A Ghost?

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Danny pushed aside the graffitied slate of metal that hid the doorway of his friend's secret, shameful nerd-base. Danny didn't even flinch as it made a loud, undignified screech.

Danny was amused by the way that he went out of his way to make sure people didn't know he was a technical genius, if only to not be associated with geeks like Tucker. Danny pushed open the black door that was strangely placed in the wall of an alley on the opposite side of town as the school.

"Hello, hello." He called out loudly as the panel slammed back down with a clang, eyes adjusting to the dimmer lighting inside the large building. The sound of machinery met his ears, filling the room with sawing, screeching, and random beeping noises.

Danny walked forward slowly, fingers barely brushing the metal tips and corners of forgotten projects. Gears spun at his touch and green and blue lights glowed at his ghostly presence. One half finished project flickered to life with two miniature dart guns assembling themselves before his eyes.

Danny raised his eyebrows as he plucked the guns up with pale fingers, seeing the darts glowing with a blue energy. He smirked. Even though he didn't want to be a techno geek like Tuck, this guy really put Tucker's mechanical skills in their place.

A loud scraping sound made Danny turn to look in the direction which he came, seeing a pale black haired boy walk in through the recently pulled back panel. Danny watched curiously as he seemed to look about the room as the panel slammed back down, his long hair covering his eyes.

He moved forward silently, and Danny barely heard the end of his barely whispered, "Hello..." before the boy moved forward walking past the machines, his hand moving to touch them, yet still hovering a good few inches above each object.

Danny tilted his head. "Hey. You okay?"

A small smile graced his face before he came and stood beside Danny. He looked down at the machine that Danny had pulled the guns from. He moved his hand to touch the object as Danny asked him, "Who are you? Are you one of his friends?"

The boy didn't answer, and before his hand could touch the machine, he turned sharply and looked at the door. Danny looked as well, but the door remained closed and silent.

Danny looked back to the boy in confusion, but the boy was no longer there.

Danny tensed, blue ectoblasts curling around his hands at the sudden disappearance. His eyes roved the shop, seeing hanging robot arms and sharp metal pointy things, but not a black haired boy with no visible eyes.

Danny turns around and fires as the door is wrenched open with an impossibly loud screech, and a very indignant yell is heard.

"Dude, what the FUCK?!?!"

Danny relaxed slightly as the one and only Wes Weston glared at him, his ginger hair covered in blue and green slushie.

"I go get you a drink and THIS is how you thank me!?! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"There was a-"

"Never again will I try to be nice to half ghosts! You don't understand how hard it is to buy two slushies and only drink one, god dammit! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND-"



"There was a ghost in here!"

"Yeah, YOU! You SHOT my fuckin' slush!!"

"Seriously! Shut up, Wes!!" Danny hissed.

Wes snapped his mouth shut balefully, bit then frowned as he heard it too.

A barely audible voice flit throughout the room, "A ghost in here..." it muttered with a sad tone.

Wes stared, and opened his mouth to snark out another comment but-

"Shut up!" the voice growled, sounding irritated.

Wes huffed. Can't even speak in his own fucking lab?! He glared at the side of Danny's head, trying to send a message: How the actual fuck did you let a ghost in my lab?

Danny's green eyes stared suspiciously around the room as the emerald green eyes bored an angry hole into his head.

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