Chapter 15

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Zara's POV

I ran as fast as my feet would carry me. My calves, lungs and arms were now on fire. My brown hair was matted and whipping behind me.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know where I was. All I knew was that I had to get away from that mad house and find a town, or at least something!! I zigzagged through the unfamiliar forest, and never stopped. Where was I? How did I get here? How far from home was I?

I couldn't take it anymore. My feet hurt so badly from the grounds twigs and leaves so I needed rest. I sat down on the ground with my breath coming in short and heavy pants.

Fear was still coursing throughout every inch of my being. I was terrified. I was almost operated on by a sick freak and now I'm lost in this forest and it's almost dark.

I had no idea how long I had been running but I know that I have never been so tired in my whole life.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and hugged them close to my chest before loud and very annoying sobs escaped my mouth.

Everything hurt. My limbs were in pain. My muscles were sore and worn out. I felt like I was starving. I was so tired...

I hated crying and I didn't do it very often. Yet ever since my mom things are clearly starting to change. I couldn't help but have my thoughts drift to Ryder.

Did he know I was gone? did he even care? A small part of me knew he cared. Yet how could I be sure? My dad ran off and killed himself just when I thought he loved me and wouldn't ever leave me. Mom left me. So why wouldn't he?

I couldn't stop to ponder anymore, for I started to hear a rustling nearby. My head shot up in alarm and fear. Was someone here? Anyone? I dearly hoped so. But then again, what if it was that major freakshow who just kidnapped me!?

The rustling got worse and out of the green thickets, stood the largest dog I had ever seen. I lost my breath when I realized it was a wolf. His fur was a dark grey with a few white patches on his hind legs.

Holy hell he was huge! He was at least a few inches smaller than a damn horse! His huge lips curled into a menacing growl. I remembered my last encounter with a wolf, and wondered how I managed to see two in one life time.

The furs on his neck stood upright and his tail was outstretched. He stood tall with his ears perked forward. His brown eyes pierced through mine as a warning snarl left his chest.

I was now shaking and couldn't move a muscle. I was so petrified. This was how I was going to die? Wolf attack, of all things?

No, I couldn't have just died of old age, or get ill, or even get hit by a truck - BUT - I die by getting eaten by an overly sized wolf!?

I took a hesitant step back as the wolf moved his fore paw to take a step.

"You can kill me if you really want to," I whispered. I mean, if it was really my time, then hell I guess I had to go although I hate the idea just as much as a teenager hates Mondays.

As if the beast understood my words, his attacking stance transformed into a friendly looking one. Really? Just like that? His snarl dropped and his once bristled fur morphed into a smoother state. It reminded me of the wolf I met weeks ago when school started.

Suddenly, the wolf lifted his head and started to howl. At this point, my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Was it calling on its friends to help finish the job? Now I was terrified.

The wolf stopped it's symphonic howl and just stared at me afterwards. I could almost taste the tension. One wrong move and it could easily tear through me with his claws sharper than nails.

After at least five seconds of the intense and scary stare down the sound of footsteps approached. Was someone here to save me? Hope sparked throughout every fiber of my being.

Suddenly, two men appeared. Both were shirtless and were about my age but they looked older with the way their abs were just jutting out of his stomach region.

One had brown hair which swayed to the left in a Justin Bieber kind of way. His gentle golden eyes told me he was kind. The one next to him had the same shocked look. His black hair was in a buzz cut and his tanned body also stood out.

Who were they and why aren't they running? How'd they even get here?!

"W-why aren't you guys r-running?" I stuttered, catching my breath.

They both smiled deviously.

"There's obviously a lot you don't know." the one with brown hair said. I spared a glance at the wolf who turned its huge back and started to walk off. What?!?!?

"I'm Justin and this is my cousin, Cade." the brown haired one said. Well that was very ironic now wasn't it?

"Zara. What are you two doing out here?" I couldn't help but ask. They both seemed unsure of how to reply.

"Uh... You should come with us. We'll explain everything ok?" Cade spoke to me as if I were a child.

