Chapter 29: New Memories

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So, here is a new chapter.  I actually started this chapter right after I update chapter 28 a few days ago.  I as going to update the day after chapter 28, but I didn't have time since I had to work on some assignments.  And now I have two assignments out of the way, and I have two left to go.  A five page essay for Law & Justice, and a ten page essay for English.

I'm tired, and feel horrible.  I started feeling sick yesterday afternoon, and I got worse at night.  Now, I still feel sick, but not as bad as last night.  I just want to sleep, but since I already had this chapter practically done, I decided to just finish it up, and update.  And I have to work on those essays.  One of them is due on the 29th, so in two days (for some it might be the 28th already where you live, but where I live it's the 27th, 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon).

So, I feel like this chapter is a bit short.  Maybe?  Or maybe I just feel it short since I already had a majority of it typed up, and just typed up the last part of it?

Anyways, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.  Or if it just doesn't make sense or you just don't like it at all.



They all saw the same things. Both the first and tenth generation saw the same that the tenth generation were seeing.

And what they were seeing were their down memories. Memories from their lives back home in the future.

Memories of everything that they have seen, heard and experienced in their lives.

Though, those memories were slowly being replaced by new ones. New memories that will now take the place of the memories that had been there for many years.


They could see the images flash by in their mind. They could see Tsuna, and who would most likely be his mother and father. They saw how Tsuna was in his own time. No doubt that Tsuna took greatly after Giotto even though it had been so many years, and so distantly related. Yet Tsuna took after him.

They could see how he was interacting with his family, his friends. But they also got to see what kind of life he had lived before he met the friends he has now. And seeing that angered them greatly. It angered them to know that such a wonderful child had lived through such a hard childhood. Lived through such harsh and degrading words, through such acts of violence towards him.

They also got to see when the tutor that Tsuna had mentioned came to his house, and how that tutor changed his life, for the better of course. Even though his methods were a bit.... extreme.

They saw when a so called ring conflict began over the Vongola rings. The were greatly upset to see just how much the Vongola had changed from what they had started it out to be in the beginning.

As they slowly saw everything that he had seen and experienced, they began to see flashes of moments they had never heard of. A future where the tenth generation had to fight for their lives. Had to train more than they ever had to, to keep themselves alive. A future where the Vongola were being hunted down and being killed.

Then they saw Enma. How Enma came to them.

Cozarto was curious as to how Enma had met the others. But for some reason not much was shown. Only that they had come to town, and it seemed to have skipped a great deal to the moment that they are now close friends.

They could see the vindice, but that too skipped.

They all wanted to question it, but they could faintly hear in the back of their mind, "You have no need to know."

Was this something that they were not meant to see? Or was someone not meant to see? Could seeing this potentially change something in the future?

As the memories flashed by they came to the moment that they came to the future, and how they ended up here in the first place, those memories began to change as the memories repeated from the beginning.

Tsuna wasn't the teenage boy they saw in the memories, he was the small child they came to know. They saw his mother, but not with Iemitsu, but with Giotto. Giotto's image had taken the place of Iemitsu. Giotto was no Tsuna's father in that memory.

"What is this?" Giotto questioned as he blinked in confusion as he was seeing the images he had previously seen begin to change within his mind. And he knew that he wasn't the only one who was see thing as well. He knew that the others could see it as well, since their reaction was the same as his. Or unless that they were each seeing something similar to his?

Every moment was replaced. Giotto was now the father, and Iemitsu was merely a relative of Giotto's who had taken the task of taking care of Nana and Tsuna while they lived in Japan.

And Reborn, was now an adult instead of a child. Reborn had been hired by Giotto to watch over Tsuna and Nana.

"G.... do you see what I see?" Giotto whispered.

"If you mean that now you seem to be Tsuna's father, then yes."

Giotto nodded, as he continued to see this new images. It seemed in fact that everyone was seeing what he was seeing.


Abruptly it changed to Gokudera's memories.

They saw him with his father, and who they supposed was his sister Bianchi, and their mother. Or rather Bianchi's mother.

As the images flowed by, they saw images of a woman who Gokudera greatly resembled. They all instantly knew that she was related to Gokudera.

And that further was proved when the moments that Gokudera had previously told them happened. How she was teaching him how to play the piano.

'She indeed was a beautiful young woman.' G thought as he watched the interaction between Gokudera and Lavina. He felt a pain in his chest at thinking how Gokudera never knew that Lavina was his mother. Had been living in a lie for many years, until finding out the truth of his mother.

Most of the first generation felt the need to reach out to the young boy who was seated at the piano waiting for the nice lady to arrive for his birthday. He had been waiting and waiting, but she didn't arrive. And it was the same the following years that passed, she never came.

The heart broken and betrayed look he held as he found out the truth of his mother. And of how they believed she died. That she had been killed by someone in the mafia.

As the images passed, they saw Gokudera with a doctor who was teaching him. Then as he grew, how he got into many fights. Then finally how he came to meet Tsuna.

His fight with the Varia members.

Those almost same memories of the future they had gone to passed by in their mind. Seeing an adult Gokudera was rather shocking, since he looked very much like G. The only difference was the hair color, and the fact that Gokudera did not have a tattoo on the side of his face.

The moment he arrived in the future and saw that Tsuna was in a coffin. How they had been in a base hidden, and trained in secret. How he along with Yamamoto had gotten hurt, almost killed.

Then the truth of how his mother had died. She had already been dead due to her illness before her car had fallen over the cliff.

And the same happened with him as it did with Tsuna. Those memories had been repeated.

G and Lavina could be seen together, happily talking. Even though it seemed like pictures, like still images. They could all seem to hear what was happening. They could hear Lavina tell G that she was pregnant for the second time.

They could see Bianchi, a small child near Lavina and G. Bianchi would occasionally rub Lavina's stomach and talk to her soon to be brother.

G had to soon leave, and left back home to Italy after he left Lavina in Japan. Away from the dangers in Italy. They had lived in Italy, but once Lavina had gotten pregnant with Bianchi, she had moved to Japan. Away from any dangers. After all she had some relatives living there as well.

G would send letters to her, and would visit as much as he could.

The moment of Gokudera's birth came. The moment when he was given to a relative because Lavina was ill.

But this time, Gokudera knew that Lavina was his mother.

Then the time that Lavina died came. She died of her illness in her home.

Gokudera being taken in by Tsuna and his mother, as well as Bianchi was too.


The small child smiling happily at his mother, holding her hand. Laughing along with her, along with a man who looked very much like the small child.

Then from that moment of joy, it changed to a scene were both the child and man were standing in front of a grave with the name of Yamamoto Hana.

The moments of sadness that followed after. They saw all of that.

The images passed by quickly. Yamamoto going to school. Yamamoto starting to play the baseball that he loved so much at a young age. The way he interacted with his father. The way they each cared for each other. And it seemed that Yamamoto took after his father greatly, not only in the slight appearance but also in attitude as well.

They all saw how he always smiled, but didn't seem happy.

All the people that surrounded him, and called themselves his friends. Those very "friends" who did nothing when he hit his lowest moment, and wanted to end it all. When those "friends" stood by and did nothing, and the only one to do something was Tsuna.

They saw the moments that Yamamoto spent with Tsuna and the others. How he got along with the others. How he always argued with Gokudera, though it seemed almost playful.

The almost same memories of the battle of the rings once again came up.

Those same memories of the future came again, but in a different point of view. They saw what Yamamoto looked like in the future, and he very much looked like Asari a bit, And the same as the others, it skipped a bit of memory.

And just the same as the others, the memories began to replay again.

Yamamoto Hana, Yamamoto Takeshi and Yamamoto Tsuyoshi was no longer the same. It was no Asari in the place of his father.

Yamamoto and Asari were standing together in front of the grave of his mother/wife.

Instead of baseball, Yamamoto was listening to his father, to Asari play his flute.

When Asari left, Yamamoto was left in the care of his mother's brother, Yamamoto Tsuyoshi.

Instead of wanting to kill himself, Yamamoto had gotten hurt while out in town, and Tsuna had helped him. Though they were all children, and knew each other since their parents' were friends.


Lambo was seen with his family in Italy. And being told that he had to go kill the best hitman in the world in order to become the best.

And it seemed that Lambo believed that, and did just that. He headed to Japan where Reborn was, to kill him. But failed. Many times at that.

They all saw how Nana had taken him in as if he was one of her own children. With Lambo now in the house, there were three small children in the house (not counting Reborn). Fuuta, I-pin and now Lambo.

And the first generation were greatly shocked at what they saw when they saw Lambo use the ten-year bazooka.

A person who looked identical to Lampo showed up.

"Is that what he looks like in the future!?" Lampo felt his mouth fall open at the sight.

Asari laughed, "I wouldn't doubt if we find out that Lambo is actually a descendant of yours. You two look so much alike."

And they were further shocked to see what Lambo would look like in twenty years, when he had used the bazooka twice during the ring battle.

