## 002 | in danger

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## in danger ᘏ !


▎It was later that night when they had parted from each other, and she was now nestled in a blanket at her apartment. Her phone was playing Baekhyun at a low volume as she drew the smile on Chan's face from the morning when he was talking about Seungkwan, finding the memory to be more difficult to etch into the paper than she thought.

His eyes weren't matching the smile and she could feel her frustration growing so she had to settle on moving onto a different image of him. This time it was the frustration he was experiencing about his instructor and more issues were occuring on this one.

Chan's eyes still weren't matching. She scowled, going to erase it before realizing why they weren't matching. It was Sunoo's eyes, she was drawing a mixture of Sunoo and Chan. The knowledge made her blink and lean away, hand outstretched for her phone as she went to change the song. Soon the lyrics to Amusement Park were floating through the air of her room and she looked back at the paper with contemplation.

Her eraser hit the paper and Sunoo's eyes disappeared, her brows furrowed and a frown on her face as she changed them into Chan's. She ended up adding a small heart on his cheek and then the frown slid clean off her face as she held the paper up. His face was exactly how she wanted it to appear now, but her fingers were still itching to draw and she now knew what was bothering her.

The paper flipped over and within one blink Sunoo's gaze was staring up at her. She sighed and grasped at her phone again, moving away from her desk to send Chan a message. Her fingers only paused once she saw the time glaring back up at her. How was it already 2:09 in the morning?

She looked away at the paper and stared at the amount of drawings she had made of Sunoo. For a moment she didn't move and then she was scampering to close the journal, face burning as she realized she had been unknowingly drawing him for hours and she had just met him the day prior.

There was an embarrassing noise that shot out of her as she shoved the journal into her bag and threw herself onto her bed; her heart pounding as she scrambled to pull the blankets over her. What was she thinking? What was the matter with her?

Her mind skidded to a stop as she realized she absolutely could not let Chan look in her journal until she ended up getting a new one. This was something he would blackmail her with for eons and in the afterlife too. Under no circumstances could he find out that she had just spent...four hours drawing Sunoo.

A groan left her as she rolled onto her side and squeezed her eyes shut with the vain attempt to make her fingers calm down. They just wanted to draw and draw, but now that she knew what they were wanting there was no way she was going to allow it.

"Don't do it, Hae." She whispered to herself as she had to refrain from springing back out of bed, "It is strange, weird even, and you will look like a creep." The urge was winning and her heart was pounding again as she groaned; her fists beating childishly against the bed as she whined.

Her feet hit the floor and she crept back over to the bag. One of her hands trembled as she grabbed the journal and flicked it open. Sunoo peered back up at her and she resigned herself to this fate as she slowly sat down at her desk. Anything outside of the pages in-front of her faded away as she sketched and erased, light starting to trinkle in from her window right as she slumped against her arm for a moment too long.

"Hae!" Chan's yell woke her up, her head hitting the shelf above her as she jerked upright, "Hae, you're going to be late! Get up!" She groaned with the wandering thought of why she was asleep at her desk making her look around, and then she jumped away from the paper she'd been laying on as if it was burning her.

"Oh my god." Her voice whispered horrified at what she'd done. She'd drawn Sunoo for the whole night. The whole night and then she'd fallen asleep at her desk. Embarrassment rushed her and she quickly opened her dorm door, Chan's arm hitting her forehead from where he'd been pounding on the door.

She shrieked, "Ow!" as he spewed apologies. "Hae, your class starts in thirty minutes! Go get ready, oh my god, what were you even doing?" He shoved himself into the room, pushing her towards the bathroom joined to her room as he started to reach for her bag.

"Ah! Stop, Chan, wait! Let me do it. I was just–" He paused as he looked over at the journal on her desk and where there was a small puddle of drool. His brows furrowed and she shrieked, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

Her ears burned as she looked at it, darting forward to grab it right as he did; the two of them batting hands as she grasped it and ran into the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind her as she locked it.

"We're going to talk about this!" Chan yelled as she hurriedly turned on the shower, listening to it run as she stared at the journal in her hand and groaned. The book slid across the counter as she hurriedly pushed it away.

Afterwards she was jumping in the shower and trying to wash away the lingering feeling of humility of what she'd done.

▎The walk to class was silent between the two of them. Chan would try to catch her eye and she would be looking anywhere but at him. The sun was not a pleasant feeling on her skin that day, and her arm was littered with goosebumps. Being around Chan was leaving her hollow and shivering.

It wasn't her intention to ignore him but she was mortified at her actions and well–she couldn't face him without admitting it. The complications of being friends with a person who was way too attentive.

"Hae." His hand gently rested on her shoulder and she spooked, turning to look at him on instinct only to freeze once she'd done so, "Why are you acting all weird?"

To tell or not to tell.

"I would understand if you told me why, did I upset you this morning? I wasn't trying to step over any boundaries that I might not have noticed but–" She put her hand over his mouth and tried not to be repulsed by whatever...this was supposed to be.

"Why are you speaking like that? Knock it off. Just ask me why I'm avoiding you, Chan." He grinned, and she squinted at him to attempt to decipher if she had walked into his trap.

"Well, Hae, why are you avoiding me then?" Yeah it was definitely a trap because now what did she respond with? 'Oh yeah...um I actually stayed awake all night drawing the guy you appear to hate.' because that would help so much. Would it be better off letting him know the truth so that he wouldn't keep asking questions?

To tell or not to tell.

She huffed and took in how he leaned forward a little to be closer to her. Her feet shifted as she realized that she was also leaning towards him, and then suddenly she was imagining them as two animals in the streets together.

Black cat and golden retriever under a tree all huddled up together. The sun was flickering through the leaves of the tree, one igniting the fur on top of the retriever's head as it tilted slightly to look at the cat, and the cat was standing with its fur up bristling as the retriever stared. Neither of them moved as they stared at one another.

Somehow, against all odds, the two of them were friends. A dog and a cat in a place like this. Would the dog leave the cat? Was the cat good enough for the dog? Did the dog ever tire of the cat? She wanted to know what they were experiencing.

Chan's voice cut through her daydreaming, "Hae? You back with me now?" and she nodded slowly as she tried to focus more on the present. It just felt so real sometimes and–his arms wrapped around her as he pulled her into his chest. He knew, she knew he knew what she was thinking, but it never got any easier.

"Yeah, sorry. I don't know what happened? One second I was here and then the next... you know I wasn't. Class, we need to get to class or else we'll be late." He squeezed her one more time before taking a step back and clearing his throat.

"Yeah...class. I think you might have to run in order to make it in time or unless you want to be fashionably late as you say." Chan was quick to tease and she swatted his arm.

Passionfruit, warmth, and you. It stayed in her mind as she waved goodbye to him and hurried to class. The last few minutes of peace she had were full of her being sucked into the world in her head and not the one she lived in.

Thunderstorms was the image she conjured when she stumbled into her history course and saw Sunoo sitting right next to where she normally sat. Her hands shook as she realized that the journal was back in her backpack, if she pulled it out Sunoo would see what she had done, and all of this meant that she wouldn't be able to draw the whole class.

She groaned to herself as she stood there in the doorway debating whether to sit next to him or not before deciding that there wouldn't be any harm. As long as Chan didn't know, she helplessly reminded herself as she made her way over to beside Sunoo.

When he noticed her approaching he moved the bag that was in the seat, her seat mind you, and gestured for her to sit down. They didn't really share any words which was fine by her but it made the atmosphere even more awkward.

Teeth gritting, clocks slowly chiming, and–a hand gently flipped the page of the book they were reading in the class and she tensed up. Sunoo's voice was then slowly trickling into her ear, and she realized that the pencil she had been holding was snapped in half.

"Mrs. Yu kept looking at you." and then that was that because he didn't say anything else. Her lungs spasmed as she tried to collect her breath. Why was she so nervous? Hurriedly she tucked the pencil into the side of her book bag and leaned over to find another.

When she went to move back, she twisted and came face to face with Sunoo's eyes on her. She paused mid-movement and timidly smiled, "Hello?"

He slowly smiled back and she realized that maybe she was overreacting, maybe he just wanted to be friends with her for some reason. "You almost hit your head." She blinked and focused on how his hand was holding onto the desk right next to her head.

"Oh." They stared at one another, "Oh! Thanks, yeah I don't think a concussion would be great for me." His smile grew and then dropped when he grabbed her arm to pull her upright.

She opened her mouth to ask him why when Mrs. Yu's voice called out, "Hae, would you mind reading the next paragraph in the book?" Her hands jerked to grab the book and she tried to remember where they last were but she couldn't and–Sunoo's finger pointed to a paragraph and she quickly read it.

Mrs. Yu hummed and continued on from there before going into a discussion about whatever it was she just read out and how it impacted the story. She exhaled and quietly whispered her gratitude to Sunoo before actually focusing on the course.

