Chapter 4. Adoption

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Some of it was written during a head ache, so if something doesn't make sense, sorry.


(Here the VG can change shape to their ring forms.)


'EHH!/hn' was what was going through their minds at the moment.

Tsuna slowly took a few steps back, "We have to get out of here." He whispered.

Hibari began to take out his Tonfas.

"Hibari-san stop! We can't fight them, we don't even know how strong we are in these bodies, and if we are in the past we'll end up changing it if we do something."

Hibari frowned, but reluctantly obeyed.

(First Generation POV.)

( "Italian" [Japanese] )

Giotto and his guardians were walking around town having just come from a meeting with a family wanting to make an alliance with them. Giotto was looking at his surroundings and ended up bumping into something. He looked down and saw a small child who barley just reached above his waist.

[I'm so sorry.] The small child looked up, and upon seeing his face he froze.

This child looked just like him when he was a child himself, except for the hair and eyes. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and this child had brown hair and eyes.

The child took a few steps back, and whispered to the group of children behind him that he just noticed. When he saw these children he was surprised yet again. These children looked just like his guardians, and even one who looked just like Cozato.

"Oy, Giotto what are you looking at?" G asked as he walked up to his friend and boss.

Giotto could only point, G looked to where his friend pointed. What he saw literally made him gasp. He saw a mini Giotto and a mini him, along with minis of the others.

Slowly the rest of the guardians walked up next to Giotto they too noticed the small children.

"What is this? Is it one of Daemon's illusions?" Lampo asked.

Daemon shook his head and continued to look at the children.

"I know I don't have a kid. How about you guys?" Asari said.

Everyone either said no, or just shook their head.

"Who are they then? The brunet spoke in Japanese a while ago."

Giotto looked back at the children, [Could you tell us who you are?]

None of the children answered they just stared at him, and began to slowly move back.

[Tch. Answer his question. Who are you kids?!]

"G calm down you'll just scare them." Asari said.

"Maybe they're in shock to be in the presence of ore-sama." Lampo said as his ran a hand through his hair.

"Nufufu, you'd certainly wish that wouldn't you."

"Hn." Alaude began to walk closer to the group.

"Hold on Alaude, don't scare them!" Giotto hissed.

G sighed, "hey you brats tell us already who you are."

The children froze all movement then the small G look alike took the brunets arm, and ran but not before he yelled over his shoulder.

"We also understand Italian!"

(Normal POV.)

"We also understand Italian!" (Reborn had forced them to learn Italian, with various other languages.)

Gokudera ran pulling Tsuna along with him. Since their bodies were so small they couldn't ran as fast as they'd want to, and the first generation was running behind them.

Hibari ran to an alley, and jumped over the wall. Everyone else followed suit, and also jumped over. Just as the last person was over the wall the first generation ran past them. The first generation continued to look for them for a while longer then they finally gave up.

They stayed hidden until they felt it was safe to come out. As they ran back into the forest to hide they failed to notice someone watching them.

Once they were all in the forest, they all just sat or laid on the ground to rest.

"What are we going to do!"

"ma ma, calm down Tsuna. We'll figure something out."

"As much as I hate to agree, the baseball freak is right."

Before they could completely catch their breath, thy heard footsteps coming towards them. And just like cats they scattered, (have you ever spooked your cat, and it just jumped and ran off.)


(First Generation POV)

"For being brats, they sure run fast." G breathed as he leaned against a wall.

Giotto folded his arms and sighed, "I just hope they're okay."

"Why would you care about them? You don't even know them." Lampo asked.

"You saw them didn't you. They look just like us... what if something happened to them."

The group walked in silence towards their carriage, "I can extremely see your point. I pray for their safety."


(Normal POV.)

As the group ran they could hear a voice.

"I didn't know Primo and his guardians had children. This is just great, my boss will be so happy. Hahaha, you just made my day."

As they kept running they heard more movement around them, and they eventually had to stop, because now they were completely surrounded.

Enma began to move closer to the others. Eventually they all had their backs to each other.

As the footsteps got closer, a man walked out from behind a tree. Even though Tsuna was scared, he just wanted to laugh so bad. He noticed that some of the others also turned away from him, while the others (Mukuro) laughed.

If there were a definition for "what the hell." This guy would be it. His mouth had a slight curve to it, kind of looking like a cat (kind of like the cat in Alice in Wonderland.) His hair looked like the feathers of a newly hatched chick, (all fuzzy, and kind of soft looking.) Basically his face did not fit his body. His body looked perfectly fit, but his face was just the kind of face one could not take seriously.

