11. Cinema!

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In the last chapter:

Then I said - Yeeees, closed by Kim, are you sure? - I said sarcastly and looking to my mobile phone simulating I had recorder all. Hehe...


Saturday! Finally, it was the day when I'm was going to ask she to be my couple in the Halloween Masquerade.

I woke up at 9:45, earlier compared to another casual Saturday. The fact was that it wasn't a "casual" Saturday I was really nervous that day, LB and I were going to the cinema! Isn't that cool?

- Today is the day Plagg! - I said woking up Plagg while I was running to the bathroom to got a shower.

- The day? - I heard a sleep Plagg from the door of the bathroom.

- The day! Today I'm asking Ladybug to be couple in the party! - I suddenly said to Plagg oppening the bathroom's door in a minute after I started having a shower.

- Do you know that you spent only a minute in the bathroom?!- Plagg exclaimed surprising me. - A new record on the fastest shower! - Plagg said taking cheese from my bag. - But another thing, I thought you weren't going to the ball.

- I'm going that's all. - I answered thinking on My Lady.

I got dressed as I came from the bathroom. I wore a white shirt with its sleeves baggy and a with pocket to Plagg, then I also wore some jeans, it was all of my father creation except of the shoes, there were some white Addidas with black lines. I was meow-bulous.

- What are you doing boy? - Plagg asked to me looking at my clothes.

- I getting dressed, are you blind? - I said looking bored to the black cat in my bed.

- First, you're blind, and second, you have to go transformed to the cinema remember? Everyone knows that you're going! - Plagg said pointing at my on phone which had the Ladyblog opened.

- Ugh! True... - I groaned turning around to my everyday's clothes.

- Dumb much? - Plagg said but I ignored he while I was dressing up AGAIN.

- Time? - I asked to Plagg.

- Cheese? - He said but I prefered to go there and look at the phone before giving him cheese.

- 9:51 - I whispered to myself - I only have 39 minutes to leave the house and to go walking to the cinema, that would be 10 minutes walking.

- Boy, you have all done... - Plagg said rolling his green eyes.

- Anything for a date! - I answered day-dreaming.

- Anything for a date WITH LADYBUG. - He said pointing to all the photos of Ladybug I have in my room. - And also, do you breakfast? - Plagg asked.

- Uh? No! It's true, I have to breakfast! -I said laughing till I looked to the watch and I saw the time it was.

I breakfast, there wasn't no one there, as everyday, I hope Mom was here with me...


- Umm... Tikki, I think is time to go. - I said looking at Tikki that instantanly nodded. - Tikki, spots on!

I jumped to a roof to another one. I lived, next to the cinema so I was there before Chat. Wait, me before someone? Someone to punch me! Well no, the last day ended bad...

I was hided, to not be recognized by no one, suddenly someone touched my shoulder and I shouted:

- Ahhh! - I shouted turning around and an alley cat appeared next to me smirking.

- I scared you My Lady? - He asked very close to my face so I pulled him back saying this:

- Well Chat, I have to admit that you scared me... - I rolled my eyes. - Let's go!

- Before you Bogaboo. - He mumbled winking at me flirtatious and I blushed lighly.

When we arrived to the cinema everyone was waiting us, it seems that Alya is doing well her job in the Ladyblog.

There were a lot of people shouting thinks like: "Ladybug, Chat Noir! You're the best!".

Other people started crying, I think that's not normal and I'm sure Chat thinks also, more people that thinks like that? No okay.

It was also the ambulance if someine faints, actually a girl fainted... I'm worring...

Then everyone started shouting and I finally shouted.

- SILENCE! - I said and everyone did what I said. - Chat and me were trying to go to the cinema with no one knowing we were there. - I started explaining.

- Like a date! - Chat remembered to ALL Paris.

- Yes like a date and... -  I tryed to continue but everyone started shouting, and behind me it was Chat putting faces to everyone get in silence. - Thanks, so please on Wednesday at 19:00 Chat and I are going to do whatever you want here, next to the cinema. Ok? - I said and everyone shouted "Ok".

Then in the cinema room we were very excited, we wanted to know how everyone thinks we act in our battles and behind our identity.

Chat in his real identity in the film it was a poor boy that did all to survive, I knew that it wasn't true because in Christmas he bought me a golden necklace, hehe...
It also said that he was 21 years but I also know that is false 'cause he has the same years as me.

I was a girl without any ponytails in my normal life... if they knew, I was a model and that I was 16 years, well that'a near to my age, I'm 15! My birthday is the 14 of November!

The movie was about to finish and I heard Chat asking me something:

- Do you wanna go with me to the Halloween Masquerade? - He asked me very nervous and I blushed.

- I loved to! - And I kissed his check, then we both blushed.

- AHHHH!!! - Everyone started fangirling and pointing at the cinema screen - THEY JUST KISSED!!!! I LOVE THE MOVIE!!

- W-what?! - Chat and I looked to each other and we turn red. I didn't watch it!

- I didn't watch it, NOOOO! - Chat shouted and I laughed.

I hope you enjoyed it:

Do you like it? Go and check my new one-shot!


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