Chapter 28: It Has Begun

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I'm so sorry for not updating this sooner.  I'm sorry for taking so long in updating.  I've been slacking off a lot, I just can't think of how to write the chapters.  I have all the ideas I want written down, but I just can't get them properly typed up the way I want.

I don't know when I'll be updating.  I hope I don't take as long as I did, but I know that I probably will take a while.  I have a ten page essay due for my English class, and a five page due for my Introduction to Law & Justice class, that one is due in like five days.  And I haven't even started it at all.  The one for English I have it written, I just need to make it longer.  Because I only have five pages typed up.

Anyways as some might know, since I put it up in one of my other works.  I was doing kind of bad in my biology class, so when the professor offered an extra credit.  I was all for it.  Any one could go, so I signed up for it.  I, along with three other classmates went to the main campus of my college, to watch the dissection of a human body.  Yeah, I didn't do so good.  I thought I was going to pass out.  A classmate told me to bend my knees a bit since I was standing up straight, maybe I was locking my knees in place.  I was seriously sweating, and when I took off the gloves I had on, the inside was all wet too.  And when I went to get some new ones, since my hands were still kind of sweaty, the glove I was putting on got stuck on my skin and ripped when I pulled on it.  They had us put on those gown things doctors wear I guess, and some gloves.  I wore a mask too, because the smell of the chemicals was burning my chest so bad.  It made it even worse since we were told the name of one of them, and what that person died of (I will not be saying the name of the person).  And I freaked out, because I at first didn't have a mask on so I was thinking, "am I going to get sick from breathing this in?!" I thought that because my chest was hurting so bad every time I breathed in.

ANYWAYS, sorry for any spelling and grammar errors, or if just doesn't make sense or if you don't like it.



The mood had been completely dampened, at least for G, for the rest of the day after returning back to the mansion after once again seeing "his aunt".

Though he did do his best to hide it, to let everyone else enjoy their rest of the day. To enjoy the cake that they had all been waiting for. But as much as he tried, his thoughts still drifted off to his aunt.

Taking a deep breath, G pushed that thought to the back of his mind and focused at listening to whoever was talking.


They had been talking about random things they had done throughout the day. Someone (Lampo) had mentioned that when they had opened a book they had seen a very familiar name in it.


Of course this caused quite a reaction among the tenth generation. Some had gone completely quiet for a while, while others tried to lighten the mood by talking about something else.

Once Yamamoto stopped talking about how to play baseball, and "explaining" how it's done, Gokudera spoke up.

"Don't listen to that idiot. The way he explains things doesn't make any sense at all." He stated.

Yamamoto laughed, and Ryohei had exclaimed that he had understood what Yamamoto had been explaining.

"Tch. Only freaking muscle head would understand another muscle head."

Tsuna sweatdropped and he thought back to when those three along with Haru had tried to teach him how to swim, 'Those three are all on a different level of explaining.' He sighed as he watched his friends bicker with each other right in the middle of the lounge surrounded by everyone, the first generation laughed at their small fight. Tsuna, not only him but everyone else, were beginning to enjoy being in the company of the first generation more than they had been before. They seemed very much like a family.

Most of them found this a bit worrying, since it seemed that they were more attached to the first generation than they had planned to. And the same could be said about the first generation. Each generation had gotten too attached to the other. When the time comes for them to go back home, to their time. Will it be hard to leave them? Will it be hard to say goodbye forever?

These were thoughts that each secretly had. Some didn't want to think about that at the moment. There was no use worrying about something that hasn't happened yet. So they would wait until the time came.

~Time Skip (A Few Days Later)~

It's been four days since Tsuna, Gokudera, Stefano, and G had encountered Olivia. They hadn't heard or seen her since then. Which was good, yet worrying since they didn't know where she was. But there was no use to think about it for the moment.

They had gotten a surprise in those four days. Well a surprise to G and Giotto.

Marianela had come completely out of the blue without any notice. It was a surprise to them, but yet they were very happy to see her.

~Flash Back (When Maianela Arrived)~

The first thing she had done when she had arrived, was to apologize to them. Especially to G, Giotto and Gokudera.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop my mother from coming here." She apologized, "I'm sorry for the trouble it has caused you." She looked at Gokudera and G who were standing in front of her.

G sighed, "You don't need to apologize. It isn't your fault that she came." He said awkwardly trying to reassure and calm down his cousin.

She shook her head making her light brown hair fall over her left shoulder, "No. I am partially responsible for this. If I hadn't been so careless, and hidden your letters well this wouldn't have happened. I know you are probably thinking that I'm over exaggerating. So please just let me apologize for the trouble my mother has put you through." She pursed her lips and shifted her gaze to the child standing to her cousin. She knelt down to be at eye level with him, "I hope you never have to see her again." She whispered.