"You useless kids, how dare you laugh at Bayen-sama."

"Kufufu, we're not laughing at him, we're laughing with him. See he looks happy, he's even smiling."

At this everyone burst out laughing. Of course laughing isn't a good idea in the kind of situation they were in. The one now known as Bayen made a sound that sounded kind of like a growl which made them laugh even more, because it made him seem more like a cat.

"Enough! You're just like your father Daemon."

"Do not compare me to that person."

Before things could go to a more drastic level Hiabri spoke, "What do you want herbivores?"

Everyone stayed quiet for a while, but before anyone could say anything a certain someone asked, "Arara, are you here to play with Lambo-san?"

"Shut up stupid cow!" Gokuders whispered harshly to Lambo.

Bayen sighed, "Get them."

At once the others jumped towards the small groups and threw a few glass bottles that released a gas once it broke. One by one the group started to fall.

"The reason I need you, is because you're Vongola's kids'. Sweet dreams."

Once Tsuna and everyone else was unconscious. The older men picked them up, and walked off.

~Time Skip (Next Day)~

(First Generation.)

As G walked out the door a small pigeon, landed in front of him. And being G he just ignored it, that is until the bird once again got in front of him. This time as G looked at the bird he noticed something tied to it's leg.

He kneeled by the pigeon to take a better look. There was a note attached to it's leg. G took it, and once it was off the pigeon flew off.

G unfolded the letter, but before he could unfold it all the way, he noticed to who it was addressed to. It said "Primo" in big bold letters.


(Giotto's POV)

The best thing to do in the morning is to drink a nice cup of coffee or tea, enjoying a slice of cake. But all I have is stacks of papers. Most of them are bills for damages that either Alaude, or Daemon made. Which were a lot.

I continued to sign away at the papers from hell, when I heard someone running in the hallway.

"I bet it's Lampo running away from Daemon."

The door burst open.

"No Lampo, you can't hide here."

"I'm not Lampo, idiot."

"Oh, G." I smiled at my storm guardian.

G walked up to my desk, with a piece of paper in his hands.

"This came for you."

"Hmm. From who?"

"a ......"

"A what? I couldn't hear you."

"A pigeon."

I laughed, "A pigeon." Even though I laughed I knew that he wasn't lying.

"Hey, it's true!"

"I know it is. I just didn't expect it to be a bird."

G handed me the paper. I quietly hoped that it wasn't something I had to sign, but once I saw what was inside I actually hoped it had been something to sign.

As I read the letter I felt my mood just get worse and worse until, "G... I want you to gather the others."


"I want everyone to be here as soon as possible."

G ran out of the office, once I heard his footsteps fade, I re-read the letter.

(10 minutes later.)

"So what's so important to wake me up from my nap?"

I sighed, "I received this letter a while ago. I believe it has to do with the children we saw yesterday."

"What does the letter say Giotto?" Asari asked.

"It says, 'Hello Primo, and guardians I do hope that you are enjoying this letter you're reading. I currently have something precious to you and your guardians. Can you guess? I have your children, if you don't come to Venice at the cabin near my mansion in two days time, you better start praying for your kids'.

Yours truly Emilio.'"

"Emilio. Isn't that the boss of the Impetuoso* family!"

"Yes, and we all know what his specialty is. To kill anyone who get's in his way. And do anything with out a care as long as he gets what he wants." I sighed.

Lampo snorted, "Yeah, and stupid too. Oh god.... his face." Lampo laughed.

"Lampo do not use the lords name in vain."

Giotto sighed.


(First Generation, Normal POV)

"All the more reason to not go. What if those brats are in on it, and it's all a trap?" G snapped.

"G, we don't know for sure they are?"

"Giotto, we don't even know if they even really have the kids to begin with."

"ma ma G, calm down."

Giotto sighed, "This letter doesn't seem to be a fake. I think we should go check if they really do have the children."

"Nufufufu, and why would we do that?"

"Daemon like I said before, those children look so much like us. What if some family really thought, that they were our children or related to us. They probably have the children trying to lure us out by threatening the lives of the children thinking that they are ours!"

No one said anything for a while, "I extremely understand. I also think we should go too."


G looked at Giotto for a while, "Fine."

"Daemon, Alaude, Lampo, Asari."

