4. Blushes

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In the last chapter:

Nino wasn't as excited to know Ladybug's and Chat Noir's identity as Alya but he was able to notice all the disappearances of her dude, Adrien, of course he was able to notice that but he thought that all of those disappearances were because of his dad, the maniac of the control!


The heroes were finishing their night patrol when Chat asked Ladybug.

- My Lady! Did you heard about the Halloween Party? - Chat asked her Lady trying to start a conversation.

- O-of course kitty! We are in the same s-school remember? - Ladybug speaked with a little blush in her face, they had been 2 weeks since she started loving the kitty and the model at the same time. But it wasn't normal seeing Ladybug acting like that.

- What happends bugaboo? Are you okay? Do you have fever? - Chat said worried about his Lady.

- No Chat I am okay! - Ladybug said with her best smile and making her partner blush. - But you are red! Are you sick?! - Ladybug yelled when she saw her partners blush. They both are very blind to know each others feelings.

- No, don't worry about me I am okay... Only a little blush... - He said but whispering the last sentence, and his deaf Lady didn't heard it. - Well, returning to the last thing... Would you like to... - Chat started but he couldn't finish his sentence because of the nervous.

- To...

- To watch a movie with me? - he said but it wasn't what he want to say.

- Of course kitty! - Ladybug said very happy. She didn't spect that but she liked the idea o watching a movie with Chat Noir. - What movie do you propose?

- I heard that this saturday will perform a movie of us - Chat said happy, because he thought that to ask her to go to the ball with him while they watch a film will be a nice confession.

- But, what will happen with our identities? - Ladybug questioned.

- Don't worry My Lady! I will think on something and when I thought of the way to meet I will put a note on the left corner of the school library, right? - Chat winked at Ladybug. It seems that the silly kitty is not very silly.


We were finishing the night patrol, we had 5 minutes until we destransform. We were sitting in a house roof in silence watching the sky.

- My Lady! Did you heard about the Halloween Party? - I asked Ladybug, I was very nervous because I wanted her to be my date in the Halloween Party.

- O-of course kitty! We are in the same s-school remember? - Ladybug said, like she had fever, oh no I can't let My Lady get sick!

- What happends bugaboo? Are you okay? Do you have fever? - I said very worried.

- No Chat I am okay! - Ladybug said with a smile and making me blush. - But you are red! Are you sick?! - Ladybug yelled when he saw my blush.

- No, don't worry about me I am okay... Only a little blush... - I said whispering the last sentence I didn't want to be hearded. - Well, returning to the last thing... Would you like to... - I started but I couldn't finish his sentence because of the nervous.

- To...

- To watch a movie with me? - I said because of the nervous. Ugh! I hate to change the conversaton because of the nervous

- Of course kitty! - Ladybug said very happy. - What movie do you propose?

- I heard that this saturday will perform a movie of us - I said smiley. I thought that I will ask her to go to the ball with me during the film

- But, what will happen with our identities? - Ladybug asked, she is right what will happen?

- Don't worry My Lady! I will think on something and when I thought of the way to meet I will put a note on the left corner of the school library, right? - I winked at Ladybug.

- Okay! - She said - But don't try to discover my identity, and if you try... - She said with a scary smile and pointing to the highest place in the Eiffel Tower. That maked me gulp.

- I won't My Lady!


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it:

Do you like the idea of the notes in the library?


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