"saving her"

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I told them everything and we all directly went to my house in my house there is a door from where we entered the torture room there are many room where we used to torture our enemies and one of them she is also kept there I was on my way to the room where i saw some guard of my father they kept there head down showing respect I was able to listen the voice of my father who is shouting and he is whipping her and the sound of whipping making me more angry I went inside to the room and held the Whip as he was about to hit her he turned to look

"Leave" he said but i didn't I know he is in anger but he had no rights to hit her, torture her
As he don't care about my mother my sister. my mother always kept me on dark that my father loves her a lot but after the death of her I get to know the real side of my father my mother was the key of mafia king crown as my mother was the daughter of mafia king that's why he married to her.

I used my second hand held his neck and I threw him out "stay away from her"I can't raise my hand on him because he have powers he glared at me then his eyes fell down i followed his gaze and my eyes fell on her he smirked and left

I felt a pang in my heart looking at her condition. Her clothes were Torn due to whipping her hair were badly messed up there were some Deep cuts and bruises as well . I took out keys from my pocket to open his chains which I had tied on his one leg  I opened lock of the chain where i tied the chain in her leg that place was bleeding I took her in my arms bridal style .I walked out of the room and saw my friends they all was not shocked after seeing her condition as they knows my father if someone disrespect his power or position he can do worse thing that we never imagine I went towards my room i laid her on my bed.

I gesture to reem for her treatment and she nooded . Reem is medical student that's why i never called doctor she can treat her

we all boys left from there and I directly went to the room where my father is sitting peacefully

"What the hell are you doing here" he is sitting on sofa facing me

"This is my house " he said and walked towards me I looked at his eyes challenging him

"Keep your eyes down my son" he said in threatening tone. But I didn't he smirked

"You are marrying her why" I didn't spread this news nobody knows about that except my friend but I am not shocked after all I know my father he has his own ways to keep eyes on me

"It's none of your business"

"Yes actually I am not interested on your marriage"

" but I am interested on her" I controlled my anger my fist was ready to punch him but i stopped my self he knows that I can't hit him

"Stay away from her"

"Son don't behave like possessive lover or soon to be husband we both can enjoy her I am talking about only one night then she is only yours " "I know you want revenge my son but what you think about revenge with benefits" he smirked I held his neck "stay away from her if you try to touch her i promise i will kill you"

I left his neck he laugh"you can't" he said and left

We both didn't live in same house because I can't bear him for a second

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I was on my room where they used to keep me before it has been two days after my birthday incident sometime Ari comes here to see me ,to pity me, sometimes to show his hate and anger towards me now I am sitting on ground hugging my knees I pressed my back on the wall for support I am really feeling sleepy they didn't allow me to sleep they party all night

My chain of thought was broken by the sound of my door opening my eyes went to the door where the large men was standing I also stood in my place my legs was hurt because they have tied my one leg with chain and as you all know me I tried to open the chains but this time also I failed and in result I hurt my leg

He comes towards me and I kept my gaze to the ground because I am afraid two guard came inside with chair they kept the chair and went out from the room

He sat there and checked out me his eyes travel from my head to my toe and then and he Stop on my face

"Come closer"he ordered

"I don't like to my repeat my words " I started taking my steps toward him and he gesture me to stop now I am standing on the middle of room he stood from his place and took steps towards me and he is standing front of me he grabbed my hairs and i winced in pain

" You dare to slap my son hm" 'son' means he is his father "you dare to slap him in front of his men's"he tightened his grip

"I a_m sor_ry" I said to him

"Sorry really " he laughed and then suddenly his expression changed in anger

"you really need punishment so you will not do this mistake again" he leaved my hair and i fell down because i am weak I didn't eat or drink anything from last 3days

They always bring food for me but I always refuse

He bent down and again his eyes travel to my eyes  my lips  my chest to  my legs he stopped where chains was tied I looked at him and then my leg where the chain was tied he is looking at it like he is trying to solve the puzzle but then suddenly I winced in pain my tears started flowing slowly my eyes went to my legs he held my leg where the chain was tied and then he tightened his grip and I screamed in pain but he didn't loosen his grip

"I am so_rry please please lea_ve please"
I  begged to him finally he left I looked at my legs and chain which was of silver colour was turned into red colour drop of blood was dripping my eyes went to him who had a smirk on his face my tears was flowing like waterfall he raised his hand and showed me his palm he took out his white napkin from his pocket he cleaned his hand which was covered with blood and he threw the napkin but his gaze was always on me he hold my jaw tightly

"you are really weak this was just trailer of you punishment" he said with smirk on his eyes

"I am sorry ple_ase le_ave m_e"

"Okay i will leave you" he said and left his grip I looked at him with shocked I know that something is going on his mind as he is the father of him they both are same heartless

"I will free you from here too, but you have to give me something in return ."

what he want from me my property ,my blood ,or directly he want to kil me

"I want your body" he caressed my face and i jerked his hand

" no" his smirk turned into anger

"I don't like to hear no" and he slapped me hard on my cheeks I felt something. Dropping from the corner of my lips and it was blood i looked at him

He called one guard and gestured him  to give something and ge gave him Whip and he rolled whip around his palm and after the second I felt a pain o my body he was whipping me I screamed on pain but he didn't stop he was saying something but couldn't understand clearly he continued whipping me until my vision got blurry blurry because i was weak blurry because i was crying I laid down on ground I lost my conscious but he didn't stopped he was shouting he was calling me bitch whore slut etc


I woke up with a headache and my body was paining I used my full power and sat on the bed I leaned my back I looked at myself I was wearing a large t shirt with comfortable short and my half of body was covered with bandage I looked around and I was on the different room it is the same room where I made my worst birthday I looked around and there was nothing no photo frame simple only one photo frame is there one  boy of something 5,6 year old who is sitting in the lap of women I think I have seen him

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