On The Edge

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'Goddamn, those are many!' I pulled Killer Croc away from one of Joker's henchmen that helped us fighting Black Seven's army of lunatics. 'And they don't seem to get tired at all.' My whole body hurt, even though whatever it was that Joker injected into my veins healed my wounds surprisingly fast.

"I don't think we can do this much longer." Pamela wheezed as she got pushed back by Killer Moth and Creeper, both not looking tired at all. I myself was in good shape after Joker's shot, but this couldn't help me much if I had to deal with all of the rogues by myself.

Joker's henchmen were almost completely useless, they weren't trained at all and none of them could hold themselves longer than a view minutes against Mr. Freeze - tops. They looked like they were mainly helping Joker with smaller crimes or were just, like, bringing him coffee or stuff.

"I know, but we can't back off, Joker, Harley and Black Seven are still on top of the building." My ellbow in Killer Moth's neck while I pinned him to the ground, I looked up at Pamela who had scratches and bruises all over her body. "But this might not b--" I got cut off by the sound of a chopper and stared up at the dark sky that was red and gray from the flames and smoke.

Two Blackhawks emerged from the darkness, the doors of their sides open and machine guns looking out. About thirty people wearing dark leather jackets slid down ropes and landed safely on the ground as suddenly the noise of the machine guns made me freeze for a moment. 'Who are those people?' I wasn't sure what to do as all of the new guys started attacking all of the villains with knifes or their own guns.

I stood up from Killer Moth as a pretty big guy walked up to me, he wore the same outfit as the rest but looked a little more dangerous and stronger than all those other people. Something about him told me that he'd something to do with Joker.

"Johnny Frost, Joker Security Force." His dark, emotionless eyes didn't look at anything around him as if he wasn't scared or worried that any of the rogues could attack him, he didn't even look at Killer Moth who stared at us. "We're gonna take from here, you can leave, Bat."

I rose an eyebrow under my mask and watched the other people of the JSF fighting the villains off without hurting even one of them. "Who called you?" My surprise was noticeable but I tried not to let that pass too much. "One of Joker's other henchmen?"

Frost just loaded his gun and turned around without another word. "Alright, let's do the job!" His loud voice echoed through the street and he waved his right hand at the helicopters. "Shoot to kill permission granted, get rid of the scum first!"

My eyes widened as Frost's men began murdering Joker's other henchmen while the choppers started shooting King Shark who jumped up at one of them in an attempt to drag it down to the ground but missed just about an inch. Sure, he had bullet proof skin, but those bullets weren't nine millimeters.

"No, you won't ki--" I screamed at Frost but he shut me up by immediately turning around to me with his gun pointing at my throat. The way he glared at me reminded me of Gordon's son.

"We don't take orders from a billionaire cosplayer, Joker gave me orders, I'll follow them. You got a problem with that, keep it to yourself." He pushed the gun harder against my throat and just as I opened my mouth to give him my opinion on his stupid plan, a sudden, loud scream let everyone freeze for a moment and I looked up at the skyscraper where this bloodcurdling scream came from.

"Okay, let's wrap things up!" Frost yelled and before I could react, he shot Killer Moth in the head as he got up, then shot Creeper five times in the face as the guy attacked him. 'Gosh darn!' I could've vomited at the brutality Frost and his men killed one rogue after another.

But frankly, my attention got drawn back to the top of the skyscraper I owned. 'That was Joker, no doubt.' Yet I've never heard him scream this way, even though I witnessed him getting electrocuted by cables and his own hand buzzer. Those screams were different.

"We need to get to the rooftop!" Poison Ivy stared at me with big eyes but I shook my head. "No, you stay here." I growled and quickly pushed her aside before I ran back into the building and used my grapnel gun to get up faster to eleventh story.

Considering that there were still eleven more to go, I already thought about how to take Black Seven out while a image of Joker covered in blood but still giggling appeared in my mind.

I landed on the floor but got hit the face with a shovel, stumbled across the ground and looked at about thirteen guys with skinned animal faces they wore as masks. 'How utterly distasteful!' My head hurt a bit but as a man with a gorilla face on his pulled out a driller, I quickly ignored the pain.

'Once in your life, forget the damn standards!' There was this voice in my head again as half of the guys ran towards me with knifes, handsaws and all kinds of weird weapons and I had to bite my lip in deep thought. 'Those are stupid people who kill for money, they made their choices.'

"Well, fuck you!" I yelled at a man wearing a pig face as he tried to hit me with a freaking cattle gun. There was the moment I was done. I've been trying to help those people all the time by giving them the opportunity to change, but where did it get me? A decade of senseless murders, a higher than ever amount of criminals and more blood on my hands than I could take.

