Hermione Granger- Distract (a)

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"To be frankly honest y/n, I just don't see the point in even coming to lesson if you're planning on spending the entire time messing around like some imbecile." Despite being noticeably shorter than you were, Hermione still managed to find a way to look down on you as she scolded you for distracting her in your lesson with Professor Sprout. "And if you aren't going to pay attention, at least try and keep it to yourself, some of us actually do want to learn and we aren't here just to have fun."

"I know you want to do well in your N.E.W.Ts, but you could have taken them in first year and still done better than half of the nitwits that will be taking them this year. I admire your dedication, but I do think relaxing just a smidge really wouldn't do you a world of harm." She would have blushed but she was well aware that she was more prepared for her exams years before everybody else, and it wasn't a fact that she fought to be humble about. "Don't stress yourself out so much, that's all I'm saying."

"As I have already tried to say, I'm here to learn. I don't just want to pass my exams, I would be disappointed if I don't make the top ten of all Hogwarts graduates. You may want to leave here, wallow around in your own filth and then find some mediocre job selling belt buckles in Diagon Alley, but I actually want to make a name for myself, and a bloody good one at that."

"I will have you know, I have a lot of ambition-"

"I know you do, that's what makes it so bloody annoying that you won't try." She interrupted. "I think that you don't try because you're scared that you aren't good enough."

"Hermione I-"

"For once in your life please stop talking and just listen to me." You pushed your robe out and placed yourself onto the bench, knowing that you would probably be locked into this conversation for a while. "When in reality, you're smart... and funny- you know how to make people feel better and somehow through your childish at best antics, you always manage to put a smile on my face during a particularly dull session with Professor Binns." You waited for more unexpected praise to come from her, and once you were sure it was safe to speak, you did so.

"Hermione, if I didn't know any better, I would say you liked me."

"Well that is... that's just preposterous. I... I simply wanted you to realise that you had potential to be a fine student, not as good as me of course, but still. Of course if you wanted to go somewhere... not a date, just somewhere to... study, we could."


Written by Aaron.

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