Tonks -2-

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"Up for a round of Exploding Snap later, Tonks?"

Your purple-haired best friend winked at you in reply as she passed you in the halls, on her way to Potions. You, to your neverending disappointment, had few classes with her this year, though Tonks certainly made up for it with lots of time spent with you outside of school requirements. Going to Quidditch games, studying (or, at least, feigning productivity) in the library, spending whole days in Hogsmeade- everything you did with her was a great time.

Watching her walk away, a little swagger in her step as always, you smiled.

Maybe one day you'd let her know how much she meant to you. But for now, a Charms test beckoned, and if you didn't hurry, you were going to be late. 

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