"No way! I don't know you people! You could be weirdos for all I know! Why didn't that wolf attack you?! Why was it so big?? Where the hell am I?!?!" I was screaming by now. The panic was really getting to me.

"Calm down crouching tiger! If you just come with us then we will explain everything. We aren't weirdos. We live around here. You're the one yelling!" Justin hissed whilst pouting. Cade rolled his eyes.

"Look we have a phone. You can call who ever you need." Cade added. My eyes widened.

"How do I know you aren't kidnappers?!"

"Ugh, we're not, Jesus!" Justin hissed.

"No wierdness?" I asked, eying them each. They nodded in irritation

I sighed. What the hell did I have to lose?


The walk with them consisted of a lot of jokes surprising. Justin and Cade fought over the dumbest stuff but it was so funny to watch. They were even arguing about tree colors and height. They're so competitive. I also found Justin is the funny, out there, always crack a joke person. Whereas his cousin was a bit more reserved and only spoke when spoken to.

Finally, we came to one of the largest houses I've ever seen. It was beautiful and just planted right here in this forest.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." Justin remarked with a smirk. I immediately shut my mouth and openly ogled this gorgeous mansion.

They each led me to the front door and opened it, allowing me to go in first. I stepped in and gasped. The house was just as gorgeous inside like how it was on the outside!! The furniture was mainly white and grey, soothing and calm colors. Something told me Justin didn't pick them out.

"Justin, Cade!" A female voice rung out from around the corner. I followed the cousins down the hall and into a kitchen.

"What did the Alpha want?" A girl with blonde hair asked, while her back was towards us. Who's Alpha? Or what is it?

"Uh, Tilly," Justin cleared his throat. The girl with long blonde hair turned around with such speed I nearly got a whip lash.

"She's human," Tilly said as she eyed me up and down with scorn. I wrinkled my nose. That was an odd thing to say.

"You don't say?" I retorted. I realize that might have been a dumb thing to say because this house was the only thing keeping me alive and I needed that phone.

A smile lit up her face. "Touché" she replied.

"I'm Tilly, Justin's m-... girlfriend..?" It almost seemed like she didn't know what to say and it almost came out as a question. Justin appeared from behind me and ran up to the blonde girl, wrapping his arms around her and placing a light kiss on her neck.

Immediately my thoughts raced to Ryder. Then I thought of our kiss and how much I wanted that right now. Tilly blushed before lightly pushing him away.

"Down boy!" She hollered before hitting him with a spatula. He gasped and feigned hurt.

"Tilly, this is Zara. Alpha found her in the woods." Cade said aloud. Tilly gasped.

"She doesn't know, does she?" She asked. I was about to pull my hair out!

"Listen Zara, I don't know you very well, hell none of us know you very well, but now we have to talk." Cade spoke to me, getting serious. I nodded.

"Where am I?" I asked. They all exchanged looks.

"Well you're in a region called Moonlight Pack." Tilly spoke. Pack? Like a pack of wolves? Eh well it made sense considering that huge wolf today.

"When we tell you this, you must promise not to tell ANYONE. You're not going to believe us but you need to know." Justin spoke. What did I just so badly need to know?

"I've been through hell and back today so gimme your best shot." I say with confidence. Again the trio shares a look.

"Well, shit I'll just say it. Scientifically, we're lycanthropes. Werewolves. " Tilly said while playing with her skirt. I frown.

"Hilarious guys. So what do I really need to know?" I replied with annoyance. I didn't have time for these kinds of games.The group a groaned in unison.

"Told you she wouldn't believe us." Justin said while glaring at Cade. I scowled at him.

"It's true Zara. That wolf you saw was our Alpha. Our leader. Alpha Bryan." Cade said to me. His eyes were nothing but sincere. What the hell? Werewolves aren't real? They only exist in books, fairy tales and such!

"You expect me to believe you?" I asked in irritation. Tilly nodded.

"Cade..." Tilly looked hopelessly at Cade. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Cade brought his arms to his side and started to take deep breaths. Something crackled in his spine, making me clutch my mouth in horror.