"I'll go." Asari said.

"Hn." Alaude pulled out his cuffs.

"Nufufu, I guess I'll go too, since everyone is already."

Giotto nodded, "We'll leave in one hour."


(Normal POV)

When Yamamoto woke up he was laying next to Ryohei. As he tried to move he noticed that his hands were tied together.

He looked around the room and saw the others lying on the ground, and just like him they were also tied.

After Yamamoto got up he went to wake up the others.

"Hey, Gokudera. Are you awake?"

"Gokudera, come on. We have to get out of here."

Finally Gokudera started to stir, and when he opened his eyes he found himself face to face with a smiling Yamamoto.

"Get away from me." Gokudera sat up, "Stupid baseball-freak."

Once he got up he started to looking around for Tsuna, and the others. Yamamoto, and Gokudera went to start to wake up the others.

After a few minutes all of them were awake. Except for Hibari who had already been awake for some time.

"What kind of kidnapper doesn't take away weapons. Stupid idiots. I still have my dynamites."

"Now that you mention it, I still have my mittens, and pills."

"Mines not here."

"Tch, baseball-freak look in the corner."

Yamamoto turned to look at the corner and found his sword leaning on the wall.

After everyone had their weapons, they began to find a way to untie their hands.(which were tied in front of them not behind them.)

"Juudaime, let me see you hands."

Tsuna stretched his hands towards Gokudera who then began to slowly untie it. Even though it took some time, he managed to untie Tsuna. Tsuna then moved on to untie Gokudera, and so on.

Once all of the were untied, they took in their surroundings. They were in a small room, just enough space for them to move around. The place looked old, but it was clean. If it weren't for the situation that they were in they might have considered the place kind of nice, and comfortable. A small fire place was at the front beside the door, but it was a bit cold.

"The doors not locked." Chrome said as she opened the door.

"Are you serious?"

"These people are idiots. They should have locked the door. Not that I don't mind."

"It was locked."

"Hibari-san what do you mean?" Everyone looked towards Hibari who was leaning against the window with his eyes closed.

"The door was locked, I just unlocked it."

Everyone just stared at Hibari as if he had grown an extra head. Because he actually did something that might help everyone and not just himself.

"Then... w-why didn't you leave?"

"hn... I needed a nap."

Tsuna sighed, "Well we might as well get out of here."


It had already been more than ten minutes since they left the room they were in and there was no sign of the people who had taken them. Tsuna just thought that maybe because the place was really big. Lots of twists and turns, and hallways.

They continued to walk for a while more, but then as they turned a corner they saw a group of men just standing there. As they tried to go back, the men turned around and saw them.

They tried to run, but once they turned around there was another group of men behind them.

"Move or I'll bite you to death for crowding."

The men just laughed, "You're so much like your father Alaude." One of the men said.

"Besides what can a kid do." Once again the men laughed.

Hibari pulled out his tonfas and charged towards the men.

~Time Skip (Few minutes later.)~

If Hibari had been in his normal size he would have been finished ages ago, but now that he's in a smaller sized body he has only managed to "bite to death" at least half of the men there.

When the men started to get the disadvantage they pulled out their guns. Once the guns were pulled out Tsuna, and the rest got their weapons out and began to fight. And the same as Hibari happened to them, there body size was a big problem to them, which resulted in a lot of bruises, and a few scrapes from bullets. Unlucky near bullet victims: Tsuna, Enma, and Ryohei (who thought he would be able to punch them.)

After what seemed like hours angry voices could be heard. The voices got louder and louder.

By this time, Tsuna was out of HDWM an so was Enma since their Stamina had dropped down drastically from who it was before(since their body is small, most of their stamina dropped). So the only weapons they had were their hands, legs, and teeth. Which they used to their fullest.

Lambo was in a corner of the hallway so everyone could fight without having to worry about him. Well that was how it was supposed to be anyways.

"Gupyaa! Let Lambo-san go!"

Everyone turned to look at Lambo, and found him being held up from the collar of his uniform.

Tsuna began to run towards him, but he didn't have to get very far since someone else had already gotten to him. The man holding Lambo was thrown across the room by a punch from none other than Vongola Primo.


(First Generation POV)

As they had made their way towards the location they were supposed to meet at. (Which they had arrived to a day earlier.)

When they were already near the cabin they began to hear loud sounds coming from the direction of the mansion. They ran towards the mansion only to be found being stopped by a group of men. They had no other choice than to make them move.

