Romione. What Would I Do Without You?

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Ron felt so dumb. He just called Hermione his girlfriend. 'Bloody hell. Why do I have to be so dumb. You walked out on Harry and her. As if she would want to date you. Not to mention your a bloody idiot.' Ginny walked in just then, interrupting Ron's thoughts. "What's the matter?"
"W-Who says anything is the matter?"
"Ronald Bilius Weasley, I'm your sister. I always know when something is the matter." Ron's ears turned as red as his hair when Ginny said this.
"It's just that Hermione hardly wants to be friends let alone love me. But I can't really blame her. I mean I did walk out on her and Harry."
"You really are dumb. She loves you Ron. Go get her." So Ron did just that. He went up to Hermione and said, "Umm hey I was err just umm wondering if you er would umm mind going on a er date with umm me?"
"I would love to." That date changed both of their lives for the better. In fact, 15 years later they had 2 children, Rose and Hugo. They both grew up fast. Rose already had her first boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy. At first Ron wasn't to pleased with the idea but eventually warmed up to him.

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