George Weasley

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"Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, excuse me," a meek voice mumbled. Emile DuBonnet was a petite girl, and pushing through the crowds of the train station was not an easy feat.

As she looked up at the pillars reading '9' and '10', a confused expression marred her delicate features. She glanced around at the muggles, wondering if any of them knew where to find 9 3/4.

"Oh, Dearie," a motherly voice called, "Are you looking for Platform 9 3/4?"

Molly Weasley stood before the small girl, a friendly smile on her face as she waited for the girl's response, "I, um, oui," the girl paused, furrowing her brows, "I mean, yes. Yes, I am looking for the 9 3/4, but I do not see it." The girl's thick French accent rolled smoothly off her tongue and she frowned at how it affected her pronunciation.

Molly tutted in a motherly fashion, pulling forward one of the many gingers behind her, "This is my daughter, Ginny. It's her first time as well," Ginny offered an embarrassed smile as she relented to her mother's grip on her arm, "The others have all been through before. They'll show you how it's done. Fred! George! You're up first."

Twins stepped from behind the stout woman then, shocking Emile as she gazed upon their very similar looking faces.

"I'm Fred!" One of them, Fred apparently, exclaimed. A handsome grin was on his face as he harassed his mother.

"And I'm George. Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother," the other stated, dramatically rolling his eyes before turning to Emile with a flirty smile. He paused, letting his smile drop slightly and his eyebrows furrow as he looked upon her wide, green eyes and long, blonde hair. He cleared his throat as Fred nudged his side with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Would you like to join us on the train?" Fred asked, smirking in her direction.

Emile's eyes widened slightly at the offer before a large smile broke out on her face, "Oui! I would very much enjoy to sit with you!"

Molly glanced at the clock hanging above them, tsking as she motioned for the twins to hurry through the pillar, "Go, go! The train will be leaving soon!"

"See you on the other side," Fred winked at Emile, smirking at the frown his brother sent him.


Emile had followed shortly after the twins, not quite trusting that she wouldn't run into the brick wall. After a final reassuring smile from Molly, Emile had run at the wall, reassuring herself that stranger things than a magic wall had existed in the wizarding world.

The twins met Emile immediately after she passed through, acknowledging their siblings briefly before all but carrying her into a compartment on the train.

"So," one started. Emile couldn't be sure, but by the hesitancy in his tone she thought him to be George.

She was proven correct as the other twin spoke in the same confident voice Fred had spoken in earlier, a smirk on his face, "What's your name?"

Emile gasped, her hands clasping beneath her chin, "Oh, zut! Pardon me, I have been not polite. My name is Emile DuBonnet," she smiled at the brothers, dimples appearing on her flushed cheeks, "Let me guess! You are Fred," she pointed to the more confident looking of the two before turning her gaze to the quieter, more gentle of the two, "And you are George! Please forgive for my pronunciations. I was rushed in my learnings."

The twins were silent after Emile had spoken, thoughtful looks on their faces. Emile's smile twitched awkwardly, "I apologize if I have misnamed you. You two are very similar looking," Her hands clasped once more, a determined expression on her face, "But there are differences. I'm sure I will learn soonly!"

George chuckled slightly, a gentle smile on his face as he took in Emile's determination, "Soonly isn't a word," he stated, his smile widening as Emile's cheeks turned a deep shade of pink, "It's just 'soon'."

Fred nudged his brother inconspicuously, smirking at their exchange. He sent a pointed look to George before standing abruptly, "I'm going to go find Lee!" He exclaimed, turning to Emile and ruffling her hair, "Don't worry, Emi, you were right. I am Fred."

Emile watched curiously as Fred left the compartment. She thought his sudden departure strange but chose to shrug it off, turning back to George, "George, your brother is rather strange, no?" She giggled slightly, missing the softness in George's expression as he watched her.

"Yeah, suppose so. Don't worry, he got all the strangeness," he said, a bright smirk on his freckled face, "And left me with all the handsomeness."

