~+~ Chappy 8 ~+~

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Italics= Thoughts

Bold= Serious/angry


'Italics'= Single Messages, including time and such

!![WARNING]!!= Something coming up

-A/N- Message= Me saying something, I'm not the biggest fan of A/N pages

Anyways, let's get on with it!

BTW, most characters are kinda out of character and don't really base off their real lives.

\\Something// = Time Skip


Skeppy yawned as he rolled out of the warmth which folded around him. He hit the floor, letting out a soft grunt once the cold. He leaned up, kneeling on his knees before standing up, stretching. He glanced over at Bad, noticing the male was still asleep and sighing, rubbing his eyes. He then smirked and left the room to go to his own, plan set in mind. Once he reached the familiar room, he grabbed a rather large cardboard box that was set under his desk then quickly brought it to the others room, opening the box as he went.

The cardboard box was filled to the point of bursting if it weren't for the hundreds of layers of tape keeping it together and making it look larger than it was. Red 14 plushies filled the box, size varying. He gently set the box on Bad's desk then proceeded to set the plushies around the sleeping male, covering him with then in the end. He held the last one softly in his grip, then leaned down, pressing a kiss on the other's head, placing the plush there afterwards. Looking at his masterpiece, which was a Bad completely covered in the plushies as if they were swarming bees, he smirked then grabbed the box and walked out of the room, placing under his own desk.

\\Get Yoted//

He glanced around the room with boredom then looked over at his alarm clock. '11:30' He pushed off the spinning chair then walked to his closet, grabbing a simple black hoodie with white details he 'borrowed' from Bad along with a pair of simple black skintight jeans. He held the pile under his arm then walked towards the bathroom, locking the door behind himself and setting his messily piled clothes on the counter.


Skeppy rubbed a towel against his hair, making it a fluffy mess. He set the towel in the washer then walked back down to Bad's room, cracking the door open to see the male still asleep. He smiled softly then shut the door silently then headed towards the kitchen, grabbing out some bread and placing it into the toaster, pressing down the lever then grabbing out the butter then a few pieces of lettuce, cronching on the green things as he waited for the toast to pop. Once he'd finished the precleaned lettuce, he grabbed out two a plate, placing the partially crunchy toast. He buttered the toast then grabbed out some premade bacon, heating it up in the microwave and leaning on a counter closest to him.

Once the familiar beeping echoed out, he grabbed the bacon and placed it on the plate with toast. He set the warm plate to the side then grabbed the on with food, carrying it over to Bad's room. Once he reached the door, he knocked softly then slowly opened the door, seeing the still somehow sleeping male, still covered with the red 14's. He set the plate on the desk then walked over to the male, gently shaking them until they woke up. Bad woke up with a start, glancing around at the red filling his view then sitting up quickly, nearly falling off of his bed. Skeppy gently grabbed the others shoulders, holding him still with a soft smile. "Good morning." Bad relaxes himself then smiled, pressing a kiss to Skeppy's lips then moving back, leaning against the wall. "Morning." Bad yawned back then looked at the plushies that surrounded him. "Why did you do this?" He whined, getting a smirk. "Do what?" Bad glared at Skeppy then sighed. "The 14's" Skeppy looked around. "Whatever do you mean?" He smirked, gaining a gentle, joking slap on forehead. "What was that for?" Skeppy whined back, gaining a soft chuckle and a head shake. "I somewhat made you this." Skeppy set the plate of food on Bad's lap instead of on the desk. Bad smiled then glanced down at the dish. "What do you mean you 'somewhat' made this?" Skeppy rubbed the back of his neck at that. "Well, we had some bacon in the fridge so I just heated that up, but I guess I made the toast?" Bad nodded then pressed another kiss to Skeppy's forehead. "Thanks, but have you eaten anything?" He shook his head. "Not yet, but I'm going to go make myself something, just wanted you to get some food first." Bad nodded and cronched a piece of bacon. "As long as you have something to eat." He smiled and rubbed Skeppy's messy hair. "I will, I will." Skeppy smirked then plunked down on the end of Bad's bed, grabbing one of the many red 14 plushies and holding it in his lap. "Are you not going to go get food?" Bad looked confused as he broke a piece off from the toast and ate it. "I'll get some eventually, I just want to hang out with you." Bad rolled his eyes then once again broke a piece off from the toast and held it out to Skeppy who shook his hand but overall was pretty much forced to take the piece and eat it. "Thanks." Skeppy smiled softly then leaned on the wall beside him. "As long as you get something to eat, Skeppy." Bad set the partially finished dish on the desk then leaned over, pressing his head against Skeppy's chest. "Thanks for the food." Skeppy nodded and smiled, gently rubbing his hand against Bad's head. "Anytime." He smiled, pressing a kiss to the others hand then shuffling closer

-A/N I'm so sorry for not posting for so long, I just needed a break and I don't really watch Skeppy or BBH very much anymore. I'll try to post more often, but my life is not very put together because of online schooling, but I'm trying. Thanks for your patience! And if the story has any errors, it's because I haven't read it over and I wrote it on my phone. ~ Vanilla-

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