Except that didn't exactly go to plan as she jolted upright when she awoke and was greeted with another boy, one she vaguely recognized as the one that was staring at her and Chan the other day, and Sunoo shaking her to wake her up. When she looked around most of the other students had already left and she hurried to stand up herself, her bag slinging over her shoulder as Sunoo started to talk.

"I was wondering if you would want to go and hang out with Sunghoon and I, when is your next class? Isn't Mr. Jung?" She blinked owlishly at him as she rubbed at her eyes to try and wake up. Sunghoon elbowed Sunoo, "You aren't going to introduce us to one another?"

Sunoo's ears turned red as he went to argue back with Sunghoon about how she would already know who he was and he should know who she is because they both had one another in class together. She groaned as she pushed between them to start walking, the two of them scrambling to catch back up with her as she was already in the hallway.

"Sunghoon, this is Hae. Hae, this is Sunghoon. Is that a good enough introduction for you, Hyung?" She didn't turn around even after hearing a smack and Sunoo yelling out, "Hey!" and tried not to imagine them as Seungkwan and Soonyoung when together.

Actually, they weren't as bad as those two but she had the feeling they could be. Sparks of green flashed behind her eyelids as she closed them, images of laying in a field while Seungkwan and Soonyoung ran around her with Jeonghan yelling at them spun around her, and let the two of them hash it out.

Then they didn't stop and she turned to stare at the two of them as they playfully argued, or at least she hoped it was a playful argument. Maybe it wasn't if the aggressive side eye Sunoo gave Sunghoon was anything to go by.

She cut in, "I thought we were going to lunch?" and the two of them paused mid sentences to look at her then each other.

Sunghoon sighed and stepped away from Sunoo, "He should be going to lunch, you and I have Mr. Jung remember? I just saw you in his class yesterday?" Sunoo glared at Sunghoon and she realized that she was definitely going to remember that look because she didn't want to ever be on the receiving end of it.

Sunoo offered his opinion on the matter, "You could always skip it. It is only the second day back so I doubt he would realize that anyone is missing." She turned to Sunghoon and watched as he thought it over.

"Deal, but you can't tell Heeseung." Sunoo grinned, this time not in a soft or relaxing way, and Sunghoon groaned, "I'll pay you back some other time just don't tell him, ok?"

"Deal. What do you want to eat?" That was her cue to cut in.

"There's a cafe place I normally eat at with Chan. Would either of you be interested in trying it out?" They exchanged glances again and she stood there as they held a silent conversation to one another, the exchange leaving a hollow place in her chest as she thought of her and Chan.

She should probably let him know that she isn't going to be eating lunch with him if she ate with Sunghoon and Sunoo. Her hand slid into her pocket to pull out her phone and she started typing a message to Chan when Sunoo started talking.

"Are you texting Chan?"

"What? Oh, yeah. I was letting him know that I won't be eating lunch with him because I would be eating it with you two." She looked back at her phone and yelled when Sunoo grabbed it out her hand, pushing it into his pocket as Sunghoon snickered.

"Sunoo! Give me back my phone, I need to make sure he sees it!" His eyes were twinkling as he ducked behind Sunghoon and they started to chase each other around him. "Sunoo!"

The field came back to her but this time it wasn't Seungkwan and Soonyoung. In the meadow it was her and Sunoo while Sunghoon was the one laying down, but there wasn't any yelling besides the two of them fooling around. It was peaceful, it was fun, and she enjoyed it.

Sunghoon's arms darted out and wrapped around her, and she yelled at him to put her down while Sunoo stuck his tongue out at her. "Lunch. If we're skipping class we should at least do what we were planning on doing. Also, speaking of class, do you think Jung's class is going to be hard? I'm not the best note taker so if we have to take notes... do you think you could help me out from time to time?"

"I don't see why not. Sometimes Chan or Seungkwan will help me by giving me their old notes but I don't think it'd be any issue for me to take notes with you once in a while." She offered and side eyed how close Sunoo was to her.

They walked to the cafe that she was just at the day prior, and she listened to them awe over it.

"You knew about this place? Do you know anymore like this, the location is great with how far on campus it is and the food–" was how Sunoo started and then once he started, he wouldn't stop. "this all looks so cool. How did you find out about this? They even have tteokbokki here, Hyung buy me some since I'm not telling Heeseung you're skipping!"

