Chapter 7. School?

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I'm not really sure when I'll be updating next since I have an essay to write. So hope you like it.



It has already been two weeks since they went to see Talbot, and still they haven't heard anything from him. The only new thing that had happened was that there were new side effects to their small bodies.

During breakfast Tsuna looked at the ring around his neck, (since he put the ring on a chain since it's to big on him.)

"What's wrong juudaime?"

Tsuna looked up at Gokudera who was looking at him along with some of the others who had stopped eating.

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just wondering if It'd be okay to let Natsu out for a bit."

"That's a great idea juudaime."

Tsuna smiled, and then lit his ring. In front of him on the table was a small lion cub. Giotto who had been watching them dropped his fork before it even reached his mouth once he saw Natsu. He stared as Natsu "Gao'ed" and jumped on Tsuna who just laughed. He then noticed that the rest also had an animal near them. Next to Gokudera was a cat, a dog and a bird next to Yamamoto. An owl near Mukuro and Chrome, a porcupine in Hibari's hand, and a Kangaroo next to Ryohei who then started to box it with. And a.... cow next to Lambo.

Lampo who in front of Lambo had spit out his food, and then fainted when the cow, well bull looked at him. Alaude just "hn." and continued to eat. Knuckles went over to the kangaroo and Ryohei, and saying how the kangaroo had an "Extremely" good stance. Daemon just "Nufufufu'ed" and looked at the owl. G, looked at the cat was by then scratching the living daylights out of Gokudera then proceeded to walk towards him, and away from Gokudera. Asari laughed as the bird landed on his hat (don't know what it's called.)

Natsu jumped off of Tsuna and hopped over to where Enma was.

"Hi Natsu." Enma whispered as he pet its head.


While Natsu rubbed his head against Enma's head he finally noticed Giotto who was just staring at all the animals in the room.

Natsu slowly walked over to Giotto who was beside Tsuna, and just sat in front of him and stared.


Giotto jumped slightly as he looked down at the small cub in front of him. Giotto looked at him as it looked at him.

"It won't bite." Tsuna giggled.

Giotto frowned at Tsuna, but then reached out and pet Natsu behind the ears. Natsu leaned into his hand, but then jumped onto Giotto's shoulder. Natsu curled up for a while on his shoulder before finally going back to Tsuna.

"Where did you get these animals?" G asked, as he held Uri at arms length.

"They're part of our Vongola gear, but before they were just rings."


Tsuna thought for a while then told them a bit about where they had gotten them. He told them about the box weapons, but not the reasons why they got them, and how they turned into rings, and how they were later attached onto the Vongola rings.

"So do they have names?" Asari asked.

Lambo laughed, "This is Gyuudon." Lambo said as he climbed onto Gyudon's back.

'He named it beef bowl.' The entire first generation thought.

"This here is Kojirou" Yamamto pet Kojirou's head, then pointed towards the bird on Asari's head, "And that's Jirou."

"They're almost named the same." Asari said as he reached up to get Jirou off his hat.

"Uri." Gokudera said as he pointed at Uri who was by then rubbing it's head on G's arm.

"I'm extremely next. This is Garyuu." Ryohei said as he placed his hand on Garyuu's arm.

"Kufufu, Mukurowl."

Chrome slightly smiled as the owl landed on her shoulder.

"This is Natsu." Tsuna said as he held Natsu up.

Everyone then turned to Hibari who was leaving the room.

Hibari glared at them, "Roll." He said then walked off.

"You don't have one Enma?" Giotto asked. Which Enma shook his head to.


After breakfast everyone was scattered around the mansion each doing their own thing. Gokudera was in the library which was like heaven to him. He was only interested to be in there for mainly two reasons. 1. There were books that don't even exist anymore, and if they did only a very few people have them, and 2. He found many books on myths and legends.

(Goukdera's POV)

I could only stare at the middle shelf and nothing more. There is one of the books I want to read so bad. I've already read the other books I've pulled off the shelf. Stories of the lochness monster, and even early encounters with big foot. Those books don't do them justice, even the titles were pretty lame. "Mostro Marino"* the name itself practically gave it away, and couldn't they seriously come up with something original? Like "Mysteries of the Sea".