Once Giotto, and his guardians had made it through, they began running towards the sound of what sounded like fighting. When they got closer to the place they heard someone yell. Which made them move even faster, since that the yell sounded like a child.

When they made it there, they saw a man holding a small child, and saw the other children they had previously seen, hurt, and fighting. Giotto noticed the small brunet run towards the man holding the small child, but before the brunet had made it there Giotto had already moved next to the man and punched him across the face and sent him flying.

The men stopped fighting when their comrade had been thrown in their direction only to see the Vongola.

The men then began to run away. But most of them were stopped by Giotto, and his guardians.

After all the men had been defeated, a clapping could be heard.

"Bravo. As expected of Primo, and his guardians."

"Emilio. You coward show your self!"

"Hmmm.. I don't think so."

"Well if you don't come out we'll just have to go find you." G said.

Emilio laughed which was then cut of by a scream.

"How did you get here."

"Nufufu, did you really not notice that one of us was an illusion. And since I've always wanted the skylark to owe me one, I gave him the opportunity to get you all by himself."

As Alaude continued to torture Emilio, and eventually cuff him up. The rest of them walked over to the children who were by then all huddled together. The closer they got, they noticed how bad their injuries were. The injuries weren't life threatening, but if not treated could get a serious infection.

"Giotto what should we do with them?"Asari asked.

"We'll take them with us."

"I guess you were wrong G. These kids aren't part of a trap. Nufufu."

"Shut up."

Giotto walked over to the children and kneeled in front of them.

"Would you like to come with us?"

The kids looked at each other for a while, before turning back to Giotto. The kids then looked at the others standing behind Giotto. After a few second a few of them nodded.

~Time Skip (Three hours later.)~

(Normal POV.)

The situation at hand now, would be a bit awkward, especially if you were sitting in front your long dead great great great grandfather, and his guardians.

After the incident with Emilio, Knuckles had treated Tsuna and everyone else with his sun flames. And now after that they are now in two separate carriages, Giotto, G, Daemon, Asari, Tsuna, Gokudera, Mukuro, Chrome, and Yamamoto in the first carriage. In the second carriage was Alaude, Lampo, Knuckles, Hibari, Lambo, and Ryohei.

Even though night had fallen they still continued without stopping, the only stops they'd make were for food, to switch places with the person driving (can't remember what's it called) the horses, and occasional pit stops.

It took nearly two days to get to Sicily, since this time they were going at a slower pace than they had when they headed to Venice.

After a nearing the Vongola mansion, G noticed that the kids started to fidget... a lot. He didn't know if they were nervous or scare, or just needed to go to the bathroom.

Giotto looked at the kids sitting in front of him, he noticed the brunet glancing at him, and his guardians every once in a while.


Once inside the Vongola mansion Tsuna couldn't help but just stare at everything he saw. He felt that if he moved he might break something with how clumsy he is he just might trip, and somehow end up breaking a vase or something.

"Since it's already kind of late, we'll show you to your rooms, and call you for dinner in a while." Giotto looked at Tsuna.

They all nodded and followed Giotto and G who were leading them to their rooms. The rooms they got were right next to each other, so they wouldn't have to be so far from each other.

Later on two maids came into each of their rooms, one to prepare a bath for them, and the other bringing them clothes which were big on them.

(Two hours later)

A maid came to knock on each of their rooms, and led them down to the dinning hall for dinner.

This was somewhat of like a chain reaction Enma was holding onto Tsuna sleave, and Tsuna was holding on Gokudera who was the closest person to him.

When the doors opened, they saw the first generation sitting there waiting for them. Once they were seated, dinner was served. Lambo ate, but the rest were kind of hesitant.

"Is something wrong?"

Tsuna looked up to see Giotto looking at them with worried eyes, "N-no. It's... just. Ummm... why did you bring us with you?"

The rest of Giotto's guardians stopped eating and looked at the small brunet.

"I... We brought you with us, not because we felt pity, but because we didn't want you all to get hurt. And... we were also partly responsible for what happened to you."


Giotto took a deep breath, "Yes, those men thought that you were all our children, so they took you. And because of that all of you got hurt. I am terribly sorry."

Tsuna looked at his guardians, then back at Giotto, "It's okay. It's not your fault, we just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."


(First Generation.)

They couldn't help but just stare at the small brunet in front of them. They were expecting him to get angry, and blame them for what happened, but the child had just told them that it wasn't their fault.

