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He pulled me aparting us my head hit his strong, hard shoulder I opened my eyes looked up to see who it is


His eyes narrowed and his teeth clenched together he directly went toward Siddharth he punched him on his face I have never seen him raising his hand to anyone my eyes went to Siddharth he balled his fingers to a tight fist angrily he clenched his jaw He held bhai collar
"Please no" and his fist stopped near bhai face his eyes slowly moved toward me and met to mine he is breathing heavily , he closed his eyes and let out a sigh his fist slowly opened he opened his eyes with different emotions his lips parted from a thin line he leaved bhai collar I closed my eyes and sighed in relief but suddenly sound of punching someone came in my ear

Did he ... No
I opened my eyes and saw bhai hand on air and he agin punched Siddharth he held his collar with both of his hand
"Stay away from her" and he pushed him away

"I love her"I looked at him with shock bhai again punched him I can see anger on his eyes and the way he is trying hard to control his anger

"Love really when you fell in love with her when you kidnapped her , when you were torturing her ,when she were crying in front of you when " bhai shouted Siddharth was standing their speechless he didn't utter a word

"Or this is a excuse to get on my sister pants" I saw Siddharth closed his eyes tight his fist and in a second he hold bhai collar his eyes colour changed Into black
"Did you feel bad but why it's true its lust"
"Shut up" he yelled I have to stop them Bhai pushed him he pointed his index finger to him" stay very far away from her and this time I am not begging its warning either next time you will see my worst side" he warned him
My eyes went to his lips his corner of lips is bleeding he wiped his lips with his hand bhai held my wrist and dragged me but my eyes didn't leaved him

he didn't punched him back its because of m....

I slowly moved my eyes away from him to bhai who is dragging me he opened the door of passenger seat and I sat without making any sound he sat on driver seat

He is driving too fast the only sound I can hear is of my heart this silence is killing me his angry eyes first time I am scared of him I know he is angry after seeing him hearing him but he didn't did anything

he saved me

"Bhai" I wait for his answer or his response but he didn't even looked at me
I can tell you this silence is a sign of upcoming storm

He stopped the car
"Come out"he ordered unbuckling his seat belt
I moved my hand to put on his shoulder"bhai"
" come out " he shout I jumped a little on my place his voice was so loud ,so thunderous he became different person to whom I don't know I unbuckled my seat belt I opened the door my leg is trembling as I didn't came out he held my hand and pulled me out from car and dragged me inside he leaved my hand as we are standing in hall I looked at my hand and rubbed the place where was his grip I can feel his gaze on me first time I am afraid to look at him first time he is not looking at me with love first time I have seen him like this

I kept my head down he took out something from his suit and handed me its photos "what is this" I looked at him with quistioning look because what's this

I blinked and looked at the photos in that picture I am holding Siddharth hand and we both are in our club outfit this is wrong I was just teing napkin on his wound , I looked at the second picture where his hands are around my waist from behind he is wearing mask and goggles , but in real he was teing his jacket he helped me I looked at the other picture i looked at him then back to the picture in this picture he is hugging me but this picture is of club where he saved me but picture is describing something else i looked at the next picture he is carrying me on his arm we are outside of his home , I was drunk thats why it happened  I looked at him ready to give explanation

I parted my lips to say but he showed me one photo and here my breath got stuck I looked at him then back to the picture where Siddharth is fully covered with blood and his head is on my lap he leaved the picture and it fell down he called someone and kept it on speaker

"Hellow" my eyes widened its nisha di

"Mis sinha please can you tell me for whose treatment my lovely sister called you" he didn't bother to break eye contact nor I
"Umm yeah rehaan mehra any problem "

"No thank you very much miss sinha" he dismissed the call

"Now open your mouth for explanation"

"And don't you dare to say that all the pictures are of when you were kidnapped
Now tell me to whom you helped that day avneet" my lips are trembling to say something but I am not getting words as my eyes is down I saw his fingers curling into fist and the way his hands are shaking he is angry

"What's his name avneet" I flinched on his voice in fear I left the photos and they fell down I squeezed my eyes "Sid-dhar-th" I stammered I heard some footsteps I looked my parents came down they looked at eachother on confusion
"When I asked you,you lied to me right" he asked

"Yes or no avneet"he shouted I closed my eyes and felt my eyelashes getting wet "ye-s I lie-d" I didn't opened my eyes until I didn't heard a sound of falling something I jumped a little and looked with widened eyes the piece of vase is shattered on the floor "you helped him but you didn't told me about it Especially you lied to me , ,he is hugging , holding you in his arms and here I am thinking that you are very far away from his shadow but no I was wrong you didn't told me anything especially my lovely sister fooled me " I shook my head tears started rolling down from my eyes

"Nikk please calm down sit and talk about it- my father tried to stop him but he cut him off

"Its about me and my sister you are not anyone to interfere so just shut your mouth " mumma took steps towards him"nikk-"shut up"he yelled , he never liked them but he never disrespect them but today because of me he shouted on them
"Bhai"his eyes moved to me

