5. I Haven't Do My Ladynoir!?

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In the last chapter:

- I won't My Lady!


Ugh! I am very confused, first Adrien and now Chat. First Adrien stole my heart and now Chat stole from Adrien my heart, they are to different but to similar. The people would think I am crazy the perfect model and the cat puns boy, similar? Yep! I don't know why I think this. My idea of they similar part is... just instinct! Sometimes I saw him acting like my kitty, so brave... Okay, but is true! They have some similar things, I think I am the only person in the whole world that thinks like that. There is something I don't know in the model, and I am his personal stalker! Yes totally crazy! But the point is, can I love two different persons at the same time?

Ring! Ring!

That noise...Ugh! The clock!

- I know Tikki! - I said when I saw my red kwami with a water glass in her little hands.

- Whoa, Marinette is there a tsunami coming and I don't know? - Tikki said surprised, of course I woke up without help.

- First, hey! And second, nope today I will have a nice day without an apocalipsis! - I said hugging my little kwami.

 - Aww Marinette, I was joking! - Tikki said crossing the hug and winking an eye, she is very cute when she does that!

 - I know Tikki! But... I am also scared... - I said happy but when I started telling the last asentence my volume got lower and with a scared tone.

 - Why do you say that? - Tikki said with a smile, I love when she smiles, but nervous, why nervous?

 - Because is not normal, I have time to have breakfast, to dress up slower... It will be a tsunami, not an apocalipsis a tsunami. - I said very scared, well, when the day is normal it's because I have woke up very late, and now I think if Alya knew my secret she would say "girl, you never have a normal day", but is not the case so...

 - Marinette? - Tikki asked while I was taking my clothes to dress up, of course I took everyday's outfit - What do you have in your mind? - She said laughing, it's because of the tsunami or she have read my mind?

 - Nothing, just nutella! - I said while I was finishing dressing up. I was putting my shoes when I looked smiley at Tikki but she looked at me with a "I don't know what is Nutella" - Hahah - I laughed - Nutella, is like chocolate but like a dough? I don't know how can I explain what it is, but it's delicious!

 - Can I eat please? - Tikki said with babydoll eyes, I can't resist it!

 - Okaay! - I said very happy I also want to eat nutella but first we have to eat breakfast, I don't know what do we have for breakfast, my parent's weren't here so I will have to take a peek in the fridge...

We ran downstairs, well, Tikki flew, he,he... to prepare te breakfast and the big pot of Nutellaaaa. For breakfast we ate: sugar cookies, milk with nesquik, some toast with butter and Nutellaaaa, Tikki loved Nutella, of course everyone loves Nutella.

 - Tikki what are you doing? - I asked Tikki when I saw that it was spreading Nutella in her sugar cookies and in her chocolate cookies.

 - I am preparing something to eat during you are in class, go and change, your clothes are stained of chocolate. - She was right with all the Nutella flying I had all the shirt stained and the class starts at 8:45 and it was 8:20, I had no time!

I change as faster as I could, actually I didn't saw the new outfit because I didn't have time. I run down stairs, again,  to the bathroom and I wash my hands and teeths and I run to prepare the backpack.

 - Teeths? Yes. Hair? Of course. Backpack? Yup. Tikki? Tikki?? - I started panicing, were is Tikki?

 - Hwerwe!! - I heard a small voice and I thought was Tikki eating Nutella, then I looked to my backpack... They were two Nutella's cookies pots! I love Tikki but this is insane.

We went to school and I saw Alya looking at the phone I thought it was uploading the famous Ladyblog or looking the comments and that, so I called Alya:

 - Hey Alya! - I shouted, and inmediatly she looked at me surprised like if I had monkeys in my face. She puted away her phone and she vocalizated without making noises "O - M - G". Definitely I had monkeys in my pretty face. Note: I spend a lot of time with Chat. We can continue, then she made a sing expresing "Come here, now". I walked there and she told me:

 - Marinette you look beautifull! - She said pointing to my outfit, OMG she is right I look beautifull, okno, but I forgot that I am not with the same clothes! 

 - T-this, I have everydays outfit stained of Nutella so... - I said to Alya.

 - And that is why you have put this sexy outfit right? - First I didn't understand why did she say that but then I catched Alya's thoughts - OMG Alya you have a dirty mind!

- He, he... - She said while I was hiting her head - Hey! Is not time to think in thoughts, I have an exclusive to you - she sang the last phrase - Yesterday night I record Ladybug and Chat Noir in a roof next to the Eiffel Tower, and gues what happened?! - Alya said making me to remember last nights patrol and making everyone to come to our bench.

 - I don't-t k-know, what h-happ... - I tryiend to not act like I was lying, but there wasn't any problem with that because Alix interrupted me.

 - Whoa Marinette! You really don't know what happened with Ladynoir?! - She said shouting the word Ladynior. Ladynoir? What is that? - I read your blog Alya, is true that he has ask her on a date? - Ask her on a date? Oh no! She has record everything!

 - Girl, you have in the video - Alya sang again and they started fangirling. Then, more people came to our bench and they all started fangirling.

 - What is Ladynoir? - I asked, and everyone opened their mouth astonish and looking at me, maybe Ladynoir is something of Maths, I heard Max telling Kim something about Ladynoir. Or maybe it is something about homework, Kim was very surprised about that, and if they are homework that means that I haven't do my Ladynoir!?


Hi, I hope you enjoyed it:

 Today's chapter has been longer than the other ones!!!

Witch subject do you hate?

I hate Maths, my friends will call me stupid because normally my Maths califications are very high and I hate Maths. It's just that I don't like the numbers! :,)


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