Two Minds One Person

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"How couldcha do this tah me?!" She screamed, throwing her head back and feeling tears running down her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Quinn." Batman stared down at Harley after he handcuffed her for breaking into a police station.

She looked at The Bat, sobbing with pure anger in her voice. "How could ya let 'im die? Why didn'tcha save him? Ya said you neva kill, then why did you murder Mistah J?"

Batman looked at her with a serious face, gesturing the policemen surrounding Harley to leave. "I didn't murder Joker, Two-Face shot him."

Harley turned her head, not able to control her voice. "Ya couldda saved him. But ya didn't. That's equal to killin'!"

"It's not." Somehow, Bruce had a bad feeling. Not because he felt regret. But about the way she behaved, although he ignored that and grabbed her arms, pulling Harley up and walking towards the front door and sitting her in his Batmobile.

While Bruce drove to Arkham, he tried to have a rational conversation with Harley, hoping it would turn out better than the one he had with Joker couple of years ago.

"You are right, I didn't save Joker. I didn't try to. Instead of taking down Dent, I just watched, unable to react for the first time." Batman paused, switching to auto pilot.

He then turned to Harley, noticing she stared at him during the whole time with her tears drawing black lines down her cheeks. "Ya lyer! You wanted him dead but ya don't even want to admit it to yerself!"

Bruce knew Harley used to work as a psychiatrist and she was actually good at her job. But this wasn't the issue Batman wanted to talk about.

"Harley, Joker was never insane. He was evil, he hurt so many people, people he doesn't even know. And after all the things he's done to you, you still stay with him. Why? Why do you do this to yourself? Why do you help him hurting others?" Batman looked at her emotionless face. "He doesn't love you and you know it."

Not even a second after finishing the sentence, Harley punched Batman in the face, using a fake hand to get rid of the handcuffs. Bruce himself quickly grabbed her right hand, only to notice something around his neck.

"He loves me! He does! Why do ya lie about things you have no idea of?" Harley screamed at him, using the chain connecting the handcuffs to strangulate Batman.

Bruce growled at her pathetic attempt to kill him and punched her right under the chin, making her drop the handcuffs before he held her down in the Batmobile. "You're fighting and killing for someone who's only using you! Wake up, Harleen!"

"Stop! Just stop!" Harley yelled at Batman, trying to free herself but Bruce wasn't done talking to her. "Does it make you happy killing and hurting people? Are you so desperate for love that you go down to that dark place you can't return from? I could save you, Harley. You are anything but a killer!"

"Shut yer mouth, Bats!" Harley screamed in tears as suddenly both of her shoes clicked and a blade jumped out of each of her heels, causing Batman to let go of her before she was able to sink the blades in his body.

After turning around to him, Harley smashed the window behind her using both of her shoes and jumping out while Batman tried to stop her. "Quinn, stop this madness! Stop the senseless murder!"

Without answering, Harley landed on her hands, immediately making a cartwheel and disappearing in the shadows of Gotham.


"Whaddaya mean, you didn't find it?!" I screamed at Murphy, throwing a table aside in pure anger and making him whimper in fear. "I-I'm r-really so-sorry, b-b-boss!"

I took a flick knife from my belt and grabbed his hairs, pulling him closer to me while I was barely able to control my emotions. "Sorry doesn't bring me the damn files, you useless scumbag!"

Murphy was close to a heart attack so I threw him out of the room. "Now get me Harley or I'm gonna skin yer back an' throw ya into saltwater!" I slammed the door in his face, turning around and leaning against it while sighing.

'I hate this day! So damn much!' The anger I felt made it impossible to think straight so I just threw the knife into some corner, running my hands over my face and walking into the bathroom to wash my face.

"Damn, how do ya not kill each 'n' everyone of these dumbasses?" I looked into the mirror, waiting for an answer.

"Because I need them, you idiot! You think I could handle everything by myself?"

"Hey!" I yelled at my face in the mirror. "Watch yah mouth or I'm gonna slit mah throat right here, idiot!"

"Calm the hell down and let me take care of the rest of that evening."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Well fine then. But take also care of that face of mine. I don't need 'em scars anymore."

"Yah yah, won't happen again." Almost immediately, I felt my body becoming numb until I wasn't even feeling my heart beating. I only could think and see while staring at the mirror.

"How do you even move in these skintight pants?" My other self asked, pulling up my hand and running it over a scar on my cheek while I watched my eye color changing from crystal blue to emerald green and the corners of my mouth forming a permanent smile.

"How do ya move in tah unusual high heels? Same stupid question. Change yer clothes then an' let's go." I growled and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. And make sure not to copy me too much when you're up again." His grin grew bigger and he turned around, walking out the bathroom and opening a closet in the bedroom.

"By the way," I started and knew it was a bad question. "What are we gonna do with, what's 'is name...Nightwing? And that cat-gal?"

He crooked his head without a reason and put three guns into his belt. "At the moment, nothing. But we need some more family members, one is going to send the big guy a message tonight, heh."

"Oh, I like that! Sounds like some action and I'm up for a fight!" I would've smiled if I had control over my body.

After he tied his tie and fixed his collar, he laughed. "You and me both, Blacky."

"Also, do ya allow me a personal question?" I asked, knowing the answer already.

"Nope." Was the simple answer and I giggled. "Sure. But I'll ask anyways." He took a knife and held it against his cheek. "Ask and you'll have another scar on your skin."

"Aw, c'mon be glad ya found meh. Lemme know this one thing. And keep walkin'."

"Make it short, Blacky." He sighed while grinning and closing the front door behind him. "I won't answer it, though."

"While you were fighting Catwoman, I felt some distraction of yours. It was your fault that she shredded my second favorite suit. And I'd like to know why." As if I had hundreds of black suits. Wait. I actually did!

"Take care of your own business, green guy." He turned around and jumped into a black car, driving off to a certain place. "Just because we're one person doesn't mean we should talk more than necessary, got it?"

"Yeah. Yet, it won't bring my suit back." Not that I was going to fix it up. But this job was one of the reasons why I was never wearing my good clothes when we were out meeting people.

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