'Hands Off My Girl!'

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"Batman?" Black Seven asked after he turned around and looked at his henchmen. The scar on his left cheek was bleeding and he had more scratches all over his face. 'What the hell happened to him?' I looked over to Joker who seemed not very interested in observing Black Seven but played with one of the small yellow balls that had smiley faces on them and contained itching powder.

"An' where da frack is Joker?" His emerald green eyes were glaring at me as Black Seven lowered his head a bit with his green and black hair waving in the warm wind that came from the burning buildings all around. 'I hope Jim managed to save everyone in this area.' Gunshots and the sound of crashing cars made me wish Joker would've come earlier and freed me so I could help stop those madmen.

Black Seven walked over to me and his goons quickly moved aside, leaving me barely able to stand on my feet. Only positive thing was that the ice on my hands slowly started to melt - yet that didn't help me with this situation as Black Seven stopped right in front of me and gave me his devilish grin. "I asked you something, Bats!" He spit out every word of this sentence and pushed the bent claw of the crowbar against my throat.

I refused to answer or even say a word because no matter what I'd do, Black Seven wouldn't pay attention to it, anyway. So I just glared at him and hoped Joker or Poison Ivy had a good plan. 'How sad that my life and probably the fate of Gotham depends on two crazy creeps.'

Sighing, Black Seven removed the crowbar and sighed with a grin he seemed unable to get rid of. "So disappointing." He walked back a few steps and scratched his head while I just wanted to talk to Joker, he'd surely lose it in case Black Seven would start to talk longer than five minutes. But I also remembered that I still had to find Harley, as I promised it to Joker. 'Hope he still remembers our deal as well.'

"It's sad ya still cling ta the thought that Joker will come ta help ya. Ya still believe in the good parts of evil people, huh?" The way Black Seven spoke and looked aside and over to Firefly setting another building on fire made me wish for Dick and Damian but both of them were badly injured and not able to take on Jay or even Bloom.

"Even though you created the evil." Black Seven turned around and stretched his arms out to his sides, making me look at the giant flames and all the people running through the streets in fear. "Look at this, bat-brain. All of this." He pointed at a building called Ace Chemicals - a chemical plant I shared many, very bad memories with. "It's somethin' you made or were at least part of. An' ya wanna know why it got that bad?"

Black Seven turned back to me and wiped away some blood that dropped down his cheek. "It's because you refused to stop people like me. Ya don't kill people for some reason, but does it justify what happens to the city in more or less your name?"

I felt something like a shot in my back and want to turn my head but immediately heard someone whisper in my ear: "Just giving you something that'll heal your little scratches and...frozen fingers." Joker chuckled quietly and I slightly nodded, not sure it I should believe him or not. But honestly, I didn't have much options here.

"I'm gon' give ya an example of what you're doin' ta the people here." Jay looked past me and I turned my head - only to find two of Jay's henchmen carrying a person I took a moment to recognize. 'Freaking idiot!' My eyes moved over to Joker and Poison Ivy who followed the men who carried Harley over to Black Seven and just dumped her in front of him.

Her eyes were half way closed and empty, one was filled with blood and swollen. A rope was tied so tight around her head and through her mouth to keep her from speaking that it cut into the corners of her mouth and cheeks. There were bruises all over her face and arms, maybe from the crowbar that had some blood on it. Yet I didn't want to keep looking at her because I had to struggle to control my anger already.

"Heh...heheh." Joker quietly giggled behind me and I slightly turned my head in complete disbelief of his reaction, only to find his left hand slowly moving up to the jacket he put on to look like one of Black Seven's henchmen. His eyes were locked at Jay and the way he kept giggling told me that this was not of amusement at all. 'Not now! Control yourself for only six minutes!'

"Ya see, people like me are doin' bad things like that one." I looked back at Black Seven as he pointed down at Harley whose eyelids were twitching, she might've passed out and was now getting back again. "We do those things of multiple reasons. Anger, boredom..." He got a switchblade and grabbed Harley's hair to pull her head up before he pointed the knife at her forehead. "...fun."

I tried to move my fingers under the ice as I felt my energy returning, probably from whatever it was that Joker gave me and actually managed to get rid of some small pieces of the ice as Jay continued: "Did you know what she did in the ten months she was gone?" Black Seven looked down at Harley as she started to wiggle and whimper, obviously trying to say something.

