people in the room either clenched their hands, or frowned, "What do you mean by that? As you may know Alaude and Daemon interrogated him." Giotto said.

"Is that so. Then may I inquire for his whereabouts?"

A few seconds of silence, "Why do you want to know?" G asked.

"Just curious, nothing more."

"Nufufu well sorry to inform you, but he has been taken into further custody. Along with a few other people. We also don't know, but for sure we won't be seeing him in a long time." Daemon smirked.

"Care to further explain."

Giotto looked over at Daemon, "You know you can't...." He whispered to him, but was cut off.

"I know very well what I can and can't say. I know how to hold my tongue with this." He whispered back with a small twitch of his lips while slightly turning his head in Giotto's direction.

To Ciel it looked nothing more than a simple twitch of their lips as they spoke, though he couldn't hear them at all. In fact he couldn't even hear them. They spoke so quietly that Ciel even began to think that he had maybe just imagined it.

Daemon turned back to Ciel, "I was merely saying that we no longer know where he is at, that he has been sent to a different location."

They knew that Ciel was involved with the dark parts of the underworld just like they were, but Ciel's case wasn't the same as being in the mafia. He had no knowledge of them. Of the Vindice, so to the Vindice's eyes Ciel is still a civilian who should know nothing about them. But they also knew that this boy wasn't a civilian, but even so they couldn't risk anything by saying things they shouldn't say.

Jonathon and a few other people had been taken by the Vindice soon after Alaude and Daemon had finished their interrogation. Most of those people had once been involved with the mafia. The one thing that puzzled them all was why did the Vindice take so long in taking action. Why didn't they stop this and take Jonathon and the others with them, when it began. Did they get involved since children of the mafia had been taken?

Ciel knew that he wouldn't be getting any information that he wanted on that, so he moved onto the next thing he wanted to know, "That young girl that was with your children. What became of her?"

"She's home with her father. She is in good health now as well." Giotto said while shifting in his seat.

Ciel nodded, "I have one more questions concerning her." Ciel sat up straight in his chair and leaned his elbows on the desk in front of him, "From what I heard she was also strapped down in the same way as Lambo had, so how was it that she was able to get herself free?"

"We don't know either." Giotto tried to sound as sincere as possible, and it seemed that he succeeded. But Giotto and the others did have an idea as to how she had freed herself. From what she had recounted, she had felt a burning feeling then the straps just came off. It seems that she had called forth her dying will flames. That had also explained the slight swelling and reddening on her wrists, it wasn't very prominent, but still it was noticeable. They had told Mathew about this, he needed to know that his daughter had basically awakened her flames, since there was a chance that it could happen again. Giotto and the others had decided that once the leave England they will leave or at least have someone check up on Amanda.

"I see." Ciel sighed, "Well thank you for taking the time in answering, that was all I wanted to know." Ciel then told them that they could leave and join the others.

He was in no way satisfied with the answers he had gotten, but he had expected this to happen. No surprise there, that the Vongola were tight lipped on certain things.


"This is just like playing hide and seek." Someone said in amusement.

"Shut up! She'll find us if you don't be quiet!" Another hissed, "Why did I even get stuck with you?!" He glared at the person next to him.

"Don't worry about it Gokudera. I'm great at playing tag."

Gokudera resisted the urge to smack Yamamoto, "You idiot. You do know that this isn't a game. Did you even see those.... things that crazy women wants to put us in." He whispered.

Yamamoto laughed nervously, "I kind of don't want to wear one." He said as he thought back to the dresses and weird flower hats she had. Just where on earth did she get them from? "I wonder if Tsuna is okay." Yamamoto muttered.

"Of course he is." Gokudera elbowed Yamomoto in the stomach, "He'd be safer if only we hadn't be separated from him. Damn that women."

~Flash Back (Right After Lizzy Began Running After Them)~

They were all running around like scared little animals. Practically all of the adults looked on in amusement as the kids ran away almost as if their lives depended on it. Well except for Hibari who refused to even acknowledge Lizzy when she tried coming near him to try and make him "look more adorable". All Hibari had to do was give her one of his "take one more step and I'll bite you to death" look and she quickly left in search for the others who had ran away.

Elena and Julia found this situation to be the most adorable and fun that they had experienced in what felt like forever. They couldn't help but laugh as they watched the kids trying to find where to hide or where to run to since Lizzy was right after them. Cozarto smiled as he watched some of them even trip in their attempt to run as fast as they could.

