A Special Shot

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"Seven, C." I looked down at the notebook I was holding and drew a 'x' on the line while sighing. "Hit." I muttered and put it down on the bed. "Ya sunk my warship!"

"I am the king of battleships! Suck it, Harley!" Nightwing cheered and jumped up from his chair but immediately winced at the pain his broken leg still gave him.

I myself rolled my eyes in annoyance while a little smile grew on my face. "How do ya do this? Ya won four times in a row!"

Nightwing sat down again and used his pencil to point at my notebook. "See that?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course. I'm not blind. Duh."

"You use the same formation over and over again, only in different places of the field." He grinned and leaned back while playing with the pencil. "Damian can do better and he's ten."

"Yah, yah. Got it. Are we playin' again now or what?"

He sighed and grabbed his own notebook. "Alright, but don't whoop my butt like the first time you lost."

"'Kay. But there ain't no fun then."

I was actually glad Nightwing came for a visit - the boredom was almost unbearable without company, and since I wasn't one of the good guys, I figured that I was treated like an inmate at Arkham, without the creepy halls funny smell, though.

It's been a while since I talked to anyone else than Alfred, who was a pretty boring old guy who didn't get any jokes. All I was doing until now was reading, watching TV or just looking out the window. 'Maybe that's what it's like to be old.'

Nightwing himself was ordered by Batman to talk to me a bit so I won't feel completely alone. How nice! When's the last someone treated me like a human being? 'Oh yeah, Red, Blacky and Batsy.' A grin lit my mood up as I thought about all the friends that helped me through this pretty difficult time.

"You start." Nightwing looked at me and I sighed. "Alright." I wrote down a number and a letter, then started chewing on my pencil. "A, three." I just wished we could play hangman once in a while. But it gets annoying pretty fast if you are the only person winning.


"I knew that."

Someone knocked on the door and I threw my head back. "Come in!" I called and Alfred opened the door. He held two shots in his right hand and a letter in his left one as he walked over.

"I found these items in front of our door, they are addressed to you, Miss Quinn." Alfread explained and handed me all three things.

Confused at first, I looked at the shots which were filled with one hundred milliliters if a strange, lightning green liquid. If I didn't know any better I would've said this was some kind of late Halloween prank.

"Looks freakin' weird. Let's see what the letter says." I carefully put the shots down onto my bed before I opened the white letter.

My eyes widened as I read through the lines, though the person really could've worked on their penmanship.

When you read this, it means that you can read. Ha! Just kidding!

A little bird told me you had some trouble walking. So here's something that'll solve your problem. Inject the needle of the shot right into your spine and wait half an hour.

You're welcome.

I turned the paper over and noticed that there was an ace card attached to it. "Whadda hell?" I mouthed the words and looked at the two shots, not sure whether or not to believe that piece of paper.

"Well?" Nightwing asked curiously and I quickly blinked, realizing there were still people in the room. "What does it say?"

"I'm... I'm not sure." I read through the lines one more time, making sure I didn't misunderstand that. "Apparently, this green stuff will heal my spine." Was this joke or something? Or did someone really try to help me?

Nightwing looked up at Alfred who gave him a confused look. "Perhaps Master Wayne knows his way around this piece of chemicals." He left the room and I picked up one shot to look at the weird liquid.

"Whadda you thinkin' 'bout this?" Nightwing read the letter as I handed it to him. "Whoever wrote you this, they know that you are here. And that's to my knowledge nobody else except for Batman and maybe Black Seven."

I tilted my head and played with the shot. "So ya think Blacky came up with that?" It would be logical because he promised me he would make me walk and run again. If there wasn't that letter.

"I don't think so. See, here the person writes 'a little bird' told them about your paralysis. And if I remember correctly about what you told me, Black Seven would let you know if it was his idea."

Nightwing had a point. Black Seven wouldn't write something like this when I already knew he was working on something. And then there's the ace card. I didn't know anyone who used ace cards. Sure, there were a view people leaving hints at the place where they committed a crime or just to let others know that they were there.

Harvey left a coin, Nygma a riddle and Joker always attached a joker card to his victims. But an ace? That made no sense to me.

Still, I felt the need to stick the silver needle into my back. I've been sitting around and doing nothing for too long. And even the thought about being able to walk upstairs or just to feel my legs again let me grab the shot tighter.

But then again. What if this was a trap or a bad joke? What if Two-Face - somehow - found out where I was living at the moment?

The door behind me opened up and I immediately his the shot under the blanket of my bed. Bruce Wayne wouldn't allow me to keep it because he didn't trust me in not using it.

"Hiya!" I greeted him friendly and he looked at me with his usual serious face. "Hello, Harley. Alfred told me about the letter. Can I read it?" He asked and I handed him the paper with a fake smile. "Sure!"

Bruce read through the lines and I looked at Nightwing, asking him not to tell his billionaire friend about the second shot. He he's it ate but finally nodded.

"Would you mind handing me that? I'll just run a test or two to make sure it's nothing dangerous." Bruce pointed at the shot and I bit my lip.

"But what if it wears off afta some time? Or ya break it?" I tried making it look like there was only this one shot and that I really cared about it.

"I won't. I promise." He sounded like he was buying it and I finally sighed. "Alright, Bruce. But be careful with it."

Alfred and Bruce left and I slowly turned my head to Nightwing with an ear-to-ear grin on my face.

"Don't say anything." He sighed and I handed him the shot I pulled out from under the blanket. "But you know this might kill you, right?" He warned me but I shrug my shoulders. "Yah yah, whateva." I rolled my eyes with a smile and ignored the danger behind this. I would no longer be paralyzed. Who cared about possible side effects?

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