Oliver Wood- Support (c)

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As soon as Lee Jordan announced that Gryffindor had officially won the quidditch match, you rushed down the bleachers to head to the changing rooms. By the time that you arrived at the changing room, the team was coming through the doors, cheering and celebrating the win that they had dreamed of against Slytherin.

A few other Gryffindors were waiting with you for the team and rushed to the team member they were waiting for, as did you. You headed for the captain and your boyfriend, Oliver. If possible, his grin grew wider as soon as he saw you, opening his arms for you to jump into. You ignored the smell of sweat and dirt that covered him and accepted the tight embrace.

"Well done," you squealed, holding onto him tight. "You did amazing."

"This is the happiest moment of my life," he grinned, spinning you around in his arms.

You couldn't help but laugh, partially because you were becoming giddy from being spun around but also because of how daft he sounded. You knew full well that his first love was quidditch and you would always come second to that but that didn't matter to you, this was his big moment, and you were just grateful to be able to share that with him.

"I wouldn't say this is the happiest moment of my life," you chuckled. "Once I found a galleon in my pocket and it was amazing."

You laughed at your own joke whilst Oliver put your feet back on the ground and looked a little confused how you couldn't be more excited about this moment. You playfully slapped his arm.

"I'm joking, Oliver," you smiled. "I'm so happy for you. That game was amazing, and you did phenomenally, I couldn't be prouder of you and the work you put in for not just yourself but your team."

He smiled fondly at you, letting his calloused fingers stroke your cheek. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it all without you being so understanding out the training and work that needed to be put in. I appreciate you being our biggest cheerleader and always being there by my side."

You pressed your lips to his cheek, trying your best to ignore how loud the other team members and supporters were becoming in the small room.

"I will always be there to support you, from you being on our house's team to when you hit the big leagues."


Written by Charlotte.

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