With a resignated sigh, G placed his hand onto Marianela's head, "Very well then."

Giotto who had been standing next to G, quietly walked over to Marianela and placed his hand onto her shoulder, "I agree with G, that you shouldn't have to apologize for the actions of your mother...." Marianela seemed about to protest, "But, if this is what you want to do. Then we accept your apology." He softly squeezed her shoulder and then pulled his hand away.

"You know the old man is right." Gokudera said looking at Marianela, "But it seems you're just as stubborn as he is." He shook his head and sighed, "The only difference is you don't have his pink hair." He said afterwards in a way to try and lift up the mood.

Marianela smiled affectionately at Gokudera, "Thank you." She then stood up, put her green dress back into a proper position, "He's just like you when you were a kid, but more adorable." She placed her hand on her cheek as she looked between father and son, "You better not be using that foul language around him or the other children."

When she got no answer she shifted her weight and turned fully to face G, "Well?"

"Tch. Even if I did or didn't, they'd pick it up somewhere else." He stated to which Marianela frowned, but acknowledged the truth in it, he then pointed at Gokudera, "This brat here, starts swearing sometimes. And no, he did not learn it from me."

The rest of the first generation and tenth generation(some of them) were trying their best not to let their smiles be noticed as they watched on as Marianela tell G, that even if he didn't swear in front of the children, he should make sure not to let others swear in front of them. And of course she started to threaten G, by saying that if she ever found out that he swore in front of them, then she would tell his son, one of his most embarrassing moments from his childhood.

G smirked, "Go ahead."

Seeing that smirk, she knew that G was up to something. It seemed as if he had something that would make her change her mind.

After thinking for a few seconds, she gasped, "You wouldn't!" She exclaimed, though hoping that G no longer had it.

"I wouldn't." At hearing his words, Marianela visibly relaxed, then tensed up at his next words, "Though it would be a shame for it to be locked away for too long and not being with who it should belong to."

Giotto sighed at their childish antics, "Just like old times." He muttered while he smiled looking at the two bickering cousins.

G always liked making Marianela mad, because should break out of that keeping your manners, and start saying what she really thought. He had always found that interesting. Though he just enjoyed teasing her, and maybe even more now since it had been a while since he had seen her. Or maybe because he wanted her to forget about the current situation with her mother. To no let her feel guilty any longer.

In the end Marianela had ended up trying to sneak into G's room to find that certain item and take it away. To burn it up if she had to.

She didn't want anyone to read that letter she had written so many years ago. A letter she wrote as a child, when she was merely six years old. She had written that she would marry Giotto. She was very much serious on that matter that she gave the letter to G to give it to Giotto. Though in the end she changed her mind, saying that she couldn't marry him, because she just wanted to be friends with him, and wanted G to destroy that letter. Though he didn't destroy it, he kept it. She had a suspicion that he had, but she wasn't sure of it.

Knowing how Giotto is, he'd have found that letter so endearing and keep asking if he had been her first love, and if she still loves him. She did not want to go through that. She has no such feelings for him. She merely sees him as a friend, as family, and nothing more.

Though what she doesn't know is that Giotto already knows about that letter.

~Flash Back End~

It's been roughly a week since Marianela arrived, and she has made it her mission to get to know all of the children. She loved children very much. She especially wanted to spend some time with Gokudera to get to know him a bit better. Of course, sometimes Gokudera didn't want to that much, but he did find it entertaining when she would bring up stories of G's childhood. And at most times G would be around too, not because he didn't want his childhood being told, but because he was worried that Marianela would ask some unnecessary questions. And known Gokudera, he would either start swearing, or come up with some answer that would only complicate things. So that's why this time, as well, that Marianela is looking for Gokudera, G followed along.

"Hayato." Marianela called out as she walked into the library after seeing him lounging on one of the sofas reading a book. She smiled at the sight of Gokudera so engrossed with the book he was reading, that he didn't even notice her.

She walked further into the library and slowly made her way towards Gokudera, 'He looks so much like G, but I can see some traits that he could have gotten from his mother. She must have been very beautiful.' She thought to herself as she walked up next to Gokudera.

"Do you need something?" Gokudera asked not looking up from his book for a while seeming to finish the part he was reading, before lifting up his head to look at her.

Marianela blinked in surprise, but then softly laughed, "Did you notice me before?"

"Yes. Vaguely, but I did hear you, but I wanted to finish reading the page I was on." Gokudera said with a sigh and frowned at having been interrupted from reading the book.