"But because of us you got hurt." G exclaimed.

"Like Tsuna said it's not your fault. You didn't do anything bad, you helped us." Yamamoto said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"But..." Giotto began, but was cut off by Tsuna.

"No one did anything bad, it's not your fault that we resemble you all."

Giotto shook his head and sighed, "Well then why don't we introduce each other. We'll start first. I'm Giotto."


"Asari Ugetsu."

"Nufufu, Daemon Spade."

"Lampo, but you may call me Lampo-sama."



The children looked at each of them then said, "Nice to meet you/hn."

"Okay, then I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi, but you can call me Tsuna."

"Gokudera Hayato."


"Yamamoto Takeshi."

"Kufufu, Rokudo Mukuro.

"Chrome Dokuro." Chrome said shyly.

"Sasagawa Ryohei."

"Hibari Kyoya."

"Lambo-sama, gyahaha."

Giotto and his guardians looked at them, but before they could say anything they were interrupted.

"Hibari, Hibari."

As they looked around they noticed a small yellow bird on Hibari Kyoya's head.

"And who's that?" Giotto asked.


"Ummm... That's Hibird." Tsuna said.

"Wait I thought that the Daemon look a likes were siblings." Lampo said.

"Kufufu we aren't but we have always been together. In a way she is like a younger sister to me."

They continued to eat in silence until they were done. Soon after everyone left since when they had started eating it was roughly around eight at night. So they all headed to their rooms.


(Normal POV.)

~9:30 a.m.~

Tsuna and his guardians were all asked to come to Giotto's office. When they got there all of Giotto's guardians were also there.

As the tenth generation looked at the first generation they failed to notice an extra presence in the room until a gasp was heard.

"Surprised aren't you. I told you that one of them looked like you Cozarto."

At the mention of Cozarto they all turned around to see the man in the corner who just waved, and smiled at them.

"Hello, my name's Cozarto."

The tenth generation then proceeded to introduce themselves.

Giotto cleared his throat, "I called all of you hear to ask you a few questions."

At the mention of questions Tsuna felt as if his legs were beginning to turn into jello.

They all nodded, so Giotto continued, "Please sit."

Tsuna and everyone else sat down on the couches in the office.

"Are you in anyway involved with Emilio and his family?"

"Th-that was the first time we ever met him." Enma said as ne nervously moved closer to Tsuna.

"You better not be lying!" G said.

"It's okay G. He isn't lying."

G looked at Giotto then back at the kids.

"Where do you live?"

"We used to be in Japan." Yamamoto said.

Giotto nodded, "I want to know where your parents are."

All of them froze for a while until Tsuna spoke, "Our parents'.... aren't alive."

"All of your parents'?"

They all nodded.

"Do you have any other family members, siblings, uncles, aunts?"

Giotto was answered with no and heads shaking. Which was true since their parent's weren't even alive yet.

After a while of talking Tsuna and the rest were asked to go to the dinning table to go eat their breakfast.


(First Generation.)

Giotto felt as if something broke inside of him at hearing that the children had no parents' or any living relatives to take them in. He was at a complete loss at what to do.

"I suggest that we take them to an orphanage." Lampo said with a yawn.

"I agree with the brat."

Giotto said nothing for a while, "I'm not to sure about that."

"What do you mean?" Asari asked.

"What if they get targeted again, and what if this time something goes wrong and end up getting hurt worse than they did or even die."

The guardians thought over what Giotto had said, "So what do you suggest that we extremely do?"

Giotto looked at everyone of his guardians before taking a deep breath, "That we adopt them."

"Adopt them. Are you crazy Giotto?!"

"Maybe I am, but we can't just send the children to who knows where and have them get hurt when we could have done something. If they were to be killed wouldn't we kind of be an accomplice to murder."

"I agree with Giotto." Cozarto said.

"Hn. I'll get some adoption papers ready." (Since Alaude is all about the law, and does not want Vongola to be tarnished by being an accomplice to children being murdered.)

'That was fast.' All of the other guardians thought.

"I guess I agree too."

"Thanks G."

"I extremely agree too, but I can't adopt any as a son. Maybe as a nephew."

Giotto nodded.

"Nufufu, those two Mukuro and Chrome seem like they have a great ability."

"So is that a yes?"

"Of course."

"I also agree." Asari said.

"Lampo what do you think?"

Lampo sighed, "Yeah, I guess I do too."

