Sirius Black- Threat: Part 2 (c)

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You couldn't hurt Sirius, but you certainly couldn't let his mother have the satisfaction in hurting him instead. You were meant to be joining him and your friends on the Hogwarts Express to travel with them to school, but you waited until the last possible second to get on the train and sat in a far away cabin from where you all normally sat. Even when you got off the train, you avoided your boyfriend like the plague, sitting far from him in the grand hall and heading straight up to your dorm so that he would be unable to follow.

The following day when classes started, it only became harder. You ignored every time he tried to call out to you, trying not to become upset by hearing his voice and not being able to reply. You wanted to tell him the truth, tell him why you couldn't be together, why you were trying to make him hate you, but you knew he wouldn't care and would want to risk his mother's wrath.

For a couple of weeks, you managed to either avoid him or just ignore him long enough to go somewhere he couldn't follow but it wasn't possible to do that forever. You had gone to the far corner of the library that had become your hiding place between classes as Sirius had never set foot in the library before. Little did you know that he had become aware of your hiding spot and was waiting there for you. You tried to turn down another row of bookcases before he saw you, but he had caught up to you, grabbing your wrist before you could run away.

You turned back to him. His grey eyes teary and pitiful, like a lost puppy, he looked down at you, appreciating that he finally got to see you again for more than just a glimpse.

"What have I done wrong?" He whispered; his voice pained.

"Please just leave me alone," you said, trying to avoid his stare.

"You at least owe me this, please just tell me what I did," he begged. "I don't understand why you're avoiding me."

You could feel yourself becoming shaky as you finally caught his eye. You never wanted to hurt him but in trying to keep him safe, you had done so.

"Sirius, we can't be together, it's not safe."

He raised an eyebrow. He hadn't expected you to say that. He thought he had accidentally hurt you or upset you or that maybe you had found someone else, but he didn't understand what made your relationship unsafe.

"Tell me what's going on."

You let out a sigh. "Your mother said she'll kill you unless I break up with you."

Sirius took a moment to take in what you said before moving his hand down from your wrist to your own hand.

"Don't worry about her, I love you and I would like to see her try to get me away from you, because I'm not leaving you because of her," he stated firmly.

"I don't want to be the reason she hurts you."

He shook his head. "Whatever she does is her choice, but I will not let her get in the way of the one good thing in my life. I love you."

"I love you too."


Written by Charlotte.

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