Alaude just raised an eyebrow as he watched them from his spot near the window. He did find it quite amusing, but rather annoying with all the yelling. Lampo sat on one of the sofas and just laughed. As he laughed off in the distance someone had heard him and yelled out, "Don't laugh it isn't funny!" and that only made it seem funnier to Lampo and the others since they broke out into laughter(except for Alaude who just closed his eyes). All of the remaining first generation in the room and Lau, and Ran-mao were highly amused though Ran-mao really didn't show it.


"Don't hide! You will all look so nice and pretty in these." Lizzy called out as she ran out into the hallway spotting no one. At least she thought there had been no one, that is until she saw something move from the corner of her eye.

She giggled and quickly ran towards the moving "person", "I found you!" She said only to later on frown then giggle again. What she saw wasn't a person. It was a cat, "What's a cat doing here? I thought that Ciel was allergic to cats." She muttered as she got on her knees and began to pet the grey cat behind the ear, the cat began to purr and closed it's golden eyes, "I have to go now kitty." She said as she got up and continued her search for the adorable children to make them even more adorable.

As she looked around the places she thought they might be hiding she began to hum. Normally it would have been an acceptable tune, but at the moment to some of the tenth generation that tune, Lizzy searching for them, and they hiding, it seemed more like a horror movie.


In their midst of trying to find a good place to hide they all ran into each other, and ran around not even paying attention who went where. All that was on their minds was to hide. None of them wanted to wear any of those colorful clothes that Lizzy had with her. So colorful and just something that would normally be seen on dolls and not on human beings, unless those people actually liked wearing them.

Ryohei had gotten a hold of Tsuna and took him off to hide, and leaving behind a fuming Gokudera who didn't even have a chance to say anything since Yamamoto had pulled on his arm urging him to move. Lambo had latched onto the closest person to him which had been Enma.

Enma and Lambo hid in the kitchen in one of the lower cabinets in the kitchen. Ryohei and Tsuna were hidden in a room that sort of looked like the broom closest. There were some dusters in there, so it had to be one.... right. And for once it seemed, Ryohei didn't make a sound.

And as for Gokudera and Yamamoto.... they really didn't get a chance to look around properly since they could hear Lizzy's voice nearing closer to their location. So they had no other choice but to hide in the same spot, much to Gokudera's distate. They were hidden in what was clearly the food storage room. Right next to the kitchen. It was big enough for them to hide behind the many bags of rice, and flour there, so there was no problem that they would be spotted right away if Lizzy opened the door. Though they both hid in the same spot practically next to each other.

Ten minutes was all it took for the first pair to be found. But who wouldn't be able to find them with how loud they were, well with how loud one of them was. There was no way that Lizzy could have not heard them. But one thing is finding them, and the other is being able to catch them and be able to put on all those "adorable" accessories she has.

~Flash Back End~

Their arguing had been loud, they thought they were whispering, but apparently not since the door to their location had been pried open by the one person they didn't want to see. The person who held the items of ultimate embarrassment.

They both crouched down trying to hide further into the shadows that the many bags provided. They silently watched as Lizzy walked into the room looking around looking rather happy. She knew that someone was in there, she had heard the voices.

Lizy walked further into the room slowly while looking in every direction, "Why does there have to be so many things in here." Lizzy muttered as she went to look behind a box.

As she was looking behind that box they took that chance and ran for the door.

Both Gokudera and Yamamoto ran out of the room, as they ran they heard Lizzy yell out and they could hear her steps. And Gokudera did the most logical thing. He pushed Yamamoto out of the way and closed the door leaning against it and telling Yamamoto to find a chair or at least something with some weight to lean against the door. Yamamoto ran off and shortly came back with a chair. By the looks of it, it looked pretty heavy(imagine those metal chairs they're heavy).

After the chair was placed they ran off and left Lizzy in the room banging on the door, "Are you sure that was a good idea?"

Gokudera stopped running and turned towards Yamamoto, "Would you rather have that crazy women chasing after you trying to dress you in those.... in those things she called clothing." Just as he finished saying that they heard a very loud sound. Almost like something heavy had been thrown onto the ground, then came that voice.

"Where are you?"

