Bill Weasley

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Enora sat on a crate behind her booth at the Egyptian market. The heat of the sun bore down harshly, tinting her pale cheeks a bright crimson as sweat drenched through the thin material of her tank top. She knew that she wasn't all that pleasant of a sight, but it didn't matter. Because Enora Wright was living the life she had always dreamt of: selling hand-made jewelry on the bustling streets of Egypt.

Bill Weasley confidently made his way through the market, being sure to apologize to any of the muggles he bumped into. He had been sent to retrieve supplies from a local squib. Being the newest member of his curse breaking team meant that he was often chosen to collect supplies or fetch lunch, but Bill was happy to do so. If only because it allowed him a break from the musty rooms and the loud voices of his company.

"Girl, how much for this?" an elderly man asked, holding a delicate chain in his hand. The pendant was an intricately painted butterfly that glinted in the sunlight, catching Bill's eye as he took a detour from his path to make his way towards the small booth.

Enora smiled brightly at the man, "Thatone is very special to me," she said, glancing curiously towards the tall ginger man that had began staring intently at her displayed jewelry, "I'll take whatever you can give me so long as you promise it'll be taken care of." Enora watched patiently as the man turned the necklace to observe its different angles.

"How do you make money if you are so generous?" the man questioned, pulling out his money pouch and offering her four Egyptian pounds and a friendly smile, "This is what money I can spare. The necklace will be for my wife and she will make you koushari as a thank you," he said, looking to the petitegirl for reassurance of his payment.

Enora grinned, "That's perfect! I hope she will enjoy it, and I look forward to the koushari. It's been a while since I've had a home cooked meal." The elderly man and Enora then exchanged pleasant goodbyes and promises to see one another again soon.

Enora watched as the man hobbled away,her smile not faltering as she turned towards the ginger who'd been lingering around her booth, "May I help you?"

Bill startled from his position,accidentally knocking a jewelry stand over and blushing bright red as he clumsily tried to right himself and the bracelets he'd knocked over. He could hear the girl giggling at his blunder, and he couldn't help appreciating the sound. Even if it was directed at him. He cleared his throat, fixing the last bracelet before looking up to meet the girls bright, mischief filled eyes, "Sorry, so sorry. I was just . . . Sorry," he mumbled, a hand reaching up to ruffle his hair nervously.

Enora chuckled again, taken aback by the man's handsome face, but doing well to hide her attraction, "Were you looking to buy something? Something for a girlfriend or wife?"she asked, reaching behing her to grab some of her newest pieces,"I've just finished these rings. They'd be perfect for that special lady."

Bill was quick to throw out his hands,a gesture meant to signify that she'd assumed wrong, "No, no! No girlfriend. No wife," he stated, lowering his hands and tucking them into his pockets sheepishly, "I do have a sister though. Got anything for a teenage girl?"

"Of course! What does she like?" Enora asked enthusiastically. Suddenly it had become easier to look at the man before her. Knowing that he was single lifted a pressure from her chest, and she chose to ignore the strange feelings she had for him. After all, she didn't even know his name.

Bill let out an awkward laugh as he realized he didn't know what Ginny would like. He hadn't spoken to her since Christmas and it was July now. He didn't even really have a reason to be buying her jewelry now that he thought about it. He let out a huff, "To be honest, I haven't seen her in months. I don't know what she'd like."

"Oh, well," Enora paused, turning to rummage through a crate behind her. As she did, Bill tried his hardest to refrain from looking at her backside, turning his gaze towards the sky and only turning back when he heard a small 'Aha!'. Enora turned back with a small box in her hand, "I've been saving this one, but I think it'd be perfect for a little sister." She opened the box, revealing the silver bracelet to Bill. On the chain were four small, hand painted charms: a butterly, a sun, a moon, and a star.

She looked cautiously up at the man for his reaction, sighing in relief when she saw his bright smile. "I think she'll love it," he exclaimed, "How much for it?"

Bill took out his wallet, looking up curiously as Enora shook her head, the smile still on her face. Her eyes were squinted slightly against the sun and her cheeks were flushed, a small bead of sweat trailing from her hairline. 'She looks beautiful,' Bill thought, realizing he hadn't really looked at her till then.

She pushed a lock of dark brown hair behind her ear, not missing his  intense stare, "No charge," she grinned widely, "Just comeback, and let me know if she liked it. Okay?" Enora couldn't help but blush at her request. She didn't quite know why she'd said it,but she wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to see him again. His ruffled orange hair, his sunburnt face, the faint scar that ran down his face. Enora thought he was the most handsome man she'd ever met.

Bill gazed warily at her, "That man was right. You are too generous," he chuckled, grinning as her cheeks flushed. He put his wallet back in his pocket, deciding that he'd pay her back some other way, "I know this may be bold of me, but would you like to go on a date?"

Enora gaped at him, nodding enthusiastically, "I'd love to!" she exclaimed, the blush on her face becoming brighter as his own smile widened.

"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at six. Is that okay with you?"

She nodded happily, frowning when she realized they hadn't exchanged names, "I'm sorry, but . . . What's your name?" she laughed, Bill joining in soon after.

"I'm so sorry," he chucked, offering a hand, "My name is-"

"Bill! Bill Weasley! Where are you?"

Bill turned quickly towards the voice, a frown on his face as he lazily raised an arm, "Over here!" he shouted, turning back with a sad look, "Sorry, I have to leave now. I kind of abandoned my work to come over here," he laughed.

Enora laughed as well, giving a mock disapproving look, "Shame on you, Bill," she giggled, "My name is Enora."

Bill grinned goofily, walking backwards towards his coworker, the bracelet box tightly in his grasp, "I'll see you later, Enora."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

A grin on both of their faces, and anticipation for their date bubbling in their chests, Bill and Enora continued on with their days.


"Who was that, Bill?" a man grunted, a heavy box of supplies in his arms that he soon passed over to the still grinning Bill.

Bill stumbled under the weight slightly, letting out a content sigh, "I think I just met the future Mrs. Bill Weasley."

The man laughed loudly, patting Bill's shoulder, "We'll see how Molly deals with that." Laughing harder at the grimace on Bill's flushed face, the man continued his way into their campsite.

Bill grumbled quietly to himself, not looking forward to the awkward conversation he was sure to have with his family, but for now he'd just be excited for his date.

                                                                       word count: 1216

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