"Bhai you're angry on me please don't talk to them like that they are our parents" he repeated the word parents and chuckled

"Parents haa parents , parents didn't leave their own children but they leaved us ,they abondoned us , you were of four you were crying but they didn't turned to see us. They didn't gave us anything except pain then nothing. You know what I never missed them because you were with me, when we both was crying for them some people came and asked me to come with them but to leave you like they did but I chose you ,I chose you my reason to live,to breathe, to build kaur Empire is only you but today you made me feel alone like I am nothing nothing" I looked at his eyes which had became wet I never wanted to be a reason of his tears "no please " I tried to hold his hands but he took backstep

It hurts

I cried silently I saw him going away I ran toward my room i heard mumma calling me but I didn't care to listen

I remember how he used to come in night Whenever I had nightmares , he always wiped my tears Whenever I cried , he build kaur Empire so I can live luxurious life .  He said no to food so I can eat fully ,he said no to sleep so I can sleep peacefully he said no his own happiness his own life to protect me to give me luxurious life ,to make me feel safe and what I did I became the reason of his tears

Nikk pov

Her eyes and that tears formed into them made me hurt. How harshly I shouted on her but i am angry on her that she hide about it , I am not a person who can easily believe in pictures but she lied to me that he don't know him to whom he helped I would be happy if except him someone , someone else would be with her in those pictures but not him , how I can see my sister around one criminal , murderer , I have seen her crying , screaming in nightmares she was not able to make friends and I don't want this would happen again . I haven't sleep peacefully in nights in this thought that I will lose her .I never fight with anyone because I don't want any trouble on her life I didn't choosed the path of my father Because I want to see her smiling , sleeping in peace , flying like a free bird . Siddharth I have to do something of him he is curse sin for her

Shiddhart pov
I am sitting on a bar loud music , lights, alcohol seeing people dancing I am trying everything to distract my mind but nothing is helping me I didn't used the glass I grabbed the bottle and closed my eyes and took a sip but only she is only coming in mind I quickly opened my eyes and again took a sip , nikk word is not leaving my mind I again took a sip while drinking some drops of alcohol is dripping from mouth to the neck making some part of my chest wet I wiped my lips from my hand I kept the bottle on a table with loud thud my eyes roamed to the dance floor and landed on one girl she is wearing black short dress looking very innocent she is completely drunk and one boy is controlling her , she remind me of her when she was drunk she was talking non stop, giving me names like I was nameless but today When she called me by my name my real name 'siddharth" my name sounded too good, sexy ,from her mouth

Music changed and I came back to reality I again grabbed bottle and when it touched it with  my mouth it's empty my gaze moved to the table I grab one by one bottle touched with my mouth but all are empty

"Waiter" my voice is sounding too drunk but who cares

"Yes sir"
"One more bottle"

"Sir but you are saying this same from Last 2hrs. "
I glared at him and he kept his head down and nodded he came back with two bottles and kept it on table and went away I poured my self I am trying everything to distract my mind but nothing is working because she is on my heart and here I am scolding to my mind
Whenever I am closing my eyes I am seeing her only this feeling 'love' is going to kill me

I never get love in my life to whom I loved the most she went very far away from me . I had always hated myself for not able to save my mother. But now I want to hate myself for falling for her first time I am scared her world is different and mine is different but this feeling'love' is amazing

What if she hates me

My feelings to whom I realised its love its pure it's not lust I want her beside me with her full heart . I have seen a lot of beautiful girls but the feeling that come after seeing her is undescribable . I know her from last 16 years my eyes were always on her but I never saw her with lust , yes its true I used to see her with  revenge ,hate but when I opened my hateful eyes  and I dont know myself when I fell for her

I leaned back on sofa I closed my eyes one moment came in mind I put my hand on my heart that day how she kept her tiny soft hand on my heart it make me smile that day she asked me to give her my  heart and exactly I did I am not a heartless I have a heart and this heart only beat for her and it says only one name avneet .

Author pov
One four year girl is standing alone in one empty road and she is crying
"Mumma papa don't go pleaze don't leabe me " but no one listened her

"Princess" one small 14 year old boy called her she turned and looked at him with teary eyes she ran to him she wrapped her hand around his waist and looked at him with teary eyes
"Bhai you will not leabe me na like pa and mumma"she asked boy removed her hand from his waist and cupped her face
"You lied to me princess I am going be happy" and he took backstep she was crying calling him but he disappeared


Avneet is crying on her sleep she hugged her knees and her cheeks and her pillow had became completely wet someone wrapped hand around her waist from behind
"Shh I am here"he whispered she hold his hand with her hand and brought closer to her heart she felt this touch safe, comfortable , protective so she pressed her back on his chest and hold his hand tightly she smiled on her sleep
"I love you bhai" she whispered he kissed her hair

"I love you more princess"

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