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With the family all gathered in the living room after Blanc declared Harlan's death a suicide and Marta completely innocent, she was led to another room with Ransom shortly joining them.

"Fran's alive?" asked Ransom.

Marta's phone began to vibrate in her pocket, causing her to take it out. It was the hospital calling.

"Oh - yes. Fran, who will confirm this fairy story or something close to it. And send you, Hugh, to jail," added Blanc.

Marta answered the call, putting the phone to her ear. "Yes." She paused, listening to the other line. "Doctor, that's great news, we'll be there soon. Thank you." She hung up and smiled with radiant joy. "She's okay. She's ready to talk."

"Trooper Wagner, if you would keep Mr. Drysdale in custody while Lieutenant Elliott, Ms. Cabrera, and myself go to the hospital to take Fran's statement," Blanc requested.

"All right, up, come on," beckoned Elliot.

Ransom stood up from his seat and walked up to Marta. "I'm going to say this just to you, not to a courtroom of cameras, just to you because you know it's true: we allowed you into our home. We allowed you to take care of granddad, to be part of our family and now you think you can steal it from us? You think I'm not going to fight to protect my home, our birthright, our ancestral family home?"

Blanc started laughing. "That is hooey! Harlan, he bought this house in the eighties from a Pakistani real estate baron."

"Oh - shut up, Blanc. Shut up with that Kentucky fried frog-horn leg-horn drawl!" Ransom demanded. "Yeah, I killed Fran, but I guess I didn't, so what do have you have on me? Nothing. What, attempted murder? I get arson for the building and a few other charges with a good lawyer, which I have, I'll be out in no time." He turned to face Marta. "And then you'll see just how much hell I can wreak on your life, you vicious little bitch."

Marta's face contorted before she puked onto Ransom's face, causing him to double back in disgust while the detectives all exclaim in shock.

"WHAT THE SHIT?" exclaimed Ransom.

"That means she's lying!" Wagner exclaimed joyfully as Marta coughed onto the ground.

"That's right. Fran's dead," said Marta. "And you just confessed to her murder."

"Well." He wiped his nose. "In for a penny..."

In one fluid motion, he rushed to the ornamental circle of knives and grabbed one, tackling Marta to the ground, plunging the knife in the chest as the two fell. They laid still, breathing hard. Her eyes were wide with pain and horror. His eyes were cold and wild. Then, she blinked. Ransom cocked his head, looking down at the knife and pumping it up and down, realizing it was a retreating knife.


The detectives grabbed him and took him off of Marta. Police officers took hold of Ransom and guide him out of the house, passing by Raven and Roy who stood by the door. Ransom locked eyes with her for a moment before the police officers continued to guide him to their car. Richard was yelling at the cops, Walt was frozen and blankly staring at the ground with Donna looking at Ransom in shock, while Jacob was on his phone. Joni stared into space, ruined. Meg was talking to Lieutenant Elliott, crying as he just told her about Fran.

Linda leaned against a brick pillar, a cigarette in her mouth, a lighter in one hand and a letter in the other. She used the flame of the lighter to warm the blank note from the office, and hidden writing began to appear. Her face changed from a smile to utter betrayal. Richard was, in fact, having an affair.

After Ransom was taken into custody, the Thrombeys and Drysdales - including Raven - turned to look at Marta who stood on the balcony with a mug in her hands and a blanket wrapped around her.

Raven nudged her side against Roy. "Let's go home."

He looked down at her and nodded, taking out his car keys. The two left the group, making way into their car. Raven let out a sigh once she was in the car.

"What's going to happen now?" she asked.

Roy shrugged. "More drama."

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