9. Ladyblog's News

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In the last chapter...

  Then everyone started talking but Marinette was thinking: "please, if she knew that I'm gonna be her desinger se will faint, but... maybe... I'm not designing her dress... but the fabric... I am confused, but as we are on Thursday I have some time till Sunday".  



The school time passed like a normal day and I was in the library looking for the note that Cat put in the corner of a shelf. The last day, when I watched the person taking the indications to be unnoticed when we watch the film I panic. That person must know or must suspect about my identity, at least he or she know where I study. 

Wait a moment... Cat Noir's identity is also in danger! Maybe he put a nickname instead of his and my name to control that no one is taking the note when they see "From Cat Noir to Ladybug". If I weren't Ladybug this will be very funny. Imagine me walking in the corridor but coincidence that today I want to study in the library: "Woah! A note that says: From Cat Noir to Ladybug. I will take it and I will show to the world" Yeah, very funny, if you are not Ladybug. I don't thing that the Silly Kitty put any nickname, it's a bit silly, but is also cute, hehe.

Tikki and I were looking for the note the last 15 minutes, but then Tikki said bored of looking for it:

 - Mari, why should the person who took the note return it to the library? - Tikki said , it's obvious, why didn't I think of that. 

I tryed to continue the conversation but an angel, I MEAN Adrien called me from the other corner of the library. Yes, ADRIEN AGRESTE calling me. "I'm gonna faint" that's the only thing I thought in that situation. Why the best model in the Earth is calling me?

 - Marinette? Marinette? - The hot stuff, I MEAN Adrien was calling me. Oh no...I was out of it, and Adrien saw that. Noooooooooooooo! - Earth calling Marinette.

 - E-eh mmm... s-sorry Adrien w-what do he, no mmm... you want? - I stuttered like a silly monkey. Ahhhh! I hate when I do that.

 - Mmm... I am looking for Nino do you saw him? - He said with a hand in his nape.

 - A-ah, I t-think he went to his house, t-the lat time I aw him he was walkin in the pavement.

 - Oh, bad luck for me. Well, I don't have nothing to do this afternoon, do you want to come with me to drink a cola? - He said magically.

WHAAAAT?! IS THAT A DATE?! ADRIEN IS TAKING ME ON A DATE?!A DATE?! Woah, woah, Marinette don't screw up.

 - O-okay. - I said with the smile I used when Cat proposed to watch a movie. Then I looked at Adrien's checks, there where red, is that a blush?

 - C-come on or the shop will close! - He said making a gesture with his hand.

Is this a dream? If it is please do not wake me up!

We were going to the shop, it was the best day ever, it was a fantastic day, it was a Miraculous day! We weren't speaking but when we spent 2 bad minutes without speak to each other Adrien said:

 - Are you going to the Halloween Party? - He asked me curious.

 - Mmm... I'm not sure... I-I don't know... - I started saying without knowing the answer of that simple question but Adrien stoped me.

 - Yeah, you are like me, I'm not sure if I'm gonna go, my father wants me to pose that day, you know? - He said very sad... I hate looking Adrien that way.

 - Ohh, I'm sure am gonna be baking at the bakery all day, if that comforts you a little bit, because since this year I am having good luck, if I tell you my life till this year... - I said sadly thinking of the life of a model, I wouldn't like to be the son of a designer like Gabriel Agreste.

When Adrien said me that I only thought of the bad lucky he had, it's just like me before beeing Ladybug. I turned around to see his face and it was going to cry, or that seemed that face. Poor Adrien... I don't wanna be in his place. I thought on explaining my bad lucky to see his smile, again so I said this to Adrien to comfort him after he said me this:

  - Okay, tell me. - He changed his face into a smiley face that no one can resist to it.

 - W-well, a year ago my breakfast was like this: I took the spoon and without controling my force the spoon made a catapult efect, then to see the cereals flying into my face it wasn't comforting at all. Then the spoon threw the cereals box and the box the opened milk that made a waterfall from the table to the floor, and that's all - I said and I made a pause to then say this: - W-what do you think, funny?

I thought Adrien didn't like my story but then I saw him trying to contain the laugh, but no, imposible, he couldn't contain it so he started laughing:

 - Hahahahahahahahaha! Is t-that t-true? Hahahahahaha! Please! Hahahah! - He laughed, I never saw Adrien that way but I love that he is better than before I comment my unlucky breakfast.

We continued speaking and telling anecdotes of our life, but suddenly we arrived to the soft-drink shop without knowing how much time we spent speaking. When we were about to sit down in the shop's chairs and to order there a noise scared us:

 - BAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG! - "A shout" I thought in that moment, then I thought "an Akuma". In the middle of my date? Thanks Hawk Moth. Then I remembered, "I'm with Adrien I need to do something to distract him.

 - I have to go! - We both said at the same time and the we blushed, so romantic! It's not time to think on that Marinette!

  - I am going to advert the police, enter to the shop to be safe. - He said, okay I didn't have to do nothing to go from there.

I runed into an alley to transform in Ladybug, and when I was there I said:

 - Tikki, spots on! Ah! -  Then I turned into Ladybug and I started looking for the Akumatizated. When I saw the villain I also so Cat Noir.

 - Hi My Lady! Today we have the man of the spoilers, Spoilerevil! - He said while he was fighting with the villain.

 - Okay Cat! - I said taking my yo-yo.

 - I am gonna tell you the end of Ladybug and Cat Noir the Movie.

 - Noooooooo! - We both shouted.


When we finished the battle we were tyred, it wasn't easy to try to no be spoiledand  we haven't a lot of time to speak so we tryed to speak as fast as we could.

 - Hey LB! Did you see the note? - Cat asked me curious.

 - Mmm... Yeah, I wanted to talk about it. The other day I saw someone taking the note before me...  - I tryed to say but my earrings interrupted me with a "Beep". - Oh, I don't have a lot of time, please tell me what was on the note.

 - Ok, you go transformed to the cinema but with some clothes to not be recogniced,  ok? - I explained me.

 - Ok, thanks bye Cat! - I said.

 - Bye My Lady!

I went back home, and mobile rang, it was Alya:

 - Hi Alya!

- ******

- Umm... Okay?

- *****

- Bye!

She wanted me to watch her Ladyblog because she hadn't time to speak a lot with me so she couldn't tell me nothing. When I opened I saw a photo of the note of Cat Noir!

From Cat Noir to Ladybug:

Go transformed to the cinema with some clothes My Lady!






I hope you enjoyed it:

Is it normal to like a spoiler? 'Cause I love them, haha.

If I wasn't the autor I'd have a lot of intrigue!


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