Not Funny Anymore

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Black Seven was unconscious at the moment and hopefully, I had enough time to get Harley the hell away from here. Not that I was worried about her, I just wanted to talk to her about a couple of things.

After all, the fire caused by Firefly all around the building came closer and the heat was pretty overwhelming, it'd only be a matter of time until the dumb jacket I wore would catch fire. 'Why am I even wearing that ugly piece of crap?' My eyes moved from Black Seven over to Harley who whimpered and tried to move while I threw the jacket as well as the hat away, then fixed my hairs.

I sighed and smacked my lips before I bent down to pick Harley up, immediately noticing the blade of the knife that stuck in her stomach as I turned her around. From the position the knife was in I could tell it punctured her abdominal artery, not the best news to me today. 'I'm not gonna ask if things can get worse because that always ends bad.'

"I'm sorry for not tellin' ya about it, Mistah J." Harley looked up at me, some blood dropped down the corner of her mouth while I quickly looked around, searching for a hospital that was not set on fire or got blown up. "I knew ya didn't want ta care for a kid, but just leavin' was--" I glared at her to shut her up, I couldn't think with Harley talking like a waterfal.

"You shut up right now!" My eyes moved back to Black Seven who started groaning as he was waking up. "'Scuse me, it'd be just a minute." I slowly let her head down and walked over to Blacky who tried to grab the crowbar beside him. "I'm having a conversation here, would you please..?" His eyes glared up at me as I took the crowbar and stepped on his hand, making him gasp in pain.

He couldn't speak because the blade in his mouth would cut his lips and tongue but I didn't have to read thoughts to know what he wanted to say as he kept glaring at me. "I'll be right back, don't run away." I chuckled and quickly stabbed the straight claw of the crowbar through his hip and into the roof. Ignoring his screams, I pushed the crowbar deeper into the rooftop until the only visible part was the top of the bender claw. "Now keep quiet."

Without waiting for a reaction, I turned around to Harley. Sure, her injuries were awful and dangerous, but I could fix those up right away, not that she'll let me if she would find out about the Dionesium. Still, I didn't necessarily had to use it on her because I wanted it for myself - therefore, I had to find a hospital.

"Please, don't get mad, puddin', please don't get mad!" Harley held the blood covered knife in her hands before she threw it away as I walked closer, not taking my eyes off hers. She looked so frightened, barely able to sit up and shook in pain as she covered the wound on her stomach with a her left hand to keep the blood from streaming out. 'That's my fault though.'

I stopped right in front of her and stared down at Harley for a view moments, then sat down with a heavy sigh. Knowing how scared she was, I dropped my serious look as far as I could to calm her down. It wasn't easy for mre to go through this conversation, but I felt like I owned it to her to set things right. A strange feeling to actually do something right. 'It sickens me!'

"I'm not mad at you, Harley. I honestly don't care what your reasons were or what happened in the year you went away." I side-eyed Black Seven who had his outraged eyes locked on me but didn't move even an inch. 'Bitch better stay quiet!'

Harley wiped a little blood off her cheek and rubbed her swollen eye afterwards. "I know. It's just...I couldn't tell you. Your work was too important, I understand that. But I also wanted Lucy to have a...normal life with..." She looked up at me as if she couldn't get herself to say those two words so I smiled and checked on Black Seven one more time.

"Normal people." Looking down at her bleeding stomach and all the bruises and cuts on her face and arms, I seriously played with the thought of injecting the Dionesium right now into her veins. But I kind of didn't want to. 'I might need it for myself later.'

My hand started to stroke her head as Harley whimpered in pain and closed her eyes while I couldn't take mine off the stab wound on her belly. 'There was something funny about this.' But out of some weird reason, I couldn't laugh about it. 'Why can't I think of anything funny now?' It was like as if someone turned my sense of humor off for the brief moment I actually felt sorry for pulling her into this. 'It''s not funny...'

