10. School Rumors

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In the last chapter...



I was running to the school, again, I was very nervous tomorrow I am going with Chat to the cinema, now it doesn't matter if we aren't with some clothes in the suit because everyone knew that we were going to the cinema so I decided to go without any clothes in the suit.

 - Hey Mari! Are you too late? Good! - A boy said looking at me smiley.

 - Oh! Hi Nino! - I said waving at him. - What happened? Why are you late?

 - Thats not important, the class starts in a minute! - Nino said looking at the watch.

After he said that we started running. We arrived on time and everyone was there.
As I sat in my place Alya told me:

- Pst! Did you watch my Ladyblog? - She said and my face turned red with a astonish expresion.

Oh no, I didn't remember it. Everyone knows that Ladybug and Cat Noir are in our school! Our identities will be revealed in about days! The Ladyblog is readen by a billion people around Paris and France. This is the worst disaster ever. Everyone would start to look after someone that suspiciusly goes to the bathroom when there's an akuma. I Alya knew...

- Hey Marinette! Are you there? - Alya asked touching my arm.

- Alya what I was saying? - Miss Mandeliev said looking angry at my best friend Alya.

- I... I don't know Miss Mandeliev... - Alya mumbled scared.

- You will be punished! - After that conversation Chloe and Sabrina started laughing and I looked at them very very angry.


Everyone would know our identities thanks to the note I writted. I was very silly, I writtes the note with our names. I could pit something like "From your silly kitty to bogaboo" Or something like that.
Ladybug is true im a Silly Kitty, ugh!

I heard Alya saying something about her Ladyblog to Alix when the class started. Those two are going to try to diacover our identities!


When the first subjects finished Alya and Marinette sat in a bench next to the exit of the school. Alya was doing a Piyama Party with Alix, Rose, Mylene and Juleka so Marinette decided to go after the cinema with Chat. Then,  Alix came with Rose and Max to propose to Marinette:

- Marinette Alya told you something about the reveal? - Alix said looking at Alya that was smirking.

- It has 21% of possibilities of that Alix. - Max said touching his hair and looking to Alya that instantanealy looked bored at Max and he laughed.

- What are you talking about? - Marinette asked without knowung what happened between Alya, Alix, Max and Rose.

- We are trying to do a group of people that wants to know Ladybug's and Cat Noir's identity, as they are in our school... - Rose said and she fainted, they wanted she to know if she wanted to discover her identity, ironic much?

- WHAAAAAT?! - Marinette shouted and she attracted the attention of all the people that was there in the playground, incluiding Adrien that when she turned to her she started blushing.

Then everyone continued doing their things...

- Shh! Mari don't say it that loud!- Alix said looking at everyone.

- What do you say? - Alya asked Marinette with a very sincere smile that Marinette couldn't reject it.

- O-okay... - she said without knowing what she was saying. It was Ladybug so if she accepted that she was letting to people to discover her identity to the world.

- When an akuma attacks you have to follow a person that do you think it's suspicius with Rose. - Max said sure at he was saying to Marinette.

- S-sure... - Marinette said and Alya looked at her rarely.

- Girl, you are different... - Alya said truthfully.

- N-no I am ok don't worry! - Marinette said trying to convice her friends.

- If you say... - Alya exclaimed but she didn't trust it because she knew her friend and it wasn't like that so she didn't say nothing about it.

Marinette went to the toilet and there she heard Mirelle and Juleka speaking about Ladybug:

- Ladybug is in our school, did you know it? - Juleka asked to Mirelle.

- Yes, of course! Every one says that she and Cat Noir are fought.- Mirelle said remembering the rumor of the class of the morning.

"What?" Marinette thought, Ladybug and Cat Noir weren't fight, she didn't remember nothing about it.

- Are you sure? In Alya's blog doesn'r say that. - Juleka told Mirelle curious.

- Umm... That is everyone says hehe... - Mirelle said touching her hair slowly.

After their conversation the bell rang and every person in the playground and in the toilet went to the class.

When Marinette was about to go out from the toilet a "click" sounded in the door. "Oh no!" She thought looking surprised to the closed door.


I was closed in the toilet, I'm sure that I was closed by Chloe, but I didn't matter a lot 'cause easily I could leave that toilet if I was transformed in Ladybug with my Lucky Charm.

- What happened? - Tikki asked going out of my shirt.

- Someone closed us. - I simply said.

- That's work to Ladybug Marinette! - She said looking at me waiting me to say the words.

- Tikki, spots on!

Converted on Ladybug as fast as I could I said "Lucky Charm!" and a lever with red and black dots appeared.

- What can I do with this...

After a minutes Ladybug it wasn't Ladybug, she was a smirking Marinette that it was with a dotted lever in her hands.

- That's all Tikki! We have to go to class. - I said smirking and leaving the lever next to the rubbish, maybe the janitor would use it!

- Marinette you're awesome! - She said entering in she's shirt again.

I went to class and Chloe looked at me confused, I came before the teacher to the classroom.

- You were suposed to be closed in the bath! - Chloe said, I smirked and the class looked surprised to Chloe. - Closed b-by Kim! Yes, closed by Kim!

Then I said - Yeeees, closed by Kim, are you sure? - I said sarcastly and looking to my mobile phone simulating I had recorder all. Hehe...

I hope you enjoyed it:

Do you like the story? I think its better that before. I want your opinion, please what do you think about it?



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