It all happened in the blink of an eye but to me it was all slow motion. His bones all cracked and made a heart stopping crunch multiple times. Tiny hairs grew from his neck down to his legs and his head shook rigorously as it morphed.

In front of me stood a grey wolf with the size a horse. My brain was taking on too much before I leg out an ear piercing scream, and the colors of the world faded to black.


I felt warmth surrounding me as I snuggled into the heat.

Then, the events came crashing over me like a tidal wave. My eyes shot open and a new fear engulfed me. I saw I was on a couch with a large cotton blanket enveloping my body like a cocoon.

"Don't freak out!" A voice said. I turned to it and saw Tilly sitting down on the ground with Justin and their hands in a tangle.

"Was it real?" Was all I could manage. Cade. He .. He turned into a wolf before my very eyes.

"Yes." Justin said with a sad frown.

"Are you guys werewolves too?" I whispered in a shaky voice. They both nodded.

"Why would you tell me that? Why was it so important?" I asked silently as I stared at the grey rug.

"Are you aware of what a soulmate is?" Justin asked. I did know what it was but I didn't know about how it worked and such. What did that have to do with me? I quickly shook my head no. They each sighed again.

"We can't tell you that yet. We are so sorry you had to find out like that. You just needed to know." Tilly said with haste.

"I just ... everything seems different about the world now. I can't even .. I don't understand," I couldn't even say it. I can't believe this is happening to me. These things weren't real, and I just witnessed it. What is going on?

"Our Alpha - Bryan - called a neighboring Alpha nearby who knows you. Ryder Black sound familiar?" Justin asked.

My heart skipped two beats at the mention of his name for two reasons. Was he a wolf too? And God I wanted to be in his arms.

"He's an... Alpha?" I asked. I felt betrayal and hurt sank into my body. He lied to me. I barely knew these people yet they told me first chance they got. Why did I feel my heart pang so badly? I haven't known Ryder that long yet the betrayal I felt was painful.

Then again, with a secret like that, I suppose it's practical to not tell me. I mean if it was me I guess I wouldn't spill. However I thought we were close. I guess that's why it hurt so much.

"Why can't you tell me why I needed to know so badly?" I pressed. Justin looked towards Tilly for help.

"It's not our place to say..." She said with a frown. I angrily groaned.

"Oh so it is your place to reveal that Werewolves are fucking real!? You're not supposed to exist!" I spat out. Now my anger was soaring. Who the hell did these people think they were?!

"Listen!" Tilly yelled. I shrunk back, afraid she'd shift and attack me. She recoiled as though she's been hit with a brick. Now I felt bad. I didn't mean to offend her.

"Zara, you're important to a lot of people right now. Especially Ryder Black. We didn't hurt you because he needs you and so do we. Us Werwolves, need you. Yeah I know it's a lot to take in but you're just going to have to cope." Tilly hissed. Justin put a hand on her thigh before she started to calm down.

I couldn't process any of this crazy talk.

"In the meantime,  Alpha  Bryan is out right now but asked us to care for you until Ryder gets here." Justin intervened. I nodded numbly.

"Well I'm starving. Let's cook something!" Justin replied. I nodded as they led me to the kitchen.

"Where's Cade?" I asked as I sat on a stool. Tilly got out a few pans as she prepared ingredients.

"He's the Beta so he's doing runs with Alpha Blake." He explained. I quirked an eyebrow.

"She doesn't know retard." Tilly said with the roll of her eyes. Justin let out a feral noise deep in his throat. Was that a growl?? I gasped. I heard Ryder often make that noise.

"His second in command." Justin explained in irritation. I rolled my eyes. "Well how the hell am I supposed to know that?" I snap. 

We stayed quiet a little bit longer until finally Tilly spoke up.

"I hope you like pasta." She said with a proud smile. I grinned and the thought of food provokes my inner whale noises. We all laughed in unison.

"Well I'll take that as a yes." Tilly said as she prepared plates, Justin helping her with the tableware. I blushed. I wasn't really used to this. I didn't make friends often - or ever for that matter. But now here I was, finally turning the tables.