Harley slowly calmed down and stopped wheezing while her face relaxed. "And since we're talking about this...I think you need to know a thing or two about Black Seven." I stared at him as he chuckled and smiled at me, following every word of the conversation. "The reason why he's kind of obsessed with you and killing Batman is...well, he's kinda son slash clone."

I didn't know why but I suddenly felt nervous as Harley opened her eyes and stared at me in a way I couldn't describe. Some mix of curiosity and irritation, but I just ignored that. "I don't wanna go into detail, but there has been a tiny little side effect when Dollmaker fused my brain with Black Seven, somehow, part of my DNA remained inside him and altered his genetics. So, forty percent of him are literally me."

I still found it hilarious how such a small fact could cause a whole lot of trouble like that. Because there were two personas in him and he's not the most sane person, I felt like it could've been funny to work with him because he had my humor. Sadly, he wasn't easy to manipulate so that plan went straight down the toilet.

"Why am I not surprised?" Harley smiled and her tired eyes had a joking twinkle that gave my heart a little punch. The nice way, not the pissed-off-Batman way.

"Because we live in a city where walking sharks and plant-like creeps run around." I slowly helped Harley standing up and tried not to giggle at the way the cuts on her neck read 'ha-ha'. "A little genetic mutation shouldn't be that much of a big deal, eh?"

My left hand held the shot that contained the Dionesium inside my pocket, but I still didn't want to use it to save Harley. Although she was bleeding from various wounds, none of them were quite as fatal as the time she broke her spine. The stab wound on her stomach stopped bleeding and she was able to walk, at least a view steps. Maybe she didn't need it and I could save if for later.

"Ya know, I wouldn't mind spendin' a few moments looking at the city in flames..." Harley carefully asked and I stopped walking, a little surprised about this question. I turned my head over to her and rose an eyebrow, reminding her that she still had to get to some hospital. 'Then again...'

Sighing, I nodded while I turned towards the buildings to my right side, immediately blinking at the heat of the flames. "Alright, just a moment." Harley smiled at my statement and slightly annoyed voice before she carefully grabbed my arm and leaned her head against my shoulder.

"I kind of is beautiful." The dark orange and yellow flames lit up the night as if it was day and the voices of panicking people put a smile on my face - even though I didn't really caused this mayhem myself.

I felt Harley's left hand moving up from my arm to the right side of my face and turning it towards her. 'Can't I just enjoy the view once in a while?' Just for the sake of the moment, I wrapped my right arm around her and closed my eyes as she kissed me. 'Too soon to run off and kill Blacky?'

Speaking of, I remembered that I had to look if he was still where he belonged. Would be a shame if he would just bleed to death before I could sign my name on him with a small knife or two.

Suddenly, I felt something hitting my back and I immediately opened my eyes in surprise and turned my head, only to see Black Seven evilly grinning at me, his cheek I stabbed the knife through was completely cut off while I started to feel my heart skipping a beat...maybe more.

"What does death feel like?" Black Seven asked and felt blood filling my mouth before I looked down at his arms that were tightened around the bended claw of the crowbar. My head turned back to Harley who stared at me in pure fear, her hand still on my face while I looked down, only to see the straight claw of Black Seven's crowbar coming out of the left side of my ribcage - and I didn't feel my heart beating. Like. At all.

I quickly covered Harley's ears with my hands and stared into her frightened eyes before I let out a loud scream of pain and frustration. 'This...well, shit.' My legs felt numb and my lungs were screaming in need for air but though I tried to breath, I couldn't even bring myself to close my mouth. I also didn't have the power to keep my arms up at Harley's head and felt my head dropping back as I got lifted up. There was nothing I heard, I didn't even see a shadow before everything got covered in darkness.

'Feels like the worst joke ever. Heh.' My thoughts stopped at the point my head hit something hard and the last piece of air left my lunges - with me just feeling like a dark hand grabbed me and pulled me down into some dark place. A slight Ha escaped my mouth before even the feeling of coldness and pain wore off.

'That's it then.'

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