She apologized for disturbing him, but then explained as to why she was looking for him.

"You want to know about my mother?" Gokudera asked.

Marianela nodded, "Yes. I asked G, but he didn't go into much detail. He merely said that she was a wonderful woman and that he loved her very much. And nothing more. So I figured that I should ask you, if that is okay with you that is." Marianela looked over at G who was seated on one of the sofas near by.

Gokudera looked down at the book on his lap for a few seconds, then with a sigh he closed it and put it beside him on the sofa, "Alright. But I might not remember much though." He figured that since G was here, he might as well tell him about himself. Because after all since he is his "father" he needed to know what happened to his mother to G's "wife".

Marianela frowned slightly in confusion, 'Not remember much?' She thought, 'Has he not seen her for a while?'

Gokudera could see her confusion, "My mother died a few year ago. So I don't remember much about her."

Before Mairanela could apologize for making Gokudera think about such a sad memory, Gokudera had said that it was okay, since it has already been a while. And then he proceeded to tell her what little he knew. Of course, not completely into detail.


"My mother was a young pianist. She wasn't very known, she was barely starting up her career as a pianist. Her name was Lavina." Gokudera closed his eyes, and could vividly see his mother's image, "After I was born, my mother had gotten ill, and I was sent to live with.... a relative along with my sister my sister who is two years older than me, because everyone thought that she would die soon. So as to not leave me alone shortly after being born I was sent away. I saw her often."

Gokudera went on to describe what kind of person his mother was. What she looked like. And how he takes a lot after her. His eyes, his hair, nose and chin were very much like hers. How she would teach him how to play the piano. That he still lived away from her, just in case if something happened to her. But that she visited him regularly. He didn't say how he didn't know that Lavina was his mother. He even said that his sister had almost the same shade of hair color as G.

G listened intently without saying a word, and Marianela smiled as she heard Gokudera speak fondly of his mother.

"But then on my third birthday, when she was coming to see me.... she died." Gokudera almost whispered the last part, as he remembered as a child when he was waiting and waiting and waiting for her to come, but she never did, "She had been in an accident and died, though what actually killed her was her illness. I never knew that she died, her death was kept a secret from me since I was so young." He sighed, "I later on found out a few years later."

G was a bit surprised at hearing that Gokudera had an older sister, but what most of all shocked him was that Gokudera's mother had died when he was so young.

Marianela sadly looked at Gokudera and G. Looking at G, she mistook his look of surprise as a look of hearing that his "wife" had died for the first time. Which was true in a way.

"G, how come you never said anything to us."

Before G could respond Gokudera quickly spoke up, "He didn't know of how she died. From what I know he was only told that she had died, but not how. And that I was living with my sister Bianchi in Japan."

Marianela frowned, "Then why didn't G go and get you and your sister and brought you here with him now that your mother had.... passed away?" She questioned as she felt her anger bubble at the thought of G not doing anything to help his own son and daughter.

"I was taken in by Tsuna-sama and his mother. So there was no need for him to come for us. Though he did often send letter to us."


After having heard what Gokudera had said to them, Marianela tried her best not to show how sad she felt at hearing that he had no mother. G on the other hand still acted the same, because he knew that Gokudera was the kind of person who didn't want anyone's pity. Though he did feel sad at the thought of not having a mother, because he too knows what it feels to not have a mother anymore.

'I think it's best if I tell the others to speak with the children to get a story about their mothers'.' G thought to himself.


The only sound that could be heard was the tapping of a finger nail on the wooden table.

"That boy sure seems to have his child well protected." A man said, "And there is no chance that he'll let us near to meet his son. Even our own daughter is with them now." He huffed.

"I know." A women said, "I honestly want to get to know Hayato. But that child won't let us. After we took care of him." She frowned.

The man barked out a laugh, "Don't you remember how you and I later on left him, along with that boy Giotto on their own. My dear Olivia, have you forgotten about that."

Olivia clenched her jaw, she in fact did not forget, but how she wished that she could. How she wished that she could go back in time and change everything. She was a greedy woman back then, and still is. But her husband, Joseph, was much worse than her. She didn't care about what happens to her, but she wishes the best for G and his son, especially since she knows what Joseph is capable of. The death of Giotto's parents' was not part of the plan, but the cause for G's parents' death was Joseph. He had caused their death. And Giotto's parents' had gotten in the way so he had disposed of them as well.

Joseph had learned of the small inheritance that G's parents' would leave G if they died. And what better way to get their hands on that money than to get rid of them and rid themselves of their child as well if needed.

