Ron Weasley

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Sarang had always been a happy kid. She was easy-going and unafraid of making new friends, which is why her parents didn't worry about how their move to the English countryside would affect her.

England was different from South Korea, and Sarang decided that it was the good kind of different. There were less people wandering the streets, and the air quality was better than in her home town. She felt as if she could breathe easily for the first time since the asthma attack that convinced her parents to move out of the city.

The family had few neighbors. Sarang was disappointed when she learned this, but that soon changed when she found out about the Weasleys. There were so many of them! Being an only child, Sarang was flabbergasted at the thought of having so many siblings, but she was jealous all the same.

The Weasleys were excited to hear about the new neighbors, the twins being the first to introduce themselves to the family. Though, their introduction was less than welcomed by Sarang's parents as it involved an exploding cake. Sarang could only laugh as she picked pieces of frosting from her hair.

Molly and Arthur Weasley had been appalled. They apologized profusely and offered a calm, prank-less dinner to Sarang's parents who were less than enthusiastic about accepting.

But they had, and Sarang would be forever grateful. Because their decision led her to meet her honorary brothers, her best friend, and the boy she couldn't take her eyes off of.


"Sarang? Are you paying attention?"

Sarang jumped in her seat, eyes crossing to look at the hand snapping before her, "Yeah, totally, Gin. Heard every word," she offered a bright smile at the annoyed ginger before her.

Ginny lowered her hand to rest in her lap, a dubious look on her features. She opened her mouth but shut it tightly as she chose not to question Sarang. There'd be no point to it; Sarang was as stubborn as an ox.

Sarang grinned, knowing she had won. She watched as Ginny rolled her eyes before opening her mouth, "So, what were you saying?"

Ginny sighed, a chuckle escaping her lips despite herself, "Don't worry about it, Sar. Go back to drooling over my brother."

Sarang blanched. Blushing furiously she sunk in her seat, arms crossed and a pout on her lips, "I wasn't drooling," she grumbled.

Ginny glanced towards her brother. She smirked as she caught him staring at Sarang, "Yeah. Right," she said quietly, focusing her gaze back to the forgotten book in front of her.

Ginny paid no attention to the words on the page. Instead she thought about the two idiots that kept stealing glances at each other. Sarang and Ron were always looking at one another, but somehow the two were oblivious to the obvious affection they shared.

Ginny decided that they had been idiots for far to long, and if they weren't going to do something to progress their relationship, she would.


Ginny ran, easily catching up with the infamous trio as they meandered to their last class of the day.

"Ron! Wait!"

Ron paused, motioning for Harry and Hermione to go on without him, "What do you want, Ginny?"

She huffed, crossing her arms at her brother's rude tone, "Well, I was going to offer my help in getting Sarang to go out with you, but I don't know if I want to if that's how you're going to talk to me." Ginny smirked as a bright blush appeared on his cheeks, ears, neck- all over, really.

"What do you mean? I don't-"

"Oh, come off it. You like her, she likes you, and I'm going to help you two get together because I'm getting tired of Sarang staring at you instead of listening to me."


"Ginny, I don't know if this is going to work. I look ridiculous and-"

"Shut up, she's coming!"

Sarang was suspicious as she saw Ron standing awkwardly in front of the Fat Lady portrait. He was dressed in the god awful robes that had been sent to him for the Yule Ball, and he was holding a bouquet of wildflowers.

Sarang sneezed, her allergies getting the best of her in the presence of pollen, "Hi, Ron. What's with the get up?" She let out another sneeze, "Could you ditch the flowers?"

Ron blushed, having forgotten about her allergies and wondering why Ginny didn't stop him when he showed up with them, "I'm so sorry, Sar. I forgot," he muttered sheepishly, tossing the flowers behind a pillar and subsequent towards an unexpected Ginny.

"It's alright, Ron," Sarang beamed, "So, what's with the dress robes?"

Ron fumbled for words. He was questioning why he had agreed to this, but he knew Ginny wouldn't let him out of it now, "I, uh, set something up. For you," he motioned towards the Fat Lady, "It's in there."

"Oh," Sarang blushed, "A surprise?" She asked excitedly. At Ron's nod she was quick to say the password to the Fat Lady and enter the common room, pulling Ron along by his hand.

She stopped abruptly, Ron bumping into her slightly as she took in the surprise Ron had set up for her. A clumsily put together blanket fort stood before her, chairs positioned to hold up white linen sheets and pillows lined the floor of the fort. It reminded her of the forts her and Ron and Ginny used to make before they had received their Hogwarts letters.

"Oh, Ron," Sarang started, a large smile growing on her face and a blush tinting her cheeks, "This is a fantastic surprise!"

Ron watched as Sarang ran into the fort with a smile in his face. She giddily snuggled into the fuzzy blankets Ron had laid on top of the pillows, and he ran to join her.

After they had gotten comfortable, Ron hesitantly took Sarang's hand in his own, "You know," he started, cheeks already flushed, "I really like you, Sarang. Ever since you moved next door."

Sarang grinned at him, "I really like you too."

"That's, like," Ron started, a smile lighting up his face, "a really huge relief."


"Sah -rang -hay -yo," Sarang said, smiling affectionately as Ron tried to repeat her, "It's funny how you're getting the part you already know wrong," she giggled, "Just say my name and add 'haeyo' to it."

Ron tried again, a frustrated scowl growing on his face as his accent got in the way of his pronunciation, "Sarang, it's not working! What are you trying to get me to say anyways?" Ron ran a hand through his hair as he sent an expectant look to his girlfriend.

"Saranghaeyo," Sarang said, a blush creeping up her neck, "It means 'I love you'."

"Oh," Ron stated dumbly, "Maybe I could try in English first." He grabbed Sarang's delicate hands in his own, rubbing small circles with his thumb. He grinned at her as she tried, and failed, to avoid his gaze, "I love you, Sarang Kim."

Sarang quickly pulled him into a hug, the smile on her face matching his, "I love you too, Ron Weasley!" She nearly shouted the words in his ear, unable to contain her excitement.


Ginny watched as her brother and her best friend snuggled up by the fireplace. They were whispering to each other, big smiles on their faces as they ignored the Potions essay that was due the next day. She was happy for them, and she wasn't shy in telling people that their relationship was her doing.

Ginny slowly made her way towards the couple, a grin etched on her face, "Alright, break it up! Little sister is here, and she'd prefer not to see any of your gross PDA."

"Well technically, Gin, you're not my little sister so as long as Ron isn't initiating anything . . ." Sarang said, her own teasing grin lighting up her face as she turned to face her best friend.

"Sarang, I might as well be your little sister! Ron just needs to marry you already," Ginny said, laughing at the embarrassment of her brother. Sarang joined in her laughter as Ron pouted, his arms crossed defiantly over his chest.

Sarang slung an arm over his shoulder, "C'mon, babe, you can wear those pink dress robes that you look so good in," she laughed, remembering how uncomfortable he had looked the night they confessed to each other.

Ron pouted, trying to be angry but failing miserably as he watched his girlfriend and his sister laugh at his expense. He relaxed his tensed jaw, a smile replacing the scowl he previously wore.

He clumsily wrapped the girls in his embrace, one on each side, and ruffled their hair, "Alright then, Sarang. Will you marry me, and I'll wear those god awful dress robes?" he asked with a smirk.

Sarang maneuvered her arms to wrap around his torso, "Ask me again in a few years, Love," she smiled, glancing towards Ginny who was struggling to be released from Ron's grip, "And we'll invest in some less," she turned her gaze back to him, meeting his twinkling eyes, "flamboyant dress robes."


"You guys are cute and all, but Ronald Weasley! Let me go!"

word count: 1538

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