At The River

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Harley and Batman stood at the roof of Arkham after defusing the bomb and escaping a view cops. It was almost morning and more people walked up and down the streets.

"Thanks for the help, Quinn." He said, then disappeared, leaving Harley alone on Arkham's rooftop.

Looking at her broken hand, she turned around, using a rope in her other hand to slide down the wall and sneaking behind the trees and away from this awful place.

Right now, she needed to talk. No matter to who. Just someone who would listen to her. But who? Her first guess would've been Red and Selina. Then she remembered what they did to her.

She had questions, needed answers. But especially, she wanted revenge. 'Buckshot an' da otha guy have no idea who they messed with!'

Seeking for a place to hide and get over the recent happenings, she looked for the old Steel Mill which used to be one of the temporary hideout of her and Joker.

The old building looked empty as usual but Harley could almost feel the past. And it hurted.

Cobwebs covered every corner and the wind blew through cracked windows, sending dust to my nose and making me sneeze. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. 'How much this place has changed.'

She started walking, stepping on rotting wood and old pieces of the roof laying on the concrete floor. Finally, she stopped, staring at a very damaged desk. Memories caught up to Harley as she ran her fingers over the scratches in it.

Shrugging in pure fear and sadness, she tried to banish a certain picture her mind made up. 'I wonder what happened.' Harley thought as she left the place. What made Two-Face kill her Puddin'? 'Is he really...?' She immediately shook her head. No! He couldn't be dead, that was simply not possible!


"End of the road, douchebag!" The hateful eyes glimpsed at me as the pale moonlight shone at the gun that pointed at me, making it glimpse.

Two men stood in front of me, each of them staring at me like I took away their candy. Well, technically, I did. That made me grin.

"Aw, what's the matter, Deadhead?" My hands slid in my pockets as I looked at the slightly taller guy and his damaged red eye. "Feeling offended by a little joke?"

Two-Face walked a step closer, placing his right pointer finger at the trigger of his gun. "Safe it, clown!"

I sighed in annoyance, placing two of my fingers between my eyes. "Please, Dent. Let red-eyes take her own fight. I'm sure, with a lot of encouragement and support, she will be able to overcome her shyness and finally grow some balls." I heard Deadshot breathing heavily and immediately put my hands in front of me, gesturing an excuse and using a sarcastic tone.

"Well, not actual balls. Because those things would feel offended. But quitting wearing this skintight rubber suit would be a start." I saw the corners of Two-Face's mouth twitching and a little giggle rising in his throat. 'Perfect!'

His hands formed fists as he growled in anger and suddenly ran towards me and didn't stop as Dent told him not to take it too hard.

Controlling people was so easy when you knew how to manipulate their strongest emotions. Fear, anger, loneliness or shame as well as happiness or love. Soon as you make them loose control, you own them. You can use them, can make them do things the would've never dome before. And that's the joy of it.

Hands in my pockets, I closed my eyes, just dodging at every hit of his. "I'm gonna tear the skin off your back and rub salt all over it!" Deadshot's angry voice yelled and I opened my eyes, looking at his visible eye. "Over what? The skin or my back?" I chuckled and finally decided to put a little action in this fight.

I used one of my razor sharp joker cards to distract him by sticking it into his right thigh while he tried to kick me. He twitched at the pain, just for a little moment. But that was all I needed.

Quickly kicking the back of his left knee, I let a small knife sliding down my right sleeve, right into my hand and sinking it in Deadshot's waist before throwing him to the stony ground.

I pulled the knife out of his body, pushing the bloody blade against his spine before lifting him up so Two-Gace wouldn't get any thoughts. "And that's how it's done, Deadhead." I whispered in his ear as he moaned in pain and frustration.

"You crazy bit..." Crunch! His nose broke as I smasched his head against the little piece if concrete we stood on. Not forgetting about Dent, I let some joker cards fly his way, making him scream as the sharp edges cut the skin on his face...faces? Well, whatever.