They looked away from each other and looked at the direction they had come from, 'She got out!' was all that went through their mind as they once again ran away. They were quite shocked since they didn't know that she had such strength hidden. But the thing is that Lizzy was determined to dress them up, that she would try to make the impossible possible one way or another.

It's not that they were afraid of Lizzy. They DID NOT want to wear any of those clothing that she had with her. They've all been through horrible and terrifying moments but this was a moment that would seriously jab at their pride, especially if Mukuro saw them. He would definitely be laughing and make things worse by making his so brilliant remarks on what they were wearing. And of course it was very likely that the others would be laughing too.

They didn't care where they ran to, just as long as they were away from her. And run they did. And it certainly paid off too.

~Time Skip (Ten minutes later)~

Gokudera and Yamamoto were able to find a place to hide, but during their escape they had gotten lost and ended up running around in circles, and ended up by accident revealing where Enma and Lambo were hidden.

~Flash Back~

After running away from her, Gokudera and Yamamoto each wanted to go a different way since it seemed safer. Gokudera wanted to go to the right, and Yamamoto wanted to go the left since he had a gut feeling that they should go that way. And as usual Gokudera got angry and said a few expressive words before just randomly picking where to go, which of course he wanted to choose his way, but he knew that there were times that Yamamoto had been right, but he just didn't want to admit it so instead they went straight. But that path that he had chosen had lead to a dead end so they took a different route completely off from where he wanted to go. After all Gokudera is one stubborn person.

They had ended up in the kitchen, to which Gokudera started to swear since they were practically back where they started. In their hurry to find a place to hide they completely ignored the three people in the kitchen in favor for any place to hide there. But some of the places there were a bit small, except for three cabinets. They weren't big, but they weren't small either. So Yamamoto quickly went to one of them and opened them, only to find two people inside. Two very familiar people, and those people ended up screaming. And that screaming didn't go unnoticed.


(Enma And Lambo)

'Please don't find us. Please don't find us.' Enma chanted as he held Lambo close to himself.

Enma didn't want to wear any of those clothes, but to be honest, the way that Lizzy was acting actually scared him a bit.

On the other hand, Lambo didn't really mind having to wear colorful clothing, since Haru and Kyoko often dressed him and I-pin up, occasionally Fuuta too. But Lizzy freaked him out. She was crazy!

'Don't let the crazy lady get me." Lambo cried.

Enma began to panic, "Sh! Don't be so loud, she'll find us." Enma whispered. At hearing his words, Lambo quickly shut his mouth and stayed quiet.

Now the only sound that could be heard in the place that they were in was their breathing. They could hear the talking and shuffling around of the three people that had been there when they ran into the kitchen. Though every time that someone walked close by to where they were, they both stopped breathing, holding their breath almost as if waiting to see if someone would open the cabinet door. But the person always ended up walking away.

Just as they were beginning to relax, and finally thought that no one would find them, the door was opened. And the only thing they could do was scream.


Enma and Lambo froze in place. Gokudera and Yamamoto also froze for a moment though because they soon realized that they would be found so they ran after telling Enma and Lambo to run as well since that place wasn't safe anymore.

But they were to shocked to move, and when they did move it was already too late. They had been found by the one person they were trying to hide from. But in one final attempt, Enma took a chance and quickly let Lambo go and told him to run. After all Lizzy would have to choose between one of them. And Enma decided to have Lambo run.


In the end Enma was forced into those "wonderful" clothes that Lizzy had prepared for all of them. And the three people who were in the kitchen aside from them could only watch as Lizzy dragged Enma off.

~Time Skip~

Enma, the poor unfortunate soul was the only one who ended up being forced into the clothes. Of course Lizzy didn't strip him and literally force him into the clothes. No, she just made sure to be near by and make sure that he was properly dressed. And if the clothing wasn't set right, Lizzy just fixed it all.

"You look so cute!" Lizzy exclaimed as she took a step back from Enma to get a better look at him. She then nodded, "Let's go show the others how cute you are." She clapped in excitement.

Enma paled at the thought at having the others see him like this. Dressed is such colorful and fluffy look clothes. Light blue and dark blue with a touch of light pink. The colors that made the outfit he was wearing. The outfit that made him look more like a small girl than a boy, even though the clothes were clearly ones made for a boy if he ignored the fact that Lizzy had tied a cloth around his waist that ended up looking kind of like a skirt. Lizzy couldn't really explain it herself, but she thought it was cute and so adorable. In her eyes the dark blue trousers, the fluffy light blue shirt and the light pink tie was perfect. But it needed something else according to her, and that one thing turned out to be a hair bow.

In the end Enma was dragged to where everyone was at, and of course some laughed(Lampo laughed until he cried and clutched his stomach in laughter) while others held back their laugh. And of course others thought it was adorable. Though most of the tenth generation felt sorry for him for having been forced to dress up, one thought almost all of them had, 'At least he wasn't forced into a dress.'

~Time Skip (Three Days Later)~

"Thank you for allowing us to stay." Giotto said as he placed his hand on Tsuna's shoulder who was standing next to him, "But now that we've made sure that the kids are all okay we must take our leave."

Ciel set his cup of tea down and leaned back in his chair, "Of course. It was my pleasure." And with that both the firsts generation and tenth generation bid their farewells to everyone in the Phantomhive manor and left. Of course they had already sent a messenger to their mansion there in England to let them know that they would be returning soon.


"Have a safe trip on your way home." Sebastian said as escorted the children and their parents'/sibling/uncle to the front door.

"Thank you Sebastian." Giotto who heartedly thanked him, "Also thank you very much for the hospitality you and everyone here has given us."

With a small smile Sebastian answered, "That was no problem. We were more than honored to have you stay with us. Also please excuse the young lord for not being here at the moment."

Ciel at the moment was in his office reading and signing papers, "We understand. He has a lot of work to deal with." Asari who had been standing next to Giotto said, "Well we must be going now. I wish you and everyone a good day." Asari said as he later on excused himself and left to get onto the carriage where the kids already were in after they had bid their farewells to everyone in the manor. Soon after Giotto and G followed and also got onto the carriage waiting for them, and they set off to their mansion.

Sebastian watched for a few moments as the carriages left, then finally returned back inside. After closing the door Sebastian headed to where Ciel was.

Before entering the room, Sebastian knocked twice on the door. A faint "come in" followed soon after, and Sebastian entered the office where Ciel was tossing aside a piece of paper as he placed his elbows onto the desk and placed his chin onto his open palm.

"They have left."

Ciel nodded, "During their stay here were you able to find out anything out on that Mukuro boy and his eye?" Ciel asked as he looked at Sebastian who was standing right in front of his desk.

Sebastian let out a short sigh, "Unfortunately no. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn't sense anything relating it to a contract. It is a bit odd, it seems that it may have been inherited. After all her father is very well known very using illusions, especially related to the eyes."

"Hm. That is very odd. I have never heard of anything like that. Could it also be some sort of mutation in his eye." Ciel asked but then he shook his head, "I guess not, if it was, then it would likely be that he wouldn't have very good sight in that eye. So I will have to agree with you that it could be hereditary."

~Time Skip (Near The Vongola Mansion In England)~

Everyone was excited to finally be able to go back to a place they were familiar and comfortable with. They no longer had to stay with unknown people, no matter how generous they were in letting them stay, they still didn't feel comfortable there.

"It's great that we're no finally heading home." G muttered.

Gokudera who had been sitting next him looked away from the window and briefly glanced at G before looking back at the window, '.... Home.' He thought with a sigh. It was true, for the moment this was now their home.


As their carriages made their way into Vongola territory they all felt themselves relax as they saw the all to familiar mansion come to view.

"We're finally here."

~Time Skip (A Few Moments Later)~

They were now all getting out of the carriages and ready to head towards the doors. But before any of them had made a move towards the doors, the doors were thrown open. And practically all of the people in the mansion filed out. Some were in tears and others were smiling at finally seeing their beloved boss and young masters along with the guardians.

Some of the people even went as far as go and hug the kids. Every maid and butler were so loving and caring of them, that it didn't even seem odd that they were being hugged.

"Thank god you are all back." Beatrice said as she wiped away the tears, "I just about had a heart attack when we heard what had happened."

Everyone all nodded in agreement, "From now on we will keep watch of all of you 24 hours a day if it's necessary." One of the young maids said, "Never again will that happen as long as we're here."

At hearing them all say how much they were missed, and how everyone employed in the Vongola mansion would protect them, both the tenth and first generation all felt as if their heart would burst from happinies, though there were a few who would never admit that they felt something just a bit (Daemon, Mukuro, Alaude, Hibari, and Gokudera).

