Log #5. July 21, 2023.

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"That... was a very close call.

Gradient managed to get a hold of Endera and possess her. That was a bit scary, to say the least. Thankfully he didn't kill anyone, and I managed to summon 541 to separate them before someone-

*cough cough* Dahlia *cough cough*

-killed Endera. She was a bit shaken afterwards , but better shaken then made a puppet of torment or whatever Gradient does to his possession victims these days.

On another note... Gradient has some of Tie's characters. He managed to take some of the ink from Tie's creator pen when he killed him. We're not entirely sure which ones yet, and we know which ones would be the most of a threat if he got them, however any gain of... for lack of a better word, "puppets" could be possibly catastrophic if he can manipulate them.

But in better news, I've managed to gain something useful out of my ritual experimentation. I haven't gotten it right, so I still don't have a separation ritual, however I might have something to help keep information hidden.

It's called the mortalspeak hex. Kind of a weird name, yeah, but hear me out. When this ritual is done on an object - say, a book - spirits and spectral beings will be unable to read the text. This has a few downsides, seeing the spirits that are actually helping won't be able to read them, but in that case I just read it out loud to them.

I'll put the instructions on the back of this tape.

Hopefully this'll end soon.

I'm getting... really sick of this...

Someone's talking to me, and I get the feeling it's not Inferno and Paralysis..."


*you turn the tape around, finding a piece of paper on the backside. You detach it and observe the cyan-colored pentagram glowing on it before unfolding it.*

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