She tuned out Sunghoon's response as she ordered her another sandwich, albeit a bit different from the day prior, and stood off to the side as they placed their orders. The cafe was a lot quieter at this hour and she hummed to herself Bambi as she waited for them to finish up.

Sunghoon's arm wrapping around her shoulder and pulling her towards a table was enough of a way to let her know they were done. She slid into a chair as they started to argue over if this was enough of a 'payment' that Sunghoon wouldn't have to owe Sunoo anything else.

The more she watched them led to her wanting to hang out with them more. They weren't bad people but Chan hadn't seemed over ecstatic for her to befriend Sunoo. He hadn't said anything about Sunghoon though so perhaps she could be friends with him?

Would he be mad at her if she did hang out with them? Her stomach curled at the thought of him being upset with her and she wondered if she would be able to even eat due to the nausea raging through her chest.

"What do you think Hae?" She looked up from the spot on the table she had been staring at to catch both of them staring at her, "Do you think it would be enough of a payback?"

Her automatic response was 'Of course it is, a class at the start of the year isn't that big of a deal.' but she caught Sunoo signaling to her, "I say you should buy us all dessert and then it can be considered equal, deal?"

Sunghoon narrowed his eyes and looked between the two of them, "Maybe the two of you shouldn't be friends." when Sunoo gasped she followed his lead and even put a hand over her heart.

"You're so cruel, Sunghoon! Maybe you should also go get the food when our orders are called since you want to ruin our budding friendship so badly!" She teased and he sighed, his mouth open to retort when their orders were called.

He mumbled something as he stood up and Sunoo grinned at his retreating back before asking her about what her major is.

"I'm currently an Art Major. It hasn't been very exciting yet, mainly because it's only the second day of school, but I think it'll be fun once everything picks up speed. I'm not a huge fan of sculptures and I would actually rather paint over anything else. Sketching is fun, I do it a lot which sometimes ticks off Chan because I won't be listening to him as I'll be trying to plan my next project, but I also like photography." He stopped her to ask about seeing some of her drawings if he could and she froze as she realized that she could show him but there would be a possibility of him seeing the drawings of him.

"My journal isn't currently on me as I accidentally left it at my dorm, but I can bring it tomorrow to show you some if that's ok? I'm hoping it is because I wouldn't mind showing you but I can't do it now since I–" Sunoo cut her off with a laugh, and nodded before asking her to continue on with her explanations.

"My main interest is painting though, as I obviously said before, as there's just so many different ways and different things you could paint. This one time I saw a video of people mixing this sand mixture with oil paint and I've been debating doing it for awhile but I never got around to it so that's just one of the wants I have currently. You should cut me off here so I don't continue rambling and get into the different techniques out there."

Sunghoon came back with the tray then, placing each of their meals down in front of them, before settling back in himself. "You don't have a lot of friends do you?"

Sunoo choked in the middle of chewing and she nearly dropped her drink at his words, "I have friends? Chan is my friend and so is Seungkwan, Soonyoung, um Jeonghan too!" Sunghoon swallowed a bite of his noodles and pointed a chopstick at her.

"You are a shit liar." There was a slight change in the atmosphere and she felt everything turn purple, her hands trembling as she went to grab her phone out of her pocket and coming up blank.

She mumbled over to Sunoo, "Give me my phone back please." and he silently slid it across the table to her. Her gratitude was mumbled afterwards as she gathered her things.

The sudden feeling of needing to be out of there made her tense and shaky as Sunghoon tried to do damage control.

"Where are you going? It isn't anything bad to only have a few friends, I was just asking because you seemed really nervous to be hanging out with us and you seem to only talk about Chan so I was just going off–" He stood up as she started to walk away and she stepped further away from him.

Sunoo watched the two of them from where he sat as he quietly ate his tteokbokki.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow." Sunghoon's brows furrowed and he turned to Sunoo which she took as her cue to scurry out of there.

When she looked down at her phone she noticed the messages Chan had left and she winced at the worry in his texts.

She typed out a quick message and sent it to him, 'Meet me at the library, I have a sandwich for you.' and was immediately answered with an, 'Ok. Leaving Math now, tell me everything then.'


( a/n : i am actually so proud of myself for this chapter even if it doesn't do that much in terms of introducing anything besides Sunghoon and the way Hae acts around new people. i wrote most, if not all, of this in one sitting. i hope you enjoyed it! i'll try to be quicker with the next chapter but i won't make any promises. also the members might be a little out of character or not like their normal everyday self and i apologize for that, but i try to make it be what is best for the story if i can.

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