Even though it was images, they could almost feel the power radiating off of Lambo. From what they saw, they could see that Lambo would be a very strong and most likely feared person much later in the future. Because from what they saw of the ten years later of Lambo.... he still had a lot of growing to do.

The memories began again, and once again as the same as the others, these too began to change as well.

Lambo was with Lampo and his family. Lampo looked greatly annoyed at having to look after his younger and annoying brother.

They could see the moment that Lambo was sent to Japan, because Lampo's father had decided that it would be good experience for Lambo to see the world at such a young age. Though he sent Lampo with him as well. But when Lampo had to leave back to Italy. Lambo was left in the care of Nana.


Hibari was seen as a child sitting on a young woman's lap as he looked at whatever the young woman was pointing at in their garden. That woman had the same eye color as Hibari does, the same delicate and soft looking skin. The same slim nose.

None of them had ever seen such an expression on Hibari. In fact they know for a fact that they have never seen the boy smile, the closest thing to a smile that they've seen is a smirk. And that smirk usually meant that you'd be bitten to death.

And in this memory, Hibari as a child was slightly smiling, though would frown right away.

A man later on came to view. And the first generation were completely blown away in surprise.

That man was almost the exact image of Alaude. The only difference was the hair color, eyes, skin color, and the slight distinction that greatly told that the man was of a different nationality.

And from what they saw, he pretty much had a temper the same as both Hibari and Alaude have.

"Guess he does take after his father then." Giotto muttered. The others merely nodded, except for Alaude who just watched in silence.

Alaude was slightly impressed at the amount of power that Hibari should during the fight over the rings. But what greatly impressed him was Hibari's future self. Aside from looking a lot like him, the man that he becomes is powerful. He's strong. He could almost feel the intent to kill slip through the memories as he watched Hibari fight a man with swords in an enclosed place.

In place of his father, Alaude now took that place. Alaude sitting near the woman who was now identified as Hibari's mother.

Alaude talking to Hibari, explaining what he should and shouldn't do. Alaude spending time with Hibari in silence

Hibari sitting on Alaude's lap as a child when he was ill.


The cruel and dark world that he was in since he was a child. The dark and cruel world that tortured him, and many other children.

The torture they were put through over and over again. Experimented on over and over until he had had enough.

Until Mukuro had killed everyone in that place and left along with a few other children.

They saw how Mukuro was taken in by another family. But could only look on in disapproval at what they saw.

Mukuro had somehow taken over the mind and body of a man named Lancia, and had made him kill practically everyone in his family.

They saw how he became over the years. How to yearned to destroy the mafia that has corrupted to world. To dye the world in the image he has of a perfect place.

What he did to get to Tsuna, hurting one person after another.

The fight that ensued between them. The aftermath of that fight. Mukuro being taken by the Vindice along with the other people with him.

They later saw him in the fight over the rings when he took the place of what looked like Chrome.

They had also gotten a glimpse of the place the Mukuro was in. Submerged in water.

The images passed by, and they came across once again the future. And saw Mukuro once again. Once with a man with white hair. And the next in his own body.

"Does that mean that he has been in that water for many years?" Lampo asked.

Daemon frowned at the thought of having known that Mukuro possibly spent many years within that water, and he wasn't the only one was affected. So was Elena.

"I'd like to say no. But I can't say for sure, but it seems like he was." Daemon said.

The unpleasant memories passed once again. Though this time everything was completely different. There was no shred of any memory of his childhood in these new memories.

Mukuro was with Daemon and Elena as a very small child. If they had to guess his age, they'd say around a year old or two. And Elena holding the small form of a child. Who is most likely Chrome.

The small child, as best he could, learning how to make illusions as his "father" taught him. And Elena lecturing them, that Mukuro was to young to learn any of the bigger illusions. That he should firsts learn small things. And making sure not to make any gruesome illusions as well.


Chrome sat silently in her room, as her parents' argued downstairs.

Arguing about the same thing they always do almost everyday.

About her.

It was true what many have said, a picture speaks a thousand words. And it indeed does. These were stilled images, yet they could vividly hear every single thing that was said. They could almost see it all play out in their mind.

Chrome, no, Nagi in this time. Would always be alone. Her mother and father, neither of them wanted to spend time with her. They considered her a nuisance, and wanted nothing more than to get rid of her.

They saw the small child grow in an unwanted family, the way she was treated. Almost as if she didn't exist.

She was playing with a small cat, when that cat ran across the street, and she had run after it. In that moment it seemed as if the images took a long time to change. They could see as she was hit by the car.

She looked very much dead, and would have thought so if it weren't for the slight rise and fall of her chest that was barely visible.

They were now in a room. All white, and with strange and unknown machines. But they knew enough to know that this was some sort of place for medical attention.

There laying on the bed with bandages and connected to some machine, was Nagi. Barely alive if it weren't for those machines.

The voices of her parents' saying that neither would give an organ to help her. It seemed like they would rather let her die, than to let themselves help their own daughter.

Elena let out a sob as seeing such horrible parents'. At seeing the child they had come to know nearly dead.  They were full with anger at seeing the people who are her parents, just letting her die.

Though in an instant that changed. They could see the first encounter that she and Mukuro had.

How Mukuro had decided to help her. Had made her organs from his illusions. How he saved her life.

She was no longer Nagi, she was now Chrome.

The first meeting with Tsuna and his friends. The place she lived in along with the people who were with Mukuro.

She lived her life as a medium for Mukuro to the outside world. And she was content with that.

The moment she faced off on her own with a man in the future, the owl that looked so much like the one that was there with them in this time. Mukuro having helped her in whatever way he could.

Seeing Chrome once again nearly dying as the illusions she had as organs began to vanish.

The memories stopped and seemed to play backwards all the way to the beginning.

Now this time, Chrome was with Daemon, Elena and Mukuro. Laughing and enjoying their day.

They would go out as a family and have picnics.

Now the reason as to why she lost her organs and her eye was damaged because of an accident.

The carriage they were in, had fallen into a steep ditch, it seemed almost to large to be a ditch it seemed rather close to a cliff. She had been the only one to be severely injured. There were trees where they landed. Some of the branches form the trees had made their way into the carriage and impaled themselves into Chrome who had been sitting on that side of the carriage.

Daemon had made her illusionary organs to keep her alive. There was no other way.

Mukuro and Chrome had spent a great majority of their time with "their parents" until they went to visit Japan, and since it was such a quiet and calm place, they thought it the perfect place to keep the children hidden for the time being.


He seemed to have always been a very energetic and.... extreme child.

Ryohei had definitely not changed at all since his childhood. He still cared very much about his little sister.

He still liked to box. He was strong for his age.

The image of Ryohei being beat by a group of other children who had held his sister as a sort of assurance that he wouldn't fight back.

"They're the worst. What kind of person does something so low." Knuckles muttered, "May they have repent for their actions."

They saw the promise that he had made with his sister. To no longer fight. To not fight a fight that would result in him losing and getting hurt. She no longer wanted to see him hurt.

"He's very much like you too isn't he." Asari said. Though he had not directly stated to whom, but they knew to who he had been referring to. To Knuckles.

Ryohei trying to get Tsuna to join the boxing club. Ryohei training with the Rain Arcobaleno, and he winning his battle for the Vongola ring.

Seeing a grown Ryohei in the future. Who seemed to have calmed down a bit from his very energetic younger self.

Seeing Ryohei along with the others train to get stronger for that battle that they had seen over and over in the previous memories. The fight with that man who had started the Vongola hunt.

Then the memories once again changed.

Ryohei still had his parents', but Knuckles was no there. He was the very loving uncle that went to visit both his niece and nephew.

Knuckles telling both Ryohei and Kyokyo his stories of his travels, and of his friends. The fighting had been completely been replaced. Though the scar that Ryohei had gotten as a child changed, to that Ryohei had gotten scrapped by a tree branch.


Enma was seen with his family. With his father, mother, and little sister.

Enma's father looked a very similar to Cozarto.

"So these are my descendants." Cozarto muttered more to himself than to anyone else.

They saw Enma playing with his little sister, Mami.

They all looked so happy, even though they looked to be in a very secluded area. And it wasn't only Enma's family that was there. There were a few other people there too.

But that mood of happiness was short lived.

They couldn't see who. But all they knew was that it was a man. A man that came and killed everyone.

That killed Enma's family, and the other families living there as well.

Enma had been the only one from his biological family to survive, because his parents' and even Mami were all killed.

They didn't know who the man was. But they felt like they shouldn't know who it is. Yet at the same time they needed to know who it had been.

Enma was now with Cozarto and Julia. In this new memory, there had in fact been a younger sister, but she had died of an illness at a very young age.

In this new memory Enma lived happily with his parents'. He was happy, that is until there had been rumors of an enemy familia of the Simon, that wanted to use Enma as leverage. So, to protect their only child that remained, Cozarto and Julia made the decision of sending their son away to a place they had deemed safe.