And true to their word, the few days that both generations stayed, all of the staff practically hovered near by keeping watch and even outside. All guards were stationed at any entrance and possible entrance. They were a bit extreme, but that's just how much they cared for the kids and never wanted to hear that they got hurt.



"They've all arrived." A young man said as he stood before the young boss of the Gilgi Nero.

With a sigh she stood up from her seat, "I see. Thank you, please let them all in."

"Of course." The young man nodded, then quickly excused himself and left to get the people that she had been expecting to come.

After all she had sent them all a letter to ask them here for a meeting. A very important meeting. Though at the same time she was a bit worried, since two of the people who were coming, were very upset with her. Well more like jealousy since she along was the only one with the body of the adult she was, unlike them who all looked like infants. Though they felt somewhat sorry for her, since she had told them all that a part of the curse she received was that she would live a very short life.

Sepira had not been with the other Arcobaleno when they received their pacifiers so she did not receive curse as they did. Before Sepira there was another sky arcobaleno, but she died of an illness, and without a sky Arcobaleno the balance was more than likely to go haywire. So Sepira had taken it upon herself to be the sky Arcobaleno, and that was also when she had decided that all future sky Arcobaleno will be of her descendant. It was the only thing she could do since she along with "him" were the cause of these people misfortune. It was only fair that she also be a part of it. Sepira had watched over quite a few of new Arcobalenos come in and leave this earth all too soon, it was already taking an emotional toll on her seeing all this. But it was the only way.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice when everyone that she had been expecting came into the room, that is until a small child like voice called out to her.

"Thank you for coming on such a short notice. We have no time, so I will explain everything I need you all to know." She said as she walked to the front of her desk and stood in front of the rest of the Arcobaleno.

"As you may have already heard or seen, the Vongola have children with them."

One of the Arcobaleno spoke up, "That was quite a shock to hear that they actually had children."

Sepira pursed her lips, "It certainly seems that way to all those who didn't know. But now I will explain, but first I want what I am about to say to stay quiet. This must never be said every again to anyone else. The only ones who will ever know are us and the Vongola along with Talbot."

"I see this is a serious matter then. I swear I will not say this to anyone. So I will take this as a under the omerta." An arcobaleno clothed in a dark blue shirt and black slacks said. The other arcobaleno all nodded, and said their vow under the omerta that they would not tell anyone who it did not concern.

Sepira nodded, "Thank you." Taking a deep breath she began to explain, "The truth is that those children are not from here. They are not from this time. And I need your help to keep a watch on them, because I myself am unsure of what exactly might happen."

"What?" One of the arcobelno whispered as the rest stood in silence, left in shock.

"I will start from the beginning so it will make better sense to you all."


(With The First And Tenth Generation)

Their stay in England was finally over, and now they were all heading back to Italy. They were now all back onto that a ship.

When they had told everyone in Vongola mansion in England that they were heading back to Italy, some were very sad they were leaving. It was a very emotional departure and farewell for the staff, that had grown so attached to the children.

The first and tenth generation were finally heading back to the place they call home. The place where they met, and lived as a family, and will continue to do so.

'This is our home now. A place we now call home.' Most of the tenth generation almost thought all the same thing.


So how was this chapter. Did you guys like it? I already had a part of this chapter typed up, but I just didn't know how exactly to finish it off. Anyways I will be doing a tag thing here.

Tagged by: FoxcatAL


1. You must post the rules.

2. You must tag 15 people.

3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer 13 questions given to you.

5. You most post 13 questions for the people you tagged.

6. You can't not do the tag.

7. You must follow the rules.

Facts about me:

1. I know it's weird, but I like watching the time and day change when the clock strikes midnight.

2. I found Xanxus and Byakuran very attractive when I first saw them. Though with Byakuran, at first he was a very crazy marshmallow and I wanted no part of it.... yet.

3. I'm currently very serious about publishing my own book. Though I always have since I was in high school.

4. My favorite singer is Gackt. When I was younger I loved him so much, that I even used to say, that I'd marry him one day. Which is very weird. But now I have a healthy amount of love, like(?) for him, and will always be a fan of his.

5. I can't eat beef anymore. Or at least for the time being. During the fourth of July, I was at the park after the parade and I went a stand called Montana Stake house, and order a cheese burger. When I bit into it, it was freaking raw. It was red. It was disgusting, and since then I haven't been able to eat beef especially ground beef.

