My Best Friend's Antics

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Danny had suffered the long weekend of homework, fighting ghosts, Maddie's continuous ranting, dodging haywire ghost catching equipment, fighting ghosts, avoiding his friends questions, and oh yeah, fighting ghosts.

Those two days were very exhausting, but Danny had the whole five days of school to cheer him up. The weekend at the Fenton house was uneventful, seeing that the eldest Fentons had retreated into the basement to sulk about being completely wrong about absolutely everything. And Jazz had long since gone off to college in who knows what state, and he didn't have her to make fun of her pshyco-babble.

Danny, Sam, and Tucker had used the weekend to play online video games, and Sam had filled in the boys about who people thought could possibly be Phantom, while all while brutally beating them at all of the games.

Danny took extra care to be happy around his living family and friends, so as to not raise any suspicions. The death of Danielle had hit him hard, but he had no way to vent. Even though his friends had made sure not to mention her not even once, his parents threw her name around like it didn't even matter. The thing that hurt him the most was the fact that, simply put, he was entirely emotionless about everything that had happened.

The more that Danny wanted to remain in silence, the harder he had to act to keep suspicions away. Silence was what he wanted, but he couldn't do that. To go sit in a corner and bawl his eyes out, he wanted that too, but this action was literally, physically impossible for him, which made it that much worse.

Danny yawned as he sat down in his seat in Lancer's class.

"Who was it?" Tucker asked.

Danny sighed and slid his head onto the desk. "Just Skulker. What'd I miss?"

Sam lifted her head from a book, "Not much, Lancer just gave up trying to get the class to pay attention."

Danny glanced to the front of the room, and Lancer had indeed buried himself in a large book with a sour look on his face.

Danny yawned and shook his head as Tucker handed him a cup of coke, seemingly from nowhere.

Danny sipped his drink and awakened slowly because of the sugar.

Tucker snatched the cup back before Danny could down the entire thing.

"Hey!" Danny complained. Tucker turned returned the cup to his backpack, ignoring the whines from his friend.

"As much as I want to see you all hyper again Danny, we can't have you bouncing off the walls. Literally." he shrugged. The lunch bell rang, and the three teens stood.

"Oh come on!" Danny whined, leading the walk to the cafeteria. "Why not?" Why was he doing this again?...

"Maybe because of last time, when you almost assaulted Ember." Sam supplied.

"Sexual assault." Tucker chimed in.

Danny crossed his arms. "I don't remember any of that." he pouted. I hate doing this...

"That's another reason why."


"Alex Blakley?"
"Quinn Hart?"
"Dominic Pines?"
"What? That twin? No."
"Damien Walter."
"Most likely."
"How about Dash?"
"Mm..put him in the 'most likely' section."

Paulina and Star sat at their lunch table, making a list of who Paulina's future husband could be hiding as.

Star was skeptical about the whole thing. The thought that there was a half dead kid running around the school, and that her best friend wanted to marry was odd. But then again, being in Amity Park alone was enough to trump that oddness.

"Kwan maybe?"
"Mm...I don't know, no?"
"God, No."
"Uh, not..."
"How about-"

"OMG Star! Can you please start naming people who are actually a possibilitiy of being the man of my dreams?!" Paulina snapped.

Star grinded her teeth together hard. Maybe Paulina wasn't exactly her best friend... More like her boss. The last time she had met someone as bad as Paulina, she was visiting her distant cousin Chloe in Paris.

As a matter of fact...Star wondered why was she even putting up with this hag?

"Like, hello! Are you even listening me?"

Star's pencil snapped. So did she.

"No. No I wasn't." Star said coldly, then stood up from her seat and walked away.

Star racked her brain, trying to think back...why in the world did she put up with that girl in the first place?

Star stepped around a fallen lunch tray and the sludge that came with it, still deep in her thoughts. No, she seriously couldn't remember...

What the heck was wrong with that girl? Maybe it was just the fact that she was an overgrown, overpampered, glorified stuck up super bitc--

It was then that Star slammed right into someone, bouncing off said person and tipping backwards. Star yelped and put her hands out, ready for impact with the concrete of the cafeteria floor....

But that impact never came. An icy cold hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, and she could feel an arm snake around her waist, holding her up from the ground.

Star cracked open her eyes which we had not realized had closen. She was immediately greeted with a pair of the iciest blue eyes she had ever seen, bluer than the sky above, and colder than freshly fallen snow. Those eyes held so much emotion, they seemed to be swirling with sparkling seas of blue...Star didn't want to look away.

Loud silence met Star's ears, as the entire room had frozen, staring at her and her savior.

"Are you okay?" a soft voice huffed.

It was then that Star realized that every one had stopped, and that everyone was staring. And that she and Danny Fenton were trapped, nose to nose, caught in the forbidden dip of the tango.

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