My voice was quiet as I moved my lips to Deadshot's left ear. "That's not very polite of you. Would you be nice and apologize?" Nobody could say I don't give people chances.

I lifted his head up so he could answer. "I don't apologize for the truth." He smiled and I sighed. "Well, seems like yer momma never taught you good manners, eh?" Again, I smashed his face against the ground, but this time I pushed it down very hard and rubbed it over the concrete, leaving ruby red stripes of skin and blood on it.

His body twitched in pain and I pulled his head up again. "Now? Will you say 'I'm sorry, Mister Joker'? Or do we need to do this again?" I chuckled and looked at his face.

Deadshot's bloody lips twitched as he tried to speak and managed a voiceless 'fuck you' before I heart a shot and opened my eyes widely at a sudden pain in my back, immediately standing up and looking over to Two-Face who pointed his gun at me.

"You won't kill one of my best men, you lunatic!" He yelled and shot twice. Right in my belly. Sending me back a view steps.

My right hand on one of the small wounds, I felt the warm blood soaking my purple suit and button up shirt. "First of all, you owe me a 250$ suit. Second, ow!" Not that this was the first time I was shot.

Without another word, Two-Face came closer and I alternately flexed and relaxed my abs, removing one bullet and pulling it out before looking at it. "Two millimeter? Seriously?"

Deadshot slowly got up, blinking as his own blood dropped in his eye. "Let me finish this stupid piece of shit!" I had to laugh. "Finish? Do I look half dead? And what about you, president wannabe?" I looked at Dent. "Can't manage anything but a gut shot, can you?"

As an answer, two more bullets were added to the first three ones, hitting my left shoulder and something behind my ribs that made me gasp and chuckle at the same time. "Okay, that one was luck. Still, no good lung shot. What happened? Can't aim with your dried out eyeball?"

"That's enough!"

I looked behind Two-Face and saw a tall, drak silhouette appearing that quickly walked over. I smiled and started to wheeze at the pain and blood that started to fill my left lung, forcing me to go down on my knees. "Hello, Bat-Brain! Long time, no see. Wanna join our little party?" I looked up at him and smiled.

Batman shit me a angry look, then spoke to Dent: "I'm gonna take him back to Arkham now, you take Deadshot and back off."

Two-Face didn't take his outraged eyes off me as he answered: "Why? So this lunatic can escape again? No. Tonight is payback!"

I groaned as I stood up, slightly stumbling before finding my balance again. "Yeah. Because I never saw the money from the recent train heist." Like I was doing stuff for free.

"Shut up!" Two-Face yelled and shot my right leg, making me moan as the bullet became stuck in my bone.

"Okay, Bats. Take out these two creepers and let's go." Honestly, I didn't expect anything, but Batman actually took a batarang from his belt and aimed for Dent's gun, but was knocked down by Deadshot who punched the backside of his head.

"Could you give me a minute to make the bat smile before you kill me?" I asked Two-Face. There was still this 'any last wish' thing, wasn't there?

Two-Face smiled in a - as most people would say - creepy way as he shot a sixth time. Right into my belly again. "What did I tell you about gut shots? Are you even listening to me?" 'How are people supposed to learn things when they always ignore me?'

"Stop that, Harvey!" Batman groaned and tried to stand up but Deadshot was right on that, holding a gun at Batman's head.

"See you in hell, clown!" Two-Face said and my smile dropped into the most emotionless, serious expression. My voice became deeper than ever and everything started to seem...foggy.

"Why so serious?" I asked, right before the last bullet hit my head, making me falter backwards and falling down from the edge I was standing on into the icy cold river.

I imagined the dark clouds of blood rising in the black water, covering me in deadly silence as I let myself sink to the ground, breathing nothing but water while a smile froze on my face as I didn't even move a single muscle to make it to the surface.

If I had air in my lunges, I would've laughed. But instead, just grinned. 'Well played, Dent.' I felt my heart giving up. 'You win this round.'

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