"Very well then after breakfast we'll ask them."

"Ask them. Why?"

"Well Lampo, even though we decided to adopt them, they might not want to be adopted." Giotto said.


(Normal POV)

A few minutes after Tsuna and his guardians got to the dinning table, the first generation walked in (including Cozarto.). And they seemed kind of excited, well most of them anyways. Once they sat down breakfast was served.

A fruit Salad with a warm honey-butter bread were served. Hot chocolate for Tsuna and his guardians. And coffee or tea for Giotto and his guardians.

All of Giotto's guardians were on one side of the table except for Giotto who was sitting at the head of the table, while Tsuna and his guardian's were on the other side.

"So what were you all doing when we first found you in town?" Giotto asked.

Mukuro answered since everyone else had their mouth full at the moment, "We were lost in the forest, and we stumbled upon the town after getting out. Kufufu."

'He even laughs like Daemon!' The first generation thought.

"What were you doing in the forest? That forest has been off limits for a while."

"Off limits. Why?" Enma asked.

"Well, many people have been attacked by wolves there. So the towns people don't go near it." Asari said.

"We don't know how we got there. But when we woke up we were all in the forest, and we kind of got chased by wolves, hahaha." Yamamoto said as he took a sip of his cup.

So as they finished their breakfast Tsuna, and everyone else told them about what happened to them before they first saw Giotto and his guardians.

Once they were all finished instead of leaving like they usually did the first generation stayed where they sat.

Giotto cleared his throat, "Can we speak with you all?"

"Is something wrong Giotto-san?" Tsuna asked.

"No, we... just have something we want to ask you all. It's nothing bad."

After a few seconds of silence they nodded.

"Why don't we go to my office and talk there."

Once again they all nodded, and followed them to Giotto's office. The walk to the office felt kind of tense. Kind of like if they were nervous.

In the office instead of going to his chair Giotto stood in front of his desk, and motioned for the kids to sit. Which they did again.

"Since you don't have a family. I.... we were wondering, how do I say this." Giotto took a deep breath, "Since you don't have a family we wanted to know if you wanted to be part of our family."

The first to break the silence was Gokudera, "What?"

"We want to adopt you. I'm asking you if you want to be part of our family we'll give you time to think about it. You can tell us what you think later."

Tsuna thanked his lucky stars that he had been sitting down, because he felt that if he had been standing up he would have probably passed out. The same for Enma too.

None of them spoke they were just to shocked to even utter a single word.

"Like I said you can think it through." Giotto said as he walked closer to the group on the sofas.

They all slowly nodded, and they left the room by saying that they needed some time to think about it.


(First Generation.)

As they watched the children go they started to feel as if they were sick, (kind of like when you get so excited or nervous and your stomach gets a butterfly feeling.)

".... Giotto do you think they'll accept?" G asked as he moved closer to his childhood friend.

Giotto continued to look at the door the children had left through, "I don't know. I really don't know."


(Tenth Generation.)

Instead of going to their separate room they all went into Tsuna's room, even Hibari followed too.

"Tsuna-kun what should we do?"

"We can't accept their offer. What would happen if we disappeared all of a sudden. And wouldn't we be changing the future by accepting their offer?!" Tsuna pulled on his hair.

"Juudaime, I think we should tell them the truth."

Everyone looked at Gokudera who sat next to Tsuna.

"The truth... Gokudera you mean..."

Gokudera cut Yamamoto off, "The truth of who we are and where we are from?"

"I think he's right guys. They could actually help us, Talbot-san is alive around this time so he could probably help us."

The rest nodded, "So should we tell them how old we are too Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked.

"Probably not. It would probably be to much of a shock for them to handle with all of a sudden telling them that we're from the future and then that we're actually teens."

"Nufufu I would have declined their offer anyways, I want nothing to do with that Daemon."

"Neither do I." Chrome said as she held her trident tightly.

Tsuna looked at them, "Guys, I know Daemon did a lot to harm you both, but this Daemon is different. He isn't the one from the future."

Mukuro glared at him, "Are you saying that we should forgive him Sawada Tsunayoshi."

"No, just to give him a chance. To actually get to know the real Daemon. I really haven't forgiven him for what he did, but this isn't the Daemon from the future. Please."

Mukuro sighed, "Very well, but you owe me. When I need or want something you will give it to me no questions asked. Got it."

Tsuna nodded, "Not my body though. That's off limits."


