Buried Secrets

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Yuya shifted awkwardly in his chair, "so Yuto, I've never seen you around here before are you new to the city" Yuya finally asked. Yuto shrugged his shoulders "in a way yes I am new to the city, though I have seen it before" "what do you mean" Yuto paused. He took a deep breath, "well I've seen this city in some of my dreams" Yuya gave a confused look "the thing is before I've had those types of dreams, I had never been to or seen Maimi city". Yuto stopped and looked at Yuya was seemed really confused, "um just forget I said anything" Yuya shook his head "I know what you mean ever since I was adopted I've had these weird dreams of a war and people getting turned into cards" "whoa what did you say people go turned into cards" Yuto was at edge of his seat. "Um yeah people got turn in to cards oh yeah and I was a part of some resistance, weird right" now Yuto was really interested "did you duel in these dreams" "yeah I used a phantom knight deck and my main monster was something called Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon" Yuto was in shock. " Your probably really confused I'll stop talking" Yuto shook his head "those weren't dreams those we're my memories" now Yuya was confused "what you mean all that stuff happened to you" Yuto nodded and pulled out Dark Rebellion "there was only one Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon made on my world". Yuya blinked "your world"
"I'm this might be hard to believe but I'm from another dimension, here let me explain there are four dimensions this one which is called Standard, mine which is call XYZ, Synchro, and Fusion.
The Fusion dimension attack my dimension and are trying to start a war" Yuto looked over at Yuya who was horrified. "So after the Fusion dimension attack they took Ruri my friend Shun Kurosaki little sister, we escaped with each other to this dimension to try and look for some clues on where they might have taken Ruri, but it looks like they haven't been here yet, so there's my story" Yuto finished "wow that's a lot to take in" Yuya said. There was a moment of silence between them, " well first things first we have to figure out why we see each other's memories" "but you haven't seen my memories" Yuya interrupted "I'm guessing I have because in my dreams I see Maimi city remember". Yuto took a deep breath "Yuya this is a serious question but can you remember past when you were 5" Yuya pondered "no not really, all I know is around that time I was adopted" "Same here" Yuto said "and didn't you say you were 14, that means we're the same age" Yuya stated. "You don't think we're twins do you" Yuto said "think about it we look almost identical, we're the same age, we get dreams about each other memories, we were both adopted around the same time, but there is one thing your from another dimension" Yuya stopped "Yuto I have a question for you, do you ever get a dream were your beening chased by someone" Yuya asked "yeah I do I'm running with someone and we reach a dead end, I try to protect the person but in the end we were both engulfed in light then I normally wake up". Yuya eyes widen "it was you, wasn't it" Yuto gave a confused look "me" "you were the one trying to protect me, so maybe it wasn't a dream" "slow down Yuya" Yuya paused "Yuto I was the one you were trying to protect". The pieces were all coming together and Yuto finally understood what Yuya was saying "so I was trying to protect you, it wasn't just a dream was it" Yuya nodded "so then maybe we are brothers", again silence filled the room. "YUYA SAKAKI" Yuzu opened the door "oh crap, I forgot I was suppose to meet her in the park" "met who" Yuto asked "Hide" "what" "Go man I mean it hide" Yuto ran into the other room. "YUYA" "Um hey Yuzu" Yuzu slapped Yuya in the face with her fan "How dare you leave me in the park, I was there for hours" "I'm sorry Yuzu something came up" Yuzu gave a confused look "what do you mean something came up" Yuya hesitated "Um I rescued a cat and then let it go" he lied "right don't forget you're suppose to come to Youshow tomorrow to discuss what we're going to do for the duel festival this year" "Ok" Yuya pushed Yuzu out the door "and don't be late" Yuya nodded and silently closed the door. "Well that was something" Yuto said while walking up to Yuya, they laughed "yeah she's something alright, come on it's getting late let's go to bed".

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