6. Lately I've been watching Korean dramas. My favorite ones so far are, "100 days with Mr. Arrogant" and "The Vampire's flower".

7. I spend quite a bit of time writing in my notebook or on loose paper until I can't think of anything more (writing ideas for future chapters).

8. I like watching prank compilations on youtube, my mom said I was crazy since I started laughing. So I showed her, and she finally understood what I was laughing about. The same thing with some anime I watch that are funny. I have her watch the funny part.

9. I think I already mentioned this in another tag, but I like watching paranormal shows. I like them a lot.

10. One time I was reading a fanfic that was a bit you know, I'll just say it was an R27. And my mom decided to sit next to me at the moment I got to a very detailed part. So now I look like a very suspicious person when reading, always making sure no one is near by.

11. I love Carnitas! A party is not a party without carnitas. And a good Sunday is one with Carnitas. Yummy!

12. I like reading of course. Regular books, manga, and fanfics.

13. I don't like May or October very much anymore. In May of 2013 one of my friends died, and it really took an emotional and health toll on me. And on October of 2014 another of my friends died just about 3 days before Halloween, and once again it ended up bad for me.

Questions from FoxcatAI

1. What am I to you? You are an amazing author. I have no words to describe.

2. Do you read my stories? If so, how are they? Yes, I've read your stories. I can't remember which one I read first. Your stories are great, I like them a lot.

3. Are you a dog person, cat person, or (inset animal here) person? I like both dogs and cats. But for the past like 10 years, I've only had cats. Though now I don't have any cats, so sad.

4. What's your favorite quote? "Never waste your feelings on people who don't value them".

5. Your main fandom(s) atm. That's a hard one to answer.

6. What would you give your best friend for April Fools? I would give them an invitation to a baby shower because I was "pregnant" and have them get all excited then tell them at the last minute that I wasn't expecting. Would that count?

7. What is your most treasure possession? I don't know. I'd probably say my laptop, or phone. But I'm not sure. But I guess I'd have to say all of the notes I've written that are important to me.

8. Your best skill. I don't think I have any. I've been told that I'm a good cooking, but I don't think so. So I guess my skill is unknown at the moment until I can figure it out?

9. Are you a Yaoi, Yuri or normal romance fan? Yaoi and normal romance. I remember the first time I read a yaoi manga. I was shocked, because I didn't know what to think. I was all reading this interesting book, then I turn the page and *boom* the action starts. It took me a while, but I later on ended up okay with it.

10. Do you play Pokemon? What generation did you start from? I don't play it. I just watch it. I don't watch the new versions that came out, because I don't like them. I like the very first one that came out. The same thing with Yu-gi-oh, I only like the very first one, not the ones the followed after it.

11. Do you believe in a life after death? Yes, I'm very open minded in that. Especially when all paranormal things are involved.

12. If there is one, what is the meaning of your real name? You don't need to reveal you real name, btw ^^ My name has two meanings, well it's the same meaning kind of. God's grace, or gift from above. That's what my name means.

13. What would you say to me atm? I don't know. But I guess, that I love your work. Authors like you make me want to work harder and make my work worthwhile to read.

And now my questions for you guys:

1. How long have you been on wattpad?

2. Would you ever consider going to a haunted location for the entire day and night?

3. What first made you want to get an account here on wattpad?

4. Do you have any sibling? If so, how many?

5. What is your favorite anime?

6. What is your favorite pairing from any anime or manga you like?

7. The most hilarious thing you have seen or heard lately?

8. For the ladies, do you prefer skirts/dresses or pants/shorts? And if your a gentleman, do you prefer formal clothing or informal or just normal?

9. The saddest anime you have every watched?

10. What kind of anime crossover fanfic do you like, if you like it?

11. What is your favorite holiday?

12. What is your favorite color?

13. And lastly. Are you a carnivore or a herbivore or maybe an omnivore?

And the people I tag are:














Also if you don't want to do this, I guess you don't want to. I'm not telling you that you have to.

Anyways I hope to update soon. I'm going to start writing the next chapter now, so I hope to finish that soon and update. Because I have a lot of ideas for the next coming chapters, so I think it'll be easy to finish early. At least I think so.

So that's it for now, I hope you enjoyed it.

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