"You know, we go to the same highschool as you." Justin said with a grin. My eyes widened. I'd never seen them around, so what the heck?

"I don't remember ever seeing you guys." I replied. Justin smirked. "Well it's only like your first week so . . ." He trailed off and sat on the stool next to me, eyeing the delicious angel haired pasta.

The sight of it made my mouth water. Immediately, I took the fork off the side of the plate and devoured the food as if my life had depended on it.

I savored each flavored noodle as it swam down my throat, the sauce helping add some kick. I stopped eating after realizing the plate was now empty, and my stomach was now full.

"Jeeze, for a human you eat like one of us!!" Justin teased. I smiled, but felt a little embarrassed. After eating and helping Tilly out with the dishes, we all decided that as we wait for Ryder, we all should watch a movie.

"I vote Nemo!" Tilly screamed.

"Ew not that shit again Tilly! I vote Pacific Rim!!" Justin hollered. I frowned at both their choices.

"How about Hunger?" I asked. They stared at me like I'd grown a second head.

"The heck is that?" Tilly asked. I bit my lip. It was a rather disturbing horror film.

"Ok . . . well all these adults are kidnapped and put in an underground cavern for about 30 days without food or water and are being tested by some sicko in a lab to see who will start to turn cannibalism first. It's really good." I said with a happy grin. Tilly and Justin's face dropped when I said the summary. They recoiled and looked like they'd each vomit.

"How does one turn cannibalism? That is so disgusting." Tilly regarded as she faked throwing up. I frowned. "Ok, the description sucked but you gotta give it a chance!" I hissed.

"But that's so . . . horrible." Justin said, unsure of what to say.

"Oh what, like you guys do any different?" I say, letting the words easily slip out of my mouth. Tilly's joking mood subsides into one of hurt, and now Justin looks pissed off. I can't believe I could have been so insensitive! 

"We do NOT eat humans or other wolves! It's demeaning and proves that people are arrogant for thinking so! Maybe normal wolves eat people, but us shifters actually have a soul!!" Justin shouted, getting all worked up.

"I'm so sorry . . the words just slipped out. I didn't mean it." I replied, looking at my feet in shame. 

"It's okay." Tilly said as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Justin, she knows nothing of our culture. Our ways, the way we do things and how we do them or even why we do them! She's handling things very well actually." Tilly exclaimed after letting me go. His face finally returned to one of calmness. He nodded in acknowledgement and grinned ear to ear. Man, talk about bipolar. 

"How about Paranormal Activity?" He asked. I smiled. That was one good movie. 


I stared at the room around the three of us. Popcorn was all over the ground, whipcream was splashed in my hair, along with Tilly's. Candy was stuck in my shirt and soda was dripping off of Justin. You see, we got incredibly bored after the movie started and Justin made a comment on how the movie sucked, so I threw popcorn . . . and well . . . you know the rest. 

Tilly played the innocent card, then the flirtatious card.

"Justin." She purred, wrapping her arms around his neck. His eyes widened.

"Yeah?" He asked, clearly shocked.

"I'm not feeling very good, and I'm super tired, and so is Zara." She said, making a pouty face.

"Do you need anything? Medicine? Coffee? What can I do for you sweetheart?" He asked, seeming so loving and caring. Gosh they were so adorable even if they always argued. 

"I can't clean up this mess in my condition. I'm not feeling good at all. Zara's tired. We'd help but . . . I'm about to pass out." She said in a low and seductive voice. I nearly  rolled on the ground laughing as Justin struggled to find the right words.

"Uh . .I mean - uh . . Uh- uhh I . ." He stammered. I bit my cheek to keep from laughing. He suddenly looked over at me, and I feigned a nice and very believable yawn to back up Tilly. Oh gosh she was getting a kick out of this wasn't she?

Tilly's blonde hair swished behind her as she stood up on her tippy toes and hovered above his lips. She lightly traced her hand down his chest, and near his lower abdomen.

"S-sure, I'll clean it up." He said as the torture became unbearable. She smiled and placed a feather light kiss on his nose before getting off and grabbing me, leading me into a room with a large smirk plastered on her face. Before we closed the door we heard Justin utter curse words to himself.