Oliva had not known of what her husband had done, but when she did. She did the best she could to treat G horrible. To make him feel unwelcome. because she did not want him to meet the same fate as her brother. But in truth at the beginning before knowing the truth, she too wanted that money.

She was glad to know that G had spent all the money in paying off the funeral. Because there was a less chance of him being hurt, but the worry was still there.

And now that she along with her husband know that G is wealthy and has a son, she had to do everything she could to make G more protective of his son. But it seems that after spending so much time with her husband, her thoughts have been clouded over with his own.

Instead of what she had originally thought of helping G and his son, she now thought of how she can get close to get the money. That greed she once had, was now back and worse than ever.

"I guess I'll have to go pay him a little visit won't I my dear." Joseph said.


~Time Skip ( A Few Days Later)~

G in fact as he had planned spoke with Giotto, Alaude, Daemon, Lampo, Asari, and knuckles that they should speak with their "child/sibling/nephew" and get to know about their mothers. Because they never really talked about them. And never really gave a definite answer to the people who ask about their mothers'. The first generation say that they can't say anything due to keeping their identity safe, and keep them from danger.

The first generation did in fact ask the tenth generation about their family. Of course, they told them that they didn't need to go into detail about everything, but just of what kind of person their mothers' are. And any family the should know of. To have his talk with each other they waited until it was a time when Marianela was not around so they could speak in peace with each other. To only have to who know who the tenth generation really are there to listen. So, they pretended to all go to sleep, and when it was late into the night, they all had agreed to meet in Giotto's office.

Tsuna told not only Giotto but also the rest of the first generation what kind of person Nana was, and what she was like. And told them a bit of Iemitsu. He believed that it would be best if everyone knew about them, and not only Giotto. Because for all they know any of the others of the first generation could be asked, what kind of person Giotto's "wife" was like. And they wouldn't know and if they answered and said something completely different from what Giotto was told it would only cause trouble.

"Okaa-san was the one who took care of me as a child and even now. Otou-san was never around. In all my life I have only seen him about three times or so. It seemed that he preferred to spend time in Italy than to be with his own family. I know that it was his own way of keep us safe, but Okaa-san was sad at times, but she tried to be strong for me." Tsuna licked his dry lips, "Okaa-san isn't the very observant type, so she never really questioned many things even if they seemed off. Like she didn't even questions when Reborn, the tutor who happens to be the former sun Arcobaleno, that my otou-san sent to tutor me came. She loves to cook a lot, and she makes the best food at that." he smiled as he remembered his mother's cooking.

Tsuna continued to tell them about his mother and Iemitsu. Which there wasn't much to say about, especially of Iemitsu since he was practically a stranger to Tsuna.

Yamamoto explained what type of person his father was, which they found by the description to be very much like Yamamoto himself. And a bit like Asari as well, "I only have him, okaa-san died when I was young. So oyaji has been my everything."

Each of them took their turns in explaining. Mukuro, he had very little to almost no recollection of his parents', he faintly remembers them, because he spent the majority of his childhood in the Estraneo labs. Chrome, only said that her parents' weren't the best. She did not go into much detail, but all she said was that if it were up to them, they would let her die. And that greatly angered them all.

Ryohei, told them just how extreme and his little sister were. How his father liked sports, and boxing just like him. How adorable his little sister was, and how it was job to protect Kyoko, but that also that his little sister was strong as well. Though he didn't go into detail, he didn't want to explain just what was the reason that caused her to become a bit stronger. He would not speak of what happened in the future. At least so far.

Gokudera re-told his story of his mother. But this time told them of who his father is, and just how he ended up living with his biological father. And he also told them also a bit about Bianchi. He couldn't really say much about her, since he didn't spend a lot of time with her. Though she had been good to him, if they all ignored the many times she fed him her poison cooking. He as well told them how she was in love with Reborn, and followed Reborn to Japan to take him back to Italy. So in the end it turns out that G, would have to say that he has two children instead of one.

Lambo, practically just said that he was sent by his family to kill Reborn. Because he was the best hitman in the world, and only he could kill Reborn. But he did say that his mother was very nice and kind. But that now his mother was Nana.

Hibari didn't go into detail.  Well in fact he practically said nothing.  No one really knew what Hibari's parents' were like.  There were speculations that his parents' were the same as him.  Terrifying people, because how else would have Hibari ended up the way he did.

But what he said had them surprised.  But the tenth generation were shocked into silence.

"My mother is a very kind woman, very gentle." He said barely even looking at the people he was talking to, "She says I take more after my father."

The only thing that they could think of, especially the tenth generation, 'How did such a kind woman marry a man who Hibari resembles in attitude!?' That was a mystery to solve once they got home.