I grabbed the man's hand and twisted it around while punching another guy in the throat. Hard. I smashed his damn laryngeal. Which paralyzed him and kept him from breathing. 'Little fucktatds!' My language has been better but this situation right here showed me that being all nice and smooth didn't help me achieving a single fucking thing.

"I'm sick of all of this!" My fist breaking one of the men's skulls, I broke the arm of the person I still held. "You goddamn madmen! This is my city, this is my damn building and you're not my employees, so fuck you!"

I jumped over a man, grabbed another one and slammed him against the wall, broke his neck and knocked another five guys out by punching them with my fists and elbows. 'Should've done the violence thing sooner! Sad that this seems to be the only possibility to get the criminals under control.'

Blood covered my batsuit and the whole floor by the end of the fight with me standing in the middle of dead bodies, wheezing in anger. "Scum." I growled before I took my grapnel gun again to get to the last floor. My whole body was suddenly shaking in excitement, somehow, killing the criminals was giving me a smile. 'There goes the sanity. Again.'

Tightening the grip on a black gun, I kicked the heavy iron door open to walk out of the small room and onto the rooftop, just a view stairs to go. 'I swear to Gotham, I'll kill Black Seven for what he's done!'

Before I even reached the roof, the smell of smoke and the heat of fire made me frown in anger and a bit disgust while I held back a cough. 'If idiots like Jay would only think about their actions once, I wouldn't be standing here in a bat-suit! Like, I'm not a freaking cosplayer!'

The smoke gave me tears as I walked out and looked around. Instead of being dark and gray, the flames of all the burning buildings made the smoke look orange and red as I walked across the rooftop in search for Black Seven, Joker or Harley.


A laughing sound made me turn around but there was nothing except the smoke. "Get your skinny ass over here, Black Seven!" I looked around but it was impossible to see further than five feet. Tops.

"Aw, why are ya so nervous?" Black Seven's giggling voice made me growl while I tried not to lose my self control as I felt rage numbing my body. "Oh, I'll show you how nervous I am, you little asshole!"

"Whoa, watch yer mouth, Batsy!" He still giggled which made me cringe my teeth. "I'm getting fucking psychotic with your stupidity, now get the hell over here!" My eyes always followed the voice but Black Seven was really fast and quiet, his voice always appeared in a different place without warning.

"The blood on yer suit tells me you are already a little...angry."

"Angry doesn't describe it in the slightest way." My voice was more of a groan as I just wanted to end all of this madness by snapping Jay's neck. "Don't make me come and get you, Blacky!"

I narrowed my eyes in growing rage as the dark shape of Black Seven appeared behind the orange smoke but...there was another person with him. Someone whose height fitted the crazy man I came up here for in the first place.

"You know..." Black Seven grinned as he was finally close enough for me to see his idiotic face. And the person he held by his hairs. My heart skipped a beat and I felt like blacking out for a moment but actually - somehow - managed to pull myself together as I looked at Joker.

His eyes were opened wide and stared at the ground with his head tilted because of the way Jay held his hairs. There were two stab wounds on each side of his head that still bled as well as a big wound from where his heart was. His jaw was twitching with blood dropping down his chin while his hands and arms were shaking. Wheezing in pain and more dead than alive, he didn't seem to notice what was happening or where he was.

"...I thought it'd be more fun to give you some friends to play with, but you ruined the game by killing them." He grabbed Joker's lower jaw and turned his head towards me so I stared straight into the madman's eyes. "Yeah, Bats, why did you have to ruin the game?" Jay spoke in a higher tone and moved Joker's jaw up an down while Black Seven giggled maniacally.

"You don't know how much fun I'll be having to kill your ass!" I tried harder than ever to control myself while Black Seven dropped Joker and put his hands into his pockets as Joker just kept staring at some point far behind me. "Not as much fun as I had killing him." He bent down and pulled the corners of Jokers mouth up with two of his fingers.

"Over. And over. And over. And over again." Black Seven closed Joker's mouth and held his nose, making Joker's fingers scratch the concrete roof while he slowly suffocated. "Shhh." Jay whispered into his ear as Joker stared at me with giant eyes, having no strength to remove Black Seven's hands. "It's all okay. Just feel your heart slowly stopping, okay." He chuckled and whispered: "Can you feel it racing? Screaming for air? Can you feel it starting to skip beats?"

I actually turned around and threw up at this situation. It was just so challenging for my mind, I didn't even know how to react as Joker stopped moving and his eyelids relaxed, making him look like his eyes were half closed.

Black Seven took his hands off Joker's dead face and stood up with a big grin. "So, how ya feeling today, Bruce? Hungry, thirsty?" He chuckled as he kicked Joker's body aside. "A little...hammered?"

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