"I can't believe that worked!!" I said while clutching my stomach and laughing on the bed, Tilly doing the same right next to me.

"It works all the time!!" She said in between laughs. After a minute or two, we finally gained composure.

"Looks like Ryder will be here in about 20 minutes. Are you ready to go?" Tilly asked, getting serious. I nodded. I felt this immense need for his large arms to wrap around my small waist, and never let go. I didn't want or like to be out of his arms. I felt safer in his embrace. I was still agitated with the way things went down and how he somewhat kept it a secret, but for now, I felt a craving for him. I didn't know why it was so strong. Just that I needed him.

Tilly and I laid down on the bed and talked about numerous things. School, wolves, packs, hunting, positions and rituals. It was so much to process. I couldn't take any more of the torturous information before my heavy eyes closed.


There was chattering going on. I didn't know who was talking but it was loud enough to wake me up. My position was different, and I found it more comfortable. It was like there was a large warmth spreading into my body. Like something was filling my empty shell. I knew this feeling and immediately my eyes shot open.

I looked up to see a strong jaw frame. I pushed into a rock hard chest with nothing but a black shirt in between us.

"Ryder . . ." I whispered looking up. Ryder looked down, tears weld up in his eyes. 

"Oh Angel, I'm so sorry!" He said before he dug his head into the crook of my neck. He inhaled deeply before waiting a second.

"I never should have left you in that room by yourself after you blacked out! Maybe if I didn't kiss you then none of this would have happened! I never should have put you in danger like that and I'm so sorry! I searched for you alll over but I couldn't find you anywhere and I didn't know what could have happened to you and I swear it will never happen again and I will never put you that kind of jeopardy and I'm so sorry and-"

"Ryder! Hush boy! Calm down! Please!" I said, hushing him. His sorrowful blue eyes stared into mine. 

"For one, I'm glad you kissed me. I regret nothing. Two, nothing was your fault. Things like this rarely happen, but they do happen and it happened to me. Three, you really looked for me . . .?" I asked. His eyes widened.

"I never stopped looking." And with that, my heart swelled at his words.

"Ok . . . and you have major explaining to do dog boy." I said with a bitterness. He looked like he'd been shot in the face with a gun that shoots bricks at people. He sighed and bit his lip, making him look younger and as if he'd been caught stealing a cookie from the junk drawer.

"I was going to tell you. But you blacked out and then you dissapeared. I'm so sorry you had to find out like that. I wanted to tell you, so badly. But if I told you, you'd think I was crazy. You wouldn't give me a chance. You'd think I was a weirdo." He replied looking sad.

"You are a weirdo." I reply in short. He chuckles, a sound I've greatly missed. 

"I am." He replied.

"Another thing. You're an Alpha? And why was it so important that they tell me your little secret?" I asked as we neared a large car, which I'm assuming is his. It was the jeep. He opened up the door, although I loved having him carry me bridal style, and gently set me in. He closed the door with a slam and walked around to his side.

"I'll explain everything after you've had some rest. You've been through a lot today, and tomorrow is another big day. Get some sleep Angel." Ryder said as he started up the car. 

"I'm not tired!" I shouted, but of course, I yawned and my eyelids drooped.

"Yeah huh." He said with a smirk.

"What if this is all a dream, and when I wake up, I'll be in that scary man's office and you'll be gone?" I asked. Ryder's nostrils flared as if he were angry and his grip tightened on the steering wheel. Did I make him angry? If so, how??

"Whoever that bastard was, he will NOT be touching you, seeing you or even thinking of you ever again. I can very much assure you that when you wake up, I'll be right next to you and everything will be sorted out. For now, goodnight Angel. I'll see you in the morning." And with those final words, a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders and I let my eyes droop, allowing darkness to consume me in a peaceful manner.


She knows! She found out in a weird way too! I tried to make it different from other books. I'm so tired. I will update all other books TOMORROW!

Thanks for reading stayyy tuuuned!





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