Enma, told them all of who his parents' were, and how he had a little sister. He told them how loving and happy his family was even though they were living off in a deserted place practically. With just a handful of people. He also as best he could with little detail explained of his families murder. Though he said nothing of who it had been when someone had asked who it had been.

"Do you know who was the person or people who murdered your family?" Cozarto asked softly.

Enma clenched his jaw tightly before letting out a deep breath, "No." He briefly glanced at Tsuna who was the closest to him. And he resisted the urge to glance at Daemon. 'This Daemon is not the same one as the one who killed them.' is what he had constantly told himself. Is what practically all of the tenth generation told themselves.

After having heard all that, some (practically all) of the first generation were very upset or mad at having heard what they heard.  Especially when hearing what had happened to Mukuro, Chrome and her family.  And Enma's family being murdered.  They were seething in anger.  If only they could get their hands on those people.


That night they all had a dreamless sleep at the beginning that is. They had fallen asleep almost instantly after going to bed which was new to some of them. Because some don't go to sleep right away, but this time they were all in a deep deep sleep. But it was no ordinary sleep at all.

They were all in what looked like an empty and dark place. Yet at the same time it didn't seem dark, because they could see everything around them, which was nothing at all. For a while that is.

The first and tenth generation were all in the same place. They all knew that it was not a dream. Under different circumstance they would have thought that it was merely a dream, but this was not a dream. Because they could all feel that familiar feel of the flames.

The very flames that the first generation had felt once, and the flames the tenth generation had felt on various different occasions.

"Juudaime?" Gokudera had questioned after seeing Tsuna in his "dream", "What are you doing here?" He glanced over to his left and saw Yamamoto, "What the hell is he doing here. Why am I dreaming of the freaking baseball freak!"

Yamamoto smiled, "All of you are in my dream. That's pretty cool isn't it." He laughed as he looked at all of the tenth and first generation.

Before Gokudera could further question his own sanity, because there would be no way that he would be dreaming of Yamamoto if he was sane. And Tsuna trying to calm them all down, because Gokudera wasn't the only one that had been questioning why everyone was there, even the first generation. They all heard a very familiar voice, or rather voices.

"You have lived in this time for many days, months. And now will be the beginning of either the end of your time in this time or the end of your lives you once new. The end of us, who will reject you. You only have one choice." Seven colored flames appeared. They seemed to have taken the shape of a person. People of flames.

"What choice?" Giotto asked after getting over his initial shock of what he has seen.

"That is for you to find yourselves."

Chrome timidly looked around at the people around her, "Are we going to die? You said the end of our lives."

"Child of man, in a way a part of you will die. The part of you that we are in."

Before anyone could ask any further questions, the flames all spoke in unison.

"Let it begin. The new life. The beginning of the end, it has begun."

Once those words were spoken images began to swarm in both the minds of the first and tenth generation. In order to gain, they most lose something in return.


At having such images come into their minds some had fallen to their knees no longer being able to keep themselves up.

Daemon, Mukuro and Chrome. Especially Daemon and Mukuro, felt horrible at the idea that someone or something that they couldn't properly see was within their mind. Putting images in their mind.

"What is this!?" Tsuna exclaimed as he clutched his head.

No one answered him.

'Okaa-san' Tsuna thought as he saw an image of Nana, but then the image of a man came up, 'Otou-san? No, that's not my otou-san.' As the images passed, he was merely getting more and more confused.

The same could be said for the others. What they knew was no longer what they know.


I've been listening to Move by Taemin on repeat while typing up this chapter.  WHO ELSE HAS WATCHED THE NEW SEASON OF TOKYO GHOUL.

I already had a little bit of the chapter typed up, but I got stuck.  But now that I have to work on my two essay, and two presentations, I was all like "to hell with that! I'm working on this to take my mind off that."  And I'll probably end up regretting that since I almost have no time to finish that.

So on Saturday I went to a Museum that I have already gone too, and I like it a lot, because he has all sorts of stuff there.  He's got two real shrunken heads in there.  And lots of artifacts, not replicas of those items.  I had gone there before in January through April to help catalog the things he has in his museum.  I was in charge of the animals he has there.  And there are a lot.  He has lots of insects too, and some are huge!!!!  But anyways this time, it was just to look around along with my biology class, so I didn't have to catalog anything.  And he's got some new stuff too.

Anyways, I feel like I did pretty bad on this chapter.  I hope to do a better job on the next one.  I have to do better on the next one.  I WILL MAKE IT MY MISSION TO MAKE A GOOD CHAPTER NEXT TIME!!!!  I just hope that I can stop getting ideas for anymore stories.

SO that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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