"Tch, Nessie isn't a monster." I mumbled.

The next dumbest name for the book on big foot was, "Uomo Disumana"*. These two books have nothing new that I don't already know in fact I know much more than it. The book I want now is "Legends of Ireland".

As I tried to look for a stool to reach the book, the door opened, but I didn't even bother looking since my mission at the moment was to find a freaking stool. Where the hell is a chair when you need one.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice behind me, so I turned to look.

G stood right next to me looking down at me, 'Who does he think he is to look down at me? Bastard.' I though as I glared at him.

"What do you want?"

G looked at me for a bit then sighed, "I heard some noises, and came to look, and I found you. So what are you looking for?"

I crossed my arms and turned away, but after a while I turned towards G.

"I'm looking for a stool."

"A stool? What for?"

I glared at G, because seriously is he so dumb to not know what a stool is used for, "There's a book I want, and I can't reach it."

G looked at me then at the bookcase, "Which book do you want, I'll get it for you."

"Hell no! I'll get it myself that's why I'm looking for a stool."

"Well tough luck kid. There's no stool around here."

I glared at him, "Why?"

"Let's just say that a certain brat broke it with his head. So just tell me what book you want."

I sighed, "Fine."

(Normal POV)

Once Gokudera had told G what book he wanted, he waited until it was handed to him. Gokudera then went to the sofa he had been sitting at reading the other books. The sofa was comfy looking, but also pretty expensive looking. The whole room looked expensive even the books.

Instead of leaving G pulled out a book for himself and sat on the sofa opposite of Gokudera.

The book that G got was about gardening. It's kind of a secret to all of the other families that G had a soft spot for gardening. Some might think that it was a sign of weakness, or that he wasn't a real man. But the truth is that his mother liked gardening, and in a way he feels a connection with his mother whenever he's near a garden.

There were a few stories that seemed a bit boring in the book Gokudera was reading. But there were a few that caught his interest. One of them was the Banshee, about if you see her and hear her scream that person will die, like king James I of Scotland he said he saw one and shortly after he died. The pookas they were a kind of fairy that liked creating havoc on people. Sometimes when it was in a good mood it would mess up the farms, but on bad days the Pooka would stand outside the house and call people by name, and if they answered and came out they'd be taken. There were also Faeries, and Leprechauns, but the one that caught his interest the most was the Changelings. Sometime faeries give birth to deformed babies, and since faeries prefer to have beautiful babies they'd go to the mortal world and switch their baby with a healthy human baby.

Gokudera snorted when he finished reading about the changelings.

"What's so funny?"

Gokudera looked up at G and looked at him for a while before smirking, "I think I found your species."

"What do you mean?" G asked as he began to walk towards Gokudera.

"You're a changeling." G stopped walking and just looked at him, "They're faeries that have been switched at birth with a human one."

G frowned, "What the hell! I'm not a.... fairy."

"Well your hair begs a differ. It's pink."

G walked the rest of the way to him, and hit him on the head, "My hair isn't pink! Then that probably mean you're one too since you look like me."

"How can I be one, my hair isn't pink."

"It's not pink it's red!"

As G continued to rant on how his hair wasn't red, and that he wasn't a changeling Gokudera fell asleep.

G turned to face Gokudera, but before he opened his mouth he noticed Gokudera sleeping with the book in his hand.

"What the hell. He's just like a kid, it's only 2 in the afternoon." G whispered as he picked up Gokudera and took him to his room.


Ryohei was sleeping outside on the ground after he had finished boxing with Garyuu. Knuckles sat next to him, and stayed there to make sure nothing happened to Ryohei while he slept.

Yamamoto had been drinking tea with Asari, but he eventually fell asleep when Asari began to play his flute.

Lambo well he fell asleep right after running away from Gokudera an hour after breakfast, and he was still sleep.

Chrome was asleep in her room while Mukuro tried not to sleep to keep watch over her to make sure a certain melon didn't come. Which didn't exactly work since Daemon opened the door, and saw Chrome sleeping on the bed, and Mukuro sleeping on a chair.

