Chapter 32: Decision

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So.... I finally updated.  It's been a long time since I last did.  Last year in November was it?  I hope to update the next chapter not so late.  I'm sorry for taking so long in updating, and I've honestly missed working on this.

So many things have happened that I just can't believe.

I hope that all of you are doing okay and in good health during this hard times.  And hopefully this chapter can add a little bit of happiness as you read.  Anyways here is the chapter.  Which I feel I could have done better.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, or if it just doesn't make sense or just not good at all.



It was true that his motive was only personal. Though he wouldn't deny that having had his children betrothed to a child of one of the Vongola, would greatly benefit his family. But that came second in his decisions.

Out of all the possible candidates of betrothals, the Cavalone and Vongola were the only two who seemed appropriate and a definite better choice in his eyes.

The well being of his children came first. Many of the other children of their age are from families who are nothing more than inhumane. And he did not want his children to live in such a place.

He won't deny that his children have been around the cruel outcomes of living in the dark world of the mafia. But his family were one of the very few who were not a cruel as many of the others.

'As a father yourself, you must also understand that you would want the best for your children. I'm not talking about materialistic things, but in a personal and emotional life for them.' The words that Giotto had said to him, were ones that deeply engraved itself into his heart and mind.

And that further confirmed that the Vongola had been a good choice of a possible candidate for his children. But as fate may have it, the betrothal was never to be.

"Having our children interact with each other and further get to know each other seems like a better option. Though ultimately it's up to the children if a friendship blooms." Asari said as nestled his cup of tea in his palm, "We should start with setting 'playdates' between them to get to know each other. If that is alright with all of us here."

Taking a few seconds to process what had just been said, they all agreed to what Asari had suggested.

"And should something develop aside from a friendship?" Ignacio asked, "I'm not further trying on this matter." He quickly added.

G glanced at everyone in the room, "It would be up to them to decide on that." He said as his frown deepened, 'Hopefully it never comes to that.' He thought.

"Just as he has said, it would be up to our children to decide." Giotto followed after.


They had seen and met countless other children around the same age as them. Some of them were wonderful, but their family were no so much. And at times, some of the children had begun to take on the traits and habits of the people they had grown around. Some of which were not so good.

They, especially Catalina, had yearned to meet someone who would not be as frightening. The only one they had known as such, were the children of the Cavalone. And now from what they could see so far, so were the children of the Vongola.

The Gennero siblings glanced at each other before following after the Vongola children who were now inviting them to go play with them after having introduced themselves.


Chrome and Catalina sat in a comfortable silence a they quietly pet the fluffy white bunny currently laying on the ground, seeming to settle further into the loaf shape it had in comfort.

"What's his name? Cataline shyly asked as she slowly reached for the bunny's ear.

Chrome looked up from snowball, and shyly glanced at the girl sitting in front of her, "His name is Snowball." She responded, then fell back into a silence just as the other girl did.

Was there a sense of kinship since the two girls were so similar? The felt at easy with each other

As the two girls quietly sat with each other. The others began to play hide and seek. Gokudera being the one to count. And the other three being the ones to hide. Though he was pretty sure that the older boy let himself be found on purpose.

~Time Skip~

After what seemed like hours being with each other, two other of the children came along. Ryohei and Hibari.

Catalina found Ryohei to be to loud and it hurt her ears, but he was very nice. And she liked that. But the other boy, his very glance seemed to pierce into her soul.

Though both siblings would be able to agree that Hibari's piercing blue grey eyes, are nothing compared to his father's, Alaude. The first time they saw him. Their very being told them to be careful. Was it a gut feeling. Or was his piercing gaze to frightening for them. A frightening and powerful gaze. A gaze that they were sure would never waver under any condition or situation.


As the drank their tea and watched the children, Chloe walked towards them.

"I've been informed that their meeting is nearly finished. And that Sir Gennero will shortly call for his children. She said as both women turned to look at the other girl.

"Thank you Chloe." Julia smiled, "Guess we'll have to let the children know that Rafael and Catalina will be leaving soon."

Both Elena and Julia set down their tea cup and got up from their chair and made their way towards the children.


"So they'll be leaving soon?" Chrome asked as she looked at her mother, after they had been told that Rafael and Catalina would be leaving soon since their father was almost down the meeting he had with the first generation.

"Yes." Elena answered, "But you could always play again some time." She said as she placed her hand on her 'daughter's head'.

Julia looked at all of the children, "Did all of you have fun playing together?" She asked with a smile.

Enma and Tsuna smiled, as well as did Chrome, and Catalina. Whereas Rafael verbally responded.

"It was very nice. I had fun being here with them." He said with a nod.

"Let's play again later." Tsuna said, "You'll leave with your papa to go home to your mama."

At those words, the Gennero siblings visibly stiffened.

"We don't have a mama anymore." Catalina said as she looked down at her feet as she clutched the sides of her purple dress, "Papa said she went to live with the angels."

Tsuna's mouth felt like sand. His mouth had gone dry as soon as he heard what Catalina said. He would never know what it felt like, since still his mother.

"I'm sorry." Tsuna apologized.

Rafael pursed his lips and gently set his hand on Tsuna's small shoulder, "It's okay. You didn't know."

It wasn't long after that the Gennero siblings left after a maid followed by their father came to get them.

As the children said their farewells, Elena slowly walked over to stand next to Daemon who had come along with Giotto and the Gennero boss.

"What was final decision?" She asked in a whisper loud enough for only the two of them to hear.

Daemon glanced at Elena the turned to look at the children, "We decided that they should be friends. To build up a friendship, and that as they grow the choice is theirs to do what they want." He said, not really liking the sound of it.