Emile burst into a fit of laughter, hiding her grin behind a small hand. She nodded through her giggles, "Oui, George, you are very more handsome than your identical twin," she joked, a lighthearted roll of her eyes following her words.

George watched with a smile as she grinned and laughed at his words. It filled him with an odd sense of pride to be able to make her laugh, and he wanted to do it as much as possible. George couldn't understand how he could develop feelings so quickly for a girl he didn't even know, and a part of him wanted to suppress the butterflies swarming in his stomach, but he knew that even if he decided to do so, Fred would never allow it.

"I think, George, that you are strange as well," Emile giggled.


Emile decided that of all her classes, she enjoyed Professor Trelawney's the most. She enjoyed the calmness that enveloped her as she sipped her tea for the tea leaf reading the class would partake in. Emile was paired with George for that class, having let Fred sweep Angelina from her normal place beside Emile.

"How are we supposed to do this, Emi?" George asked curiously, a cute pout on his lips as he gazed intently into his cup.

Emile quickly finished off her tea, glancing briefly into her own cup before moving to switch it with George's, "We switch and read each other's. Just look for symbols, George. It's all very intuitive," she said thoughtfully.

George's tea leaves were strange, a mess along one side, yet a distinct shape stood out to Emile. "George, are you perhaps in love?" She asked, a coy smile on her lips as she continued to study the leaves.

George snapped his head from the porcelain cup, floundering for a response to Emile's sudden inquiry. He heard her light laughter, meeting her smiling eyes with his own frantic ones.

"Calm down, George. I only ask because your leaves shape a heart," she said, scooting closer to show the now blushing boy beside her. She pointed a thin finger towards the shape, "See? A little heart. Is cute, no?"

George's breath left him in Emile's close proximity. He managed a high pitched sound of agreement, subtly sliding away from the pretty blonde beside him.

"Are you okay? Should I fetch Madam Pomfrey?" Emile's concerned voice, along with the small hand she placed on his forehead, caused blood to rush to his face, traveling up his neck and to the tip of his ears.

"N-no, Emi, I'm fine," he muttered, releasing a breath when she moved back to her original seat. He cleared his throat, "Um, your leaves," he fumbled with his words, almost dropping the tea cup from his clammy palms, "I don't see any shapes."

Emile scoffed, her worried frown vanishing as she playfully rolled her eyes with an amused smile, "George, there must be something," she reached to grab her cup, but was unsuccessful as Professor Trelawly excitedly scooped the cup from George's grip.

"Let's see, let's see . . . Emile DuBonnet," she bummed thoughtfully as she gazed into the cup, tilting it gently one way then another, "Ah, yes," she turned her hazy gaze onto Emile, smiling widely, "Love! Yes, love, and much of it."

Emile blushed red, eyes wide as she glanced towards George unconsciously. She turned quickly, realizing her mistake of looking towards the equally as red faced boy.

"Oh! So you've already found him! Wonderful, wonderful. The tea leaves are never wrong, I tell you," Trelawny exclaimed, her eyes widening behind her bug eyed glasses.

Emile stammered, her blush deepening as their classmates started to look towards the commotion. She looked to George, his red face was still present, but he had gained a look of determination. George took her hand in his, surprising her as he motioned for her to stand.

Emile stood hesitantly, quietly muttering, "George, what are you doing?"

George took a deep breath, "Well, I figured I might as well do this now. Add to the embarrassment," he chuckled, "Uh, Emile, I really like you. Will you go on a date to Hogsmead with me?"

Emile pulled her hand from George's, using it to hide her face from the many stares they were receiving. George scuffed his foot into the floor, wringing his hands nervously, stammering as he assumed she was rejecting him.

"I, um, I'm sorry, I-"

"Yes, George," Emile mumbled. Her hands dropping from her face as she gave the flustered boy a small grin.

George immediately grinned, lifting Emile and twirling her, eliciting a melody of giggles from the small girl.

"Yeah, go Georgie!" Fred shouted, holding out his hand towards a grumbling Angelina, "You owe me five galleons!"

word count: 1582

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