Enma and Tsuna fell asleep while they were in Giotto's office keeping him company while he did his paperwork. Giotto had looked up from his paperwork to look at them since it had grown awfully quiet, and saw both Tsuna and Enma asleep on the sofa. Giotto smiled, and went back to signing the papers.

And Hibari well he was on the roof of the mansion sleeping with Hibrid singing the Namimori anthem.


(First Generation POV)

After they had put them all to sleep except for Hibari they all headed to Giotto's office only to find Tsuna and Enma sleeping on the sofa.

"They're asleep too." G whispered.

Giotto nodded, "They seem more like kids than teenagers. I wonder if it has to do with them shrinking?"

"Maybe. Makes it hard to believe that they're actually older than they look." Asari said.

They all laughed, "Well I guess I'll need to take these two to their bed. Can someone help me?"

Giotto picked up Tsuna, and G picked up Enma.

As they were walking down the hall Tsuna sighed, and rubbed his cheek against Giotto's chest.

"I bet Cozarto would be poking Enma in the cheek if he were to see this." Giotto said.

G chuckled, "I guess it's a good thing for Enma that Cozarto went home."



~Time Skip (Next Day)~

The day was the same as it usually was, pretty boring since there was nothing to do. Except read books, eat, spend time outside, besides that nothing really.

Today Tsuna was once again in the office with Giotto asking questions about Talbot and if he had herd anything from him. When Giotto said no, he walked out and just aimlessly walked around.

Gokudera was once again in the library, but there weren't many books left to interest him since had read all the ones that caught his eye.

Yamamoto was practicing his sword skills with Asari, but when it was over there was nothing for him to do.

Lambo well lets just say that he and Lampo found a strawberry cake in the kitchen.

Ryohei was running with Knuckles, but eventually after running around the mansion five times he had gotten tired.

Mukuro, and Chrome were out in the garden walking around, practically doing just nothing.

Enma was at one of the tables outside waiting for Tsuna to come back after talking with Giotto.

And Hibari well he was just being Hibari and trying to get Alaude to fight him, which always ended up angering him, since Alaude would always say, "I don't fight children." Which caused Hibari to pull out his tonfas and aim for Alaude. And eventually did end up with a fight between the two. Which caused more paperwork for Giotto, and a very bruised and angry Hibari.


During dinner Gokudera, and Mukuro just played around with their food.

"Are you two okay?" Asari asked.

Gokudera looked up from his food, "Yeah, it's just that there really isn't anything to do."

"Kufufufu, puppy-chan is right, it is rather boring."

"I am not a puppy, you freaking pineapple."

Giotto sighed, "We've been thinking that you should all continue your studies while you're here."

"Our studies? Are you all going to tutor us, or send us to school?" Enma asked.

Giotto shook his head, "No we thought that maybe we could hire some tutors, but if we can't maybe you could go to a school for a while."

"We can't accept. For all we know we could be going home tomorrow or maybe even tonight." Tsuna said.

"At least it'd be something to do, but like juudaime said, we could be going home soon."

Before Giotto could speak the head butler came towards him.

"Talbot has come and he wished to speak with you."

"Very well." Giotto said as he began to get up.

"He wishes to speak with all of you." The head butler looked at everyone at the table.

Giotto nodded, "Where is he now William?"

"He is waiting in your office, along with someone else. Now if you'll excuse me."

Once William left they all began to leave the dinning room and headed towards Giotto's office. When they were near the office they heard voices. One of them was clearly Talbot's but the other one was someone they didn't quiet know. It was familiar, but they couldn't really remember.

Giotto opened the door and saw Talbot sitting on the sofa along with a young woman.

"Oh, you're finally here."

"Is your visit here due to the machine?" Giotto asked.

Talbot nodded, "I brought the friend I said might know about the dream the young ones had."

The young women stood up and face the group, "Hello."

Tsuna looked at the woman in front of him, she looked somewhat familiar, when it clicked.

"You...." Tsuna pointed at her.

The young woman smiled, "I see you know who I am. But I as well know who you are Tsunayoshi Sawada."


*Mostro Marino- Sea Monster

*Uomo Disumana- Unhuman Man

So that's it for now. Hoped you enjoyed it.

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