"Sh-sh-shhh, dear, it's just between you, me, Bats and your sister, eh?" Jay moved the knife down to her mouth and Harley's eyes started to look around in panic, suddenly stopping at someone behind me. Again, I turned my head and saw Joker who just giggled while he kept looking down at one playing card in his hands.

"Anyway, Batman, she actually is a mommy. Betcha didn't know that, did ya? An' da funny thing is, Joker thinks she went away 'cause she was bored or somethin', she never told him that one little secret." Harley's eyes widened and I gulped as I saw the look on Joker's face. He was smiling widely but his eyes looked like he was mentally tearing Jay's lungs out through his ears.

"Just thought ya wanted ta know that one thing before she'll spit blood like a volcano, with you watching and again, not doing a thing to prevent it." Black Seven pointed the knife at the right side of Harley's neck at her carotid artery. "You don't stop the madmen, now people are going to pay."

"No! Jay, don't do that!" I yelled at him but he didn't even look at me, just laughed while I violently tried to free my hands and finally succeeded, immediately hearing gunshots that made Black Seven smile and I turned around, only to find Joker shooting Jay's goons and Poison Ivy snapping the necks of three remaining henchmen.

"Joker, I said no ki--" He shushed me by sticking the barrel of one of his guns into my mouth. "Quiet or papa spank!" Joker glared at me and I narrowed my eyes. 'The holy hell did he just say?!'

Poison Ivy took the gun from Joker, still pointing it at my head and glaring at me while he took a few steps towards Black Seven who looked actually surprised. "Hands off my girl!" Joker growled with a crooked smile, his hand grabbing the gun tighter and his eyelids twitched.

It took Black Seven a few moments until he blinked and shook his head in confusion, his knife still at Harley's neck. "Nice ta meetcha, what took ya so long, though?" Jay had that look of insanity, looked just like Joker at the time he had his face skinned off. 'Please, don't let this escalate.'

Joker walked closer to Black Seven, not even looking once at Harley who was shaking in either fear, pain or even both. Maybe I should just let him settle this by himself? Not that I wanted to get in between two mentally very unstable freaks ready to kill each other, but I needed to get Harley out of this situation and to a hospital, she needed medical attention as fast as possible.

"I'm not in the mood, Black Seven, I might grant you a less painful death if you drop the knife and Harley." Joker put his finger on the trigger but all Black Seven did was smiling as he licked his lips. "Ha. Poor choice of words, daddy."

He let the knife fall down onto the ground so the blade was looking up, then immediately threw Harley down with his foot between her shoulder blades. 'What the fuck??' My eyes narrowed in anger and my hands formed fists, Poison Ivy screamed right behind me in shock while Joker just stood there, not doing a single thing.

"Joker! Do something, you idiot!" I screamed angily and stared at Harley whimpering and twitching in pain, she was barely strong enough to move under Black Sevens weight. How could Joker just stand there and stare at Jay? Did he not notice what was going on here? Maybe Harley wasn't even important to him and...'Hang on!' My thoughts stopped as I realized his right hand was hiding a flick knife.

"Goddamn it, Blacky!" Joker yelled and surprisingly threw the gun at Jay's throat, making him step back from Harley to dodge it. But Joker immediately ran so quick over to punch Black Seven in the face that I thought I couldn't believe my eyes. 'He's faster than I am! How does he do that?'

Joker slammed Black Seven's head down onto the roof before he stuck the flick knife into Jay's mouth while he tried to escape Joker's grip on his lower jaw. "Somebody needs do shut that dumb-ass mouth of yours down, Black Seven." From where I stood I could see that Joker stabbed the knife through Black Seven's cheek from inside his mouth, then rammed the blade into the concrete roof. 'What the hell is that blade made of?!'

"Ivy, you get me my henchmen. And Bats, be a lamb and take care of the approaching creeps downstairs, huh?" Joker spoke as if he didn't even care if we were going to agree. But since I felt like I wasn't helping here either, I decided to just nod and walk away with Poison Ivy.

Before entering the elevator, I stopped and looked over to Joker one more time, kind of feeling like I had to make sure Black Seven was down and not dead. 'I hope you're not gonna kill each other over this...pff. Who am I kidding?' I needed to hurry up with the rogues downstairs so I could get up here and keep Joker from killing Jay.

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