~Time Skip (One Hour Later.)~

(Normal POV)

After having made their decision they made their way to Giotto's office.

Before anyone could knock on the door, the door was opened by a very bored looking Lampo.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Tsuna swallowed the lump in his throat, "Ummm.... we have to talk to all of you."

Lampo stood up straighter as he opened the door wider for them to walk through.

Giotto looked up from his paperwork and saw the small group of kids in front of him.

"Is something wrong?"

They all shook their heads, "No. We need to talk to you. All of you."

"Is this about the adoption?"

Tsuna, and Gokudera nodded.

"I told you, you could think it through. You can take more time to think about it."

"No. We already have our answer."

Giotto nodded, "Lampo I want you to get the others here."

Lampo sighed but nodded then left the room.

A few minutes after Lampo had left all of the guardians were there except for one person, Lampo himself. Just as G was going to go look for him Lampo came in.

"Sorry about that. One of the cooks asked me to taste what he was cooking."

G began to argue, but was shut up with a look from Giotto.

"So what have you all decided on."

"Giotto-san we.... we decided that we can't accept your offer."

Complete silence until Asari cleared his throat, "Can you tell us the reason why?"

Tsuna looked at Gokudera, Yamamoto and the others who then nodded at him.

"It's not that we don't want to. It's just that we can't. We're.... not from here."

"So because you're not from here you can't accept?" G asked.

"What juudaime means is that we're not from this time. We're from the future."

G, and the others looked at Gokudera as if he had just said that cows could fly.

"Good one kid."

"It's the truth. We really are from the future G-san."

Giotto watched as G was about to start up a retort, "G stop. They're telling the truth."

The tenth generation let out a sigh of relief, but the first generation just looked at Giotto.

"Giotto are you sure?" G asked.

"Has my hyper intuition ever lied before? They are telling the truth."

G crossed his arms, and looked at the kids in front of him.

"So what time are you from?" G asked.

"Approximately 400 years in the future." Gokudera said.

Cozarto whistled, "400 years."

"How did all of you get here then?" Cozato asked.

"We were shot by the ten year bazooka. But instead of going to the future we came to the past."

Since the first generation didn't know what the ten year bazooka was they had to explain what it was.

"And we don't know how to go back to our time." Tsuna said.

Giotto nodded, "I see."

"That isn't the only reason why we can't accept." Hibari said.

The first generation looked at him.

"What's the other reason?" Giotto asked.

Tsuna took a deep breath, "The truth is that... I'm Vongola Decimo, and these are my guardians."

"And I'm Simon Decimo."

The first generation just looked at them for a while.

"I think you were wrong Giotto." G said.

Giotto just looked at Tsuna and the others, but said nothing.

"We're not lying it's the truth you old man!" Gokudera said.

"Calm down Gokudera." Yamamoto took hold of his shoulder.

"If they won't believe us with what we say lets just show them the rings."

Once Gokudera had said that the first generation stopped what they were doing and looked at them.

Gokudera shrugged off Yamamoto's arm off his shoulder and pulled his belt buckle (which he had put into his pocket since it was to big on him.) Yamamoto took off his necklace. The rest soon followed suit and pulled out their Vongola Gear. Once they were all out they were out they put them out for the first generation to see.

"I don't see any rings."

"This is how they are now, but this is how they were before they became like this." Tsuna along with the others, (except Enma) put their flames into their VG and turned them into rings. The very same rings that Giotto and his Guardians had on.

Once the rings were showed the first generation along with Cozarto could only stare. After a while Cozarto walked over to Enma and looked at the ring in his hand. The ring was the same as the one he had on.

"It's the same." Cozarto whispered, "It's the same ring."

At hearing this Giotto walked over to Tsuna and saw the very same ring he had on his finger. Shortly after everyone had seen the rings, and Alaude had examined them to check if they were fake and deemed them real. The rings went back to their VG form.

Cozarto cleared his throat, "The Simon ring hasn't changed at all, but why did the Vongola rings change?"

"I'm sorry, but we can't tell you that." Yamamoto said.

"Why?" Lampo asked.

"Because it could change the future." Giotto said.

"So can you help us get back home?" Tsuna asked.

Giotto looked at Tsuna, "I don't know, but we can ask Talbot if he knows a way."


*Impetuoso - Impetuous

I don't know when I'll be able to update. I got the basic idea for chapter 5, but I don't know how to write it so please bare with me.

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