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Its been a few days since I got those random texts. I wonder who it is? I mean its pretty creepy that I'm being stalked. But anyways, after that day in school I was to depressed to go back. The words she said hurt. And to top it all off that look...

My heart aches after what happened. Why does this happen to me. I've never done anything wrong. I've never been rude or argued with anyone. Why. Why does it have to be like this. I hate this life. I hate these people. I just...I can't do it

-cuts wrist and let's the blood flow into the sink-

Maybe this'll take away some pain. Maybe just maybe I could be happy if I keep this up. Maybe this Is all a dream. I hope it is. Please god tell me it is.

-pinches arm- no...I can't take this. I wish this was a dream. I want to love her but she despises me. Why does it have to be like this..

Right when I'm about to stab myself in the throat my phone buzzes and its that number.

(# random number, M me)

#: Stop

M: who are. How are you seeing me?!

#: just stop. You know there's someone out there for you. Someone better.

M: fine. But the cutting takes away the pain

#: Its false hope. False happiness. Its nothing but a lie. All it does is scar you so stop

M: Fine...

#: (No reply)

Sighs as I walk back to bathroom and bandage up my wrist

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro