'Not Gonna Leave You Alone'

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The cold air filled my lungs as I closed my eyes in the silence of the night and only the warm feeling of blood soaking my clothes and a slight wind stroking my skin. There was no sound whatsoever, not even the water could be heard and everything went even darker inside my head.

I didn't want the pain and heartache anymore. But I also couldn't forget about Joker, so...instead of saving myself by grabbing the handrail - I could do nothing and just let go. Free falling. Stop the fighting for nothing.

But suddenly, I felt arms being wrapped around my body from behind as I fell further down and opened my eyes before I turned my head. Not only did I see the reflection of the street lights on the ice below but also how thick it was. It quickly occurred to me that if I'd hit that, I might break my back.

Before I could say a thing, a hand covered my mouth as well as my nose and seconds later, I heard the sound of breaking ice, followed by water covering my body so cold it actually felt as if I was burning alive. My muscles cramped at the feeling of a thousand needles being stabbed into my body and I wanted to gasp but the hand on my mouth kept me from doing so.

After the first moment of shock, my legs and arms started shaking while a numb feeling made it impossible for me to tell if the ice hurt my skin, even my eyes hurt, though I kept them closed. I couldn't move, I couldn't make a sound and even thinking felt hard as darkness pulled my mind down until the cold water caused me to fall unconscious.


Slowly and carefully, I opened my eyes at the sound of a door being closed. My head was hurting as hell as well as my lungs but at least it was warm around here. 'Where am I even?' I slowly sat up and looked around, quickly recognizing Black Seven's hideout.

Feeling way too cold to stand up, I pulled the blanket up to my nose and turned my head aside when I noticed a cup of tea as well as a note on the bedside table right next to me. I picked up the note and smiled as I read through the lines.

I don't write things in English that often so idk. Just wanted ya to know that I'm off for business but I'm gonna be back around eight...o'clock? That even written like that? Looks wrong. Maybe I even think about something entirely different.🐔 Aaanyway, make sure you drink the tea and stay in bed.

~Black Jay. Yeah. You know what I mean xDDD

'He really drew a rooster. What?' For some reason, I couldn't stop laughing at that bird and the last part though, I almost snorted at his way of writing. 'Well, let's take a sip then.' Still smiling, I picked up the mug and started drinking the hot tea as my eyes suddenly widened at the taste of it.

"Ah, yeah, that's da stuff!" Maybe it was coincidence that Blacky figured out my favorite tea. But as far as I knew him, he simply guessed what I liked. 'Just the right amount of sugar, perfect.' I smiled and finished drinking right before someone knocked in the door and I checked on the clock on the nightstand. It said 8:09pm.

"Come in!" I said and Black Seven peeked in with a childish face. "Does the wady has got some time?" He walked in and closed the door after I nodded with a grin all over my face. "It sure won't take long, just wanted ta check on ya." Black Seven ran his hand through his wet, green and black hairs that started to get curly - kind of like Joker's when he had longer hair.

He must've noticed my confused look because he pointed at the wall on his left side with his thumb. "Just took a shower 'cause teachin' a bunch o' untalented idiots how ta dance is some hard stuff."

"Dance?" I rose an eyebrow and scratched my neck, just feeling my shoulder hurting from the stab wound. "Well," Black Seven twisted his head and grinned. "I call it dancin' 'cause what those people do can't be considered as fightin'. That's an embarrassment. For. Like. Everyone."

We both chuckled a bit but the mood quickly got more serious as Black Seven sat down on the bed right beside me. His unnaturally blue eyes looked into mine and he tilted his head, maybe because he wasn't sure how to start.

"So." He finally began and I gulped at his serious voice. "What was that scene on da bridge all 'bout? An' don'tcha say ya missed da bars 'cause we both know that'd be a lie." My eyes moved down and I stared at the white and blue blanket while I slightly shook, partly because my body still felt cold.

Explaining such a thing to a guy like Black Seven wasn't that easy because I didn't know what his reaction would look like. "Originally, I wanted ta leave Gotham but...when I fell ova da handrail...it's like somethin' snapped and...I don't know." I gulped again and my eyes started to get wet. "Joker told me he didn't love me." The first tears dropped down my cheeks and I let out a shaking breath. "You have any idea what those words did ta me?"

My whole face as well as my hands became numb of the shock and I just looked down on the bed. I wanted all of this so badly to end or to be a nightmare. Why did Joker have to pull me down into this miserable life, hunted and hated by so many people, only to dump me like a hot potato? Did I mean that little to him?

"No, I don't know how ya feel." Black Seven admitted. "I've neva been through what you have behind ya so I can't relate to your situation. All I can do is tell ya that I'm not gonna leave you alone with that, an' neither does Ivy." Black Seven wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer so I could rest my head on his shoulder. "We're both here for you."

I chuckled and gave him a smile. "I'm glad I have people like you two in my life. Seriously." If I'd have only met Black Seven or Red before Joker...maybe my life would've turned out differently.

Black Seven swung his head aside and threw his long hair out of his face with a big smile. "Of course, we're all very pretty gals, ain't we?" He looked at me with a joking face to lighten the mood while I started rubbing his back. "Yes, we are."

Quietly hissing, Black Seven carefully straightened his back at my touch and looked at me from the side. "Be a doll and don't touch my back, 'kay? Gotta few cuts from the ice." He smiled and I quickly felt my eyes widening.

"Sorry!" I suddenly felt awfully guilty for getting him in danger earlier just because of my own stupidity. "Naw, don't make that face, Harley." Black Seven chuckled but I couldn't stay that optimistic. "You wouldn't have 'em if --!"

"Shhh. Shut up." He covered my mouth with his hand and tilted his head while staring straight into my eyes. "Hittin' da rock bottom will only make ya stronger, just stop da negativity." He smiled and only took his hand off my mouth after I nodded.

Right after that, I put my right hand on his face and kissed his right cheek before I gave him a smirk. "Thanks for helping me through this. I really needed that." I even found it cute how Black Seven blushed and looked aside. "Pleazzzze, heh, I didn't even do that much."

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