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Severus and Harry woke up to the sound of Harrys' wand going off, telling them it's time to face the day.

"Good morning kitten." Harry said as he looked up into black eyes. At some point in the night their positions must have changed to were Harry was lying down on his back and Severus on his chest.

"Good morning Harry." Severus relied sleepily as he rubbed his eyes. Harry could see Severus was still very sleepy, but they had to leave before any one woke up. After they were fully awake, or just Harry, he transfigured their pajamas into there normal clothes. Harry casted a quick tempres to see the time. It was going on six thirty, and that meant the students would be waking up soon.

"Come on kitten. Time to go." Harry said as he glanced at the couch. In the time it took Harry to check the time, Severus fell back asleep. He let a small smile slid across his face. He walked over to the couch and picked up the sleeping neko with out waking him and placed him on his shoulder. Severus stirred a little. "It's alright kitten, just go back to sleep." But Severus was out before Harry even finished his sentence. He walked out of the portrait hole and head for Dumbledores office.

Harry knocked on the door to the headmasters office and hear a small come in. "Harry my boy, what so I owe the surprise? Oh, I see Severus is still sleepy." Dumbledore said as Harry laid Snape down on the chair.

"Well sir, I actually have something to tell you." And so Harry proceeded to tell the headmaster of the night he had.

"You made the right decision by getting out of there. I think what would be best is that after curfew to make your way to Griffendor tower. I will have a separate room for when you go in there. You will spend the rest of the week in that room." Dumbledore replied while popping a lemon drop in his mouth.

"Thank you sir." Harry said slightly nodding his head. "Oh and one more question. Would I be allowed to take Severus to Hogsmade? After what happened yesterday I would like to see him happy again."

"Why of course Harry! That sounds like a splendid idea. All I ask is that you be careful." Dumbledore explained while is eyes twinkled. Harry gave a smile of thanks and collected Severus off the chair. With one more thank you two the headmaster, Harry made his was down the the main entrance. About half way down the road from Hogsmade, Severus finally woke, but was a little scared that he didn't know where he was. He was even more frightened to find himself outside.

"Harry, where are we going?" Severus asked as he looked around.

"You'll see soon enough kitten." Harry replied while he put Severus on the ground and took his hand. They continued down the road, and Severus was frantically trying to figure out in his mind where he was. But he stopped once he saw that they were in Hogsmade. Snapes eyes lit up like the forth of July.

Harry led him threw the village till the came to a small restaurant. "Order anything you like kitten." Harry said as they looked over the menus.

"Really?" Severus asked as he looked surprisingly at Harry.

"Yes kitten." Harry said as he looked over the drinks. They each ordered pancakes and bacon. Harry got coffee while Severus got a glass of milk. They had a quite breakfast until Harry burst out laughing.

"What?" Severus asked with a little turn of his head and had his face scrunched in confusion. This cause Harry to laugh even more.

"S-sorry kitten. It's just... you have a milk mustache!" He finished in a burst of laughter. Severus blushed a deep crimson and wiped his face with a napkin. When Harry calmed down he just smiled at him. "You know how cute you look when you blush kitten?"

"I...n-no.." Severus stumbled over his words and took another sip of his milk. He then quickly wiped his mouth, then dove back into his pancakes. They continued silently through it and paid. They then walked down the main street of the town.

They wandered around and Harry bought little things here and there for Severus. They were just heading to Honeydukes when Severus stopped and his eyes glowed. Harry noticed that his eyes were glued to the ice cream stand. "You want to get some ice cream kitten?" asked Harry as Snape started to bob his head up and down. Harry led the way to the stand. He had to put Severus on his shoulders to read the menu. Severus made up his mind to get Columbine Coffee Nut. He made up his mind pretty quickly but stayed on Harrys shoulders. He then started to play with his hair.

"What are you doing?" Harry said as he felt his hair being tugged.

"Playing with you hair." Severus replied as he used his little fingers to run through a not. He heard Harry give a small laugh. They got there ice cream and sat down at a small table in the shade. Severs, like usual with his food, lapped up his ice cream. Harry got half way through is blueberry flavored ice cream when he heard someone shout his name.

"Harry!" came a mans voice. Harry looked up to see his godfather making his way towards them.

"Hey Siri, how you been?" Harry said as he got up to hug him. They shared a brief hug and Sirius joined them at the table.

"I'm good. How about yo- who's this little guy?" Harry asked as he pet Severus on the head. He flattened his ears against his head and turned a deep red. "You know, I heard Snape got himself turned into a neko a few days ago. Bet he turned into one of those hairless freaks."


"Yes Harry?"

"Uh... that is Snape."

Sirius' face went blank and he stared at the neko for a while. Severus growing annoyed with this said, "You know Black, the longer you stare the longer your brain will fry."

"Oh, my Merlin you are Snape! Harry, why are you taking care of him?"  Sirius said in a rush.

"It was my cauldron that blew up and turned him like this. Oh and hurt my kitten or his feelings and you will regret it." Harry replied as Severus got up and sat in his lap. Sirius knew about nekos from Remus. Because while he was looking on information on werewolves, information about nekos also came up. The way Harry was acting pointed to one thing.

"Harry is Snape your kitten? As in your son?" Sirius asked. When Harry gave him a questioning look he explained.

"Have you been over protective of him? Can you sense what he's feeling? Do you turn into a neko to calm him down?" When Harry nodded to each he finally understood. He did treat Severus like a son. He cared for his well being more than his own. Harry stole a glance down in Snapes yes and something in him clicked. All of a sudden he brought Severus in to a hug, with Severus hugging him back. Sirius smiled at the scene before him. The town clock struck five and he had to meet Remus at the Leaky Cauldron. He bid the two goodbye and headed on his way.

Deciding it was time to go, Severus and Harry made there way back up to the castle. They ate dinner in their new room. When bath time came, their routine was the same. Severus was purring all the while, and in the end Harry had to be the one to scrub him.

They brushed their teeth, and Harry hoped in the shower. He came out to find Severus snuggled down in his bed. He crawled in and casted a silent nox. 

"Goodnight kitten." Harry whispered as he left a small kiss on Severus' forehead.

"Night Harry." Severus replied with a kiss on Harrys' nose. Harry drifted off into sleep praying to Merlin that for once they could have a decent night.

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