Elena slightly frowned, "But what if they...." Her words were cut off by Daemon who answered almost as if he could read her thoughts. But he as well had thought of this.

"I know. We have thought of this. Having them interact like this is enough of a risk as it is. If, when they get older, they seem to develop something more than a friendship.... we have to do what we can to stop it." Daemon said with a sigh.

If it were any other child, there would be nothing to worry about, but these children.... they must never live the life of an average child in this time. As horrible as it sounds, the smallest of things can change the future. This along in having them get closer to other people could potentially change everything.

No one knew how long they would be living with them, or rather when they would leave. If they did in fact live well into their early, mid or late teens here with still no recollection of their life in the future, the probability of them having start a new life her would be very high. There's only so much they could do to prevent anything from happening, but something things are unavoidable, and they cant exactly keep the children locked away.


Shortly after their guests had left, the first generation had shut themselves in the office. After all they had a serious situation on their hands.

They had to come up with anything they could to prevent the worst case scenario from happening. They couldn't afford anything that could change the future from happening.

Various thoughts and ideas had been spoken, but many of them seemed to strict and even oppressive. Keeping the kids interactions with others to a minimum. Keep them at home at all times. Make them believe that they already have someone they are to be betrothed to, so they wouldn't get any ideas of any engagement.

By the time they came up with something they could all agree on, to monitor the children and make sure nothing happens. It was already late evening and time for dinner.

Once they were all at the table, they were all bombarded with questions. As to why they took so long.

"We were talking about opening up a few other businesses in other countries." G had quickly said before anyone had said anything. Which wasn't entirely a lie, they did have some thought of this before.

"We were talking about opening up a few other businesses in other countries." G had quickly said before anyone had said anything. Which wasn't entirely a lie, they did have some thought of this before.

The children accepted this explanation as they began to eat their dinner.

Their dinner consisted of occasional questions of their day, if they had fun. And the sounds of the cutlery.

Soon after all questions had been asked, everyone fell into silence as they ate. Their cutlery being the most heard sound in the dining room.

Though one set of cutlery came to stop. Yamamoto stared down at the piece of chicken on his plate. He stared at it with such intensity, and eventually poked it a few times with his fork, before looking up at Asari who was sitting next to him.

"What was mom like?" Yamamoto asked, "What was she like when you met?"

What happened earlier in the day with the Gennero siblings made him think of his own mother. A mother that he hardly remembers. His mother had died when he was very young and only has very vague memories of her.

He still remembers when she would sing to him to help him sleep. When she would tell him stories to make him smile when he was sad. When she would make his favorite food, how much he loved her food. And especially how much he missed her.

He still remembers her hugs, if he could describe her hugs, he would say that it felt like being embraced by summer during a blizzard. But he couldn't remember what she looked like. He couldn't remember how her voice sounded, or rather if what he remembered did justice to what she really sounded like.

Many thoughts had plagued his mind about his mother. Was she nice? Was she as pretty or even more pretty than the moon, stars and flowers?

She had to be nice right? Even though he didn't remember much, he knew that there was nothing but nice things about her in his mind. But his father must know better? Or maybe his uncle, but his uncle was in Japan.

That question alone caused everyone in the room to stop anything they were doing. But it made a few of the children to think. To think of their own mothers. Gokudera, whose mother died as well when he was young, he wanted to know more of her. But he could never bring up a subject like that. Would it have made his father sad to talk about her?

"Can you tell me about her?" Yamamoto continued.


He felt as if his food had gotten stuck in his throat and painfully scrape his throat. What was he supposed to say to this child?

The only thing he knew of his mother was what was shown to him and to the others by the flames.

Asari took a deep breath, and when he was about to speak, things he had never seen nor heard in his life had come rushing into his head. It felt like he had fallen into the deepest parts of the lake, and the muffled sound of the water passing by his ears. But once the feeling was gone, he realized that he knew of his mother of his "wife".

"I'll tell you later. How about when you're ready to sleep?"

At hearing his father's words, Yamamoto smiled and nodded happily. Though he stopped mid nod as he thought for a second, "Can I let them know about mom too?" He asked motioning to the others at the table. He wanted to know of his mother. But he also wanted the others to know just how the mother he loves so much was like. How his father met his mother.

Asari smiled, "Of course."

It was then decided that they would set up an area for all the children to sleep in, as the listened to the story. The story of Yamamoto's mother. The past of Asari and his wife.


My poor baby.  I felt like crying the last part with Yamamoto.  So from how this chapter ending, I guess some of you may guess what the next chapter will be like.

So, what did you guys think of this chapter?

So, spring semester started last month as it did for many of you.  I'm currently in general business program.  I'm taking a Financial Accounting class, along with Business Lega Environment (Basically business law), and Business statistics.  Business Statistics, is the hardest class ever!

The first assignment we had, I submitted it about two or three days before it was due.  the professor wanted it to be submitted to him by email, so I did that.  Then the day before it was due, I received an email.  The worst email of my email

My professor said that I cheated!  That when he opened my assignment, the name of some other student showed up!  I spent a whole good 30 minutes basically arguing with him by email.  I was crying so much.  This was the first time, from what I can remember, that I ever cried over an assignment.  He made me forwards the mail with the assignment to him.  He finally accepted the assignment.  I cried even more because I was happy.  Because I had spent an entire week working on it.

My face was red, my eyes and lips were red and swollen from crying.  From that point, I disliked that teacher.

Anyways, moral of the story.  Be careful of the teachers and classes you get.

ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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