The enemy had been.... disposed of shortly after, but Enma was left were he was. In Japan to keep him safe.


Just as they came, the images vanished.

They were stunned into silence. What was the reason for seeing such images? And from what they saw, the parts with Jonathon and having gone through everything they did in England was different. There were no flames involved. Everything had changed.

Even the animals that the tenth generation had were different. They weren't part of the vongola gear. They were gifts that they had gotten from the first generation.

"Do you think that this has to do with what the flames said?" Lampo asked after getting over the shock of what he had just seen.

Giotto took a deep breath, "Most likely." He said as he focused his gaze at the tenth generation who were all either on their knees or just sitting down on the ground. They had all noticed that at first, most of them had been holding their head, but now they weren't.

They were just there in the same position they were left when those images began. Some of them were looking around, and some just had a blank stare.

"What you have seen is what they now know. What you should as well know, that is why we allowed you to see what you have seen. You shall and will take the role you were shown." They heard the voices again, "They have no knowledge of what they have learned in their time. They know nothing of us. They are merely children with no knowledge of their lives before this time."

G licked his dry lips, "But what are we supposed to do if they start asking questions about their family? What about Hayato. He has a sister. I know practically nothing about her." G exclaimed.

"We shall show you, tell you, what we deem necessary to know. We shall give you the words to say if the time should come." The voices of the flames responded.

"What is the purpose of this." Alaude demanded an answer. They all wanted an answer.

"Will they choose to stay how they are now. That is for them to decide. They will know when the time comes to make a choice."

And with that, the voices went silent. They heard no more from those voices. And from what they could see of the tenth generation, they did not hear those voices.

Before either the first or tenth generation could do or say anything, everything around them vanished.


They had woken up at the same time. Neither knew if it was merely a dream or if it was real.

But they would know when morning came, since from what they could see it was still night.

(In The Morning)

Giotto was walking out of his office after going in early in the morning to get a document he had forgotten in his office. A document he needed to give Alaude.

As he was walking down the hall, he heard the thumping of footsteps. As if someone was running down the hall towards him since the steps seemed to be going in his direction.


Giotto turned around and saw Tsuna coming to a stop in front of him once he had reached Giotto.

'Papa?' Giotto was confused as to why Tsuna would be calling him papa when no one was around.

Giotto smiled at Tsuna, "Good morning Tsuna." He said as he reached down and brushed aside some of the hair that had come down near Tsuna's eye from the running he had done.

With a smile Tsuna responded, "Morning papa! Can we go together to eat breakfast? The others went to uncles' room to go together with them. Though Kyoya went on his own to eat breakfast without uncle Alaude." Tsuna said, "So, I came here to wait for you so we can go together."

'It wasn't a dream at all. This is the Tsuna with new memories.' Giotto thought to himself as he nodded at Tsuna and held out his hand for the child, his child, to excitedly grab a hold of his hand.

Their walk to the dinning room was quiet, on Giotto's behalf, because Tsuna was chatting excitingly about wanting to go together with his uncles' and dad to the park.

Once they had reached the dinning room, just by seeing the look of the others was enough to tell Giotto that he was not the only one.

That he was not the only one who realized that it was not just a dream what they had seen. That the tenth generation were no longer the children they first met.

They were now "their children", with new memories.

The first generation all thought back to the letter that Sepira had sent, "They will soon be in a vulnerable state with no knowledge of what they know" is what they all distinctly remembered.



She closed her eyes and breathed out, "I wish you all luck." She was worried for the sake of the children. For the tenth generation of Vongola.

Even though she can see the future, she cannot see the outcome of what come to the children at the end of this trial. What she sees is vague and blurry when she had tried to see what the outcome will be. The farthest she could see, is what will soon happen. What will soon come their way.


SO, did you guys like it?  Was it any good?

I really hope hope it was good.  Though it would have been better if it had a bit more detail in it.

I hope I didn't disappoint any of you with how I left it off.  I had two reason for doing that, for leaving it how it left off.  1. I couldn't think of anything else, since I feel horrible, and I want sleep since my head it hurting a lot.  And 2. I ended up thinking, "this is a good place to stop.  Will it make them more curious?"

So yeah that's where I stopped.  And I don't know when I'll be able to update, so it might take me a while.  Since I have a lot of thinking to do for the next chapter, and I have those essays to finish.

Anyways I want to thank you all for reading this.  For reading my horrible spelling and grammar errors.  All of you are great!!!!

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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