Hermione Granger- Threat (c)

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If the conversation between Ron and Harry was annoying you, then it was certainly driving Hermione closer to using a forbidden curse on one or both of them. Hermione and you had been dating for a while and that resulted in you befriending her friends, even if the two of you didn't really have similar interests as her friends. The two of you had spent many free periods and evenings sat together in the common room, each with a book, silently reading and appreciating the others presence without interfering in the others reading- the boys hadn't figured out the concept of not interfering.

At first you both responded to them shortly, hoping they'd leave then you started to ignore them but even then, neither of them seemed to get the memo. As they just kept on talking, you wanted to throw your book at them, but you tried your best to keep your patience. No matter how hard you tried to focus on your book, they were beginning to get on your nerves, and you knew they were doing the same to Hermione. Her patience broke first.

"You interrupt my reading once more, and this book will become a lethal weapon," Hermione snapped, slapping her open book down into her lap so that she was able to glare at her two friends.

You held your book up a little higher to hide the silent laugh from you, not wanting Hermione to snap at you for reacting to her outburst. The two boys fell silent before their attentions quickly turned to you.

"Y/N! Aren't you going to do something? You can't let her threaten us like that!" Ron exclaimed.

You slowly lowered your book, letting your expression become neutral again.

"I don't know what you want me to do, you're the idiots that are trying to annoy us whilst we are attempting to read," you shrugged. "You deserve to be shouted at or worse if you can't consider that maybe we don't want to talk to you when we are reading."

Both of them frowned whilst Hermione looked on triumphantly. They both stood up and shuffled away, finally getting that they were not welcome currently even if you would likely apologise to them later for snapping at them.

Hermione relaxed back in the seat, scooting closer to you as the two of you lifted back up your books and continued to